How to use the h2o.verboseprint function in h2o

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few h2o examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github h2oai / h2o-2 / py / testdir_multi_jvm / View on Github external
def test_Cloud(self):
        # FIX! weird timeout H2O exceptions with >8? maybe shouldn't
        # don't know if we care
        ports_per_node = 2
        tryNodes = 5
        for trial in range(10):
            h2o.verboseprint("Trying cloud of", tryNodes)

            start = time.time()
            h2o.init(tryNodes, retryDelaySecs=2, timeoutSecs=max(30,10*tryNodes), java_heap_GB=1)
            print "trial #%d: Build cloud of %d in %d secs" % (trial, tryNodes, (time.time() - start))

if __name__ == '__main__':
github h2oai / h2o-2 / py / testdir_single_jvm / View on Github external
def changeTokens(self,rows,tokenCase):
        [cOpen,cClose] = self.tokenChangeDict[tokenCase]
        newRows = []
        for r in rows:
            # don't quote lines that start with #
            # can quote lines start with some spaces or tabs? maybe
            comment = re.match(r'^[ \t]*#', r)
            empty = re.match(r'^$',r)
            if not (comment or empty):
                r = re.sub('^',cOpen,r)
                r = re.sub('\|',cClose + '|' + cOpen,r)
                r = re.sub('$',cClose,r)
        return newRows
github h2oai / h2o-2 / py / testdir_single_jvm / View on Github external
csvFilename = 'syn_' + "binary" + "_" + str(rowCount) + 'x' + str(colCount) + '.csv'
            csvPathname = SYNDATASETS_DIR + '/' + csvFilename

            print "Creating random", csvPathname
            write_syn_dataset(csvPathname, rowCount, colCount, expectedMin, expectedMax, SEEDPERFILE)
            csvPathnameFull = h2i.find_folder_and_filename(None, csvPathname, returnFullPath=True)
            parseResult = h2i.import_parse(path=csvPathname, schema='put', hex_key=hex_key, timeoutSecs=30, doSummary=False)
            print "Parse result['destination_key']:", parseResult['destination_key']

            inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(None, parseResult['destination_key'])
            print "\n" + csvFilename
            numRows = inspect["numRows"]
            numCols = inspect["numCols"]

            summaryResult = h2o_cmd.runSummary(key=hex_key)
            h2o.verboseprint("summaryResult:", h2o.dump_json(summaryResult))

            # only one column
            column = summaryResult['summaries'][0]

            colname = column['colname']
            self.assertEqual(colname, expected[0])

            coltype = column['type']
            nacnt = column['nacnt']
            stats = column['stats']
            stattype= stats['type']

            # FIX! we should compare mean and sd to expected?
            mean = stats['mean']
            sd = stats['sd']
            print "colname:", colname, "mean (2 places):", h2o_util.twoDecimals(mean)
github h2oai / h2o-2 / py / testdir_multi_jvm / View on Github external
def parseFile(self, bucket, pathname, timeoutSecs, header, **kwargs):
        # this can get redirected
        if USE_LOCAL: 
            schema = None
            schema = 's3n'

        start = time.time()
        parseResult = h2i.import_parse(bucket=bucket, path=pathname, schema='local', timeoutSecs=180)
        parse_time = time.time() - start 
        h2o.verboseprint("parse took {0} sec".format(parse_time))
        parseResult['python_call_timer'] = parse_time
        return parseResult
github h2oai / h2o-2 / py / testdir_ec2 / View on Github external
def parseS3File(self, s3bucket, filename, **kwargs):
        start      = time.time()
        parseResult   = h2o_cmd.parseS3File(bucket=s3bucket, filename=filename, **kwargs)
        parse_time = time.time() - start 
        h2o.verboseprint("py-S3 parse took {0} sec".format(parse_time))
        parseResult['python_call_timer'] = parse_time
        return parseResult
github h2oai / h2o-2 / py / testdir_hosts / View on Github external
def test_B_putfile_and_getfile_to_all_nodes(self):
        csvfile = file_to_put()
        nodeTry = 0
        for node in h2o.nodes:
            h2o.verboseprint("put_file", csvfile, "to", node)
            key = node.put_file(csvfile)
            h2o.verboseprint("put_file ok for node", nodeTry)
            print "starting get_key..this is the same as the original source?"
            r      = node.get_key(key)
            f      = open(csvfile)
            self.diff(r, f)
            h2o.verboseprint("put_file filesize ok")
            nodeTry += 1
github h2oai / h2o-2 / py / testdir_single_jvm / View on Github external
str(set) + "_" + \
                        str(eolCase) + "_" + \
                        str(tokenCase) + "_" + \
                        str(sepCase) + \
                    if "'" in self.tokenChangeDict[tokenCase][0]:
                        single_quotes = 1
                        single_quotes = 0
                    parseResult = h2i.import_parse(path=csvPathname, schema='put', single_quotes=single_quotes,
                        noPrint=not h2o.verbose)

                    if DO_RF:
                        h2o_cmd.runRF(parseResult=parseResult, trees=1, timeoutSecs=30, retryDelaySecs=0.1)
                    h2o.verboseprint("Set", set)
github h2oai / h2o-2 / py / testdir_single_jvm / View on Github external
parseResult = h2i.import_parse(bucket='smalldata', path=csvPathname,
                schema='put', hex_key=hex_key, timeoutSecs=10, doSummary=False)

            print "Parse result['destination_key']:", parseResult['destination_key']

            # We should be able to see the parse result?
            inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(None, parseResult['destination_key'])
            print "\n" + csvFilename

            numRows = inspect["numRows"]
            numCols = inspect["numCols"]

            # okay to get more cols than we want
            # okay to vary MAX_QBINS because we adjust the expected accuracy
            summaryResult = h2o_cmd.runSummary(key=hex_key, max_qbins=MAX_QBINS)
            h2o.verboseprint("summaryResult:", h2o.dump_json(summaryResult))
            summaries = summaryResult['summaries']

            scipyCol = 0
            for expected, column in zip(expectedCols, summaries):
                colname = column['colname']
                if expected[0]:
                    self.assertEqual(colname, expected[0]), colname, expected[0]
                    # if the colname is None, skip it (so we don't barf on strings on the h2o quantile page
                    scipyCol += 1

                quantile = 0.5 if DO_MEDIAN else .999
                # h2o has problem if a list of columns (or dictionary) is passed to 'column' param
                q = h2o.nodes[0].quantiles(source_key=hex_key, column=column['colname'],
                    quantile=quantile, max_qbins=MAX_QBINS, multiple_pass=2, interpolation_type=7) # for comparing to summary2
github h2oai / h2o-2 / py / testdir_single_jvm / View on Github external
csvPathname = SYNDATASETS_DIR + '/' + csvFilename

            print "Creating random", csvPathname
            write_syn_dataset(csvPathname, rowCount, colCount, expectedMin, expectedMax, SEEDPERFILE)
            csvPathnameFull = h2i.find_folder_and_filename(None, csvPathname, returnFullPath=True)
            parseResult = h2i.import_parse(path=csvPathname, schema='put', hex_key=hex_key, timeoutSecs=60, doSummary=False)
            print "Parse result['destination_key']:", parseResult['destination_key']

            inspect = h2o_cmd.runInspect(None, parseResult['destination_key'])
            print "\n" + csvFilename

            numRows = inspect["numRows"]
            numCols = inspect["numCols"]

            summaryResult = h2o_cmd.runSummary(key=hex_key, max_qbins=MAX_QBINS)
            h2o.verboseprint("summaryResult:", h2o.dump_json(summaryResult))

            # only one column
            column = summaryResult['summaries'][0]
            colname = column['colname']
            self.assertEqual(colname, expected[0])

            coltype = column['type']
            nacnt = column['nacnt']

            stats = column['stats']
            stattype= stats['type']

            # FIX! we should compare mean and sd to expected?
            mean = stats['mean']
            sd = stats['sd']
github h2oai / h2o-2 / py / View on Github external
# assume the remote user has a /home/ (linux targets?)
    # This only affects import folder path name generation by python tests
    if paramsToUse['username']:
        paramsToUse['h2o_remote_buckets_root'] = "/home/" + paramsToUse['username']

    h2o.verboseprint("All build_cloud_with_hosts params:", paramsToUse)

    global hosts
    # Update: special case paramsToUse['ip'] = [""] and use the normal build_cloud
    # this allows all the tests in testdir_host to be run with a special config that points to
    # hosts should be None for everyone if normal build_cloud is desired
    if paramsToUse['ip']== [""]:
        hosts = None
        h2o.verboseprint("About to RemoteHost, likely bad ip if hangs")
        hosts = []
        for h in paramsToUse['ip']:
            h2o.verboseprint("Connecting to:", h)
            # expand any ~ or ~user in the string
            key_filename = paramsToUse['key_filename']
            if key_filename: # don't try to expand if None
                username=paramsToUse['username'], password=paramsToUse['password'], key_filename=key_filename))

    # done with these, don't pass to build_cloud
    paramsToUse.pop('ip') # this was the list of ip's from the config file, replaced by 'hosts' to build_cloud

    # we want to save username in the node info. don't pop
    # paramsToUse.pop('username')