How to use gwcs - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gwcs examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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            If the WCS is not 2D, an exception will be raised. If the specified accuracy
            (both forward and inverse, both rms and maximum) is not achieved an exception
            will be raised.


        Use of this requires a judicious choice of required accuracies. Attempts to use
        higher degrees (~7 or higher) will typically fail due floating point problems
        that arise with high powers.

        if not isinstance(self.output_frame, cf.CelestialFrame):
            raise ValueError(
                "The to_fits_sip method only works with celestial frame transforms")

        transform = self.forward_transform
        # Determine reference points.
        if bounding_box is None and self.bounding_box is None:
            raise ValueError("A bounding_box is needed to proceed.")
        if bounding_box is None:
            bounding_box = self.bounding_box

        (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax) = bounding_box
        crpix1 = (xmax - xmin) // 2
        crpix2 = (ymax - ymin) // 2
        crval1, crval2 = transform(crpix1, crpix2)
        hdr = fits.Header()
        hdr['naxis'] = 2
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def _tpcorr_init(v2_ref, v3_ref, roll_ref):
        s2c = SphericalToCartesian(name='s2c', wrap_lon_at=180)
        c2s = CartesianToSpherical(name='c2s', wrap_lon_at=180)

        unit_conv = Scale(1.0 / 3600.0, name='arcsec_to_deg_1D')
        unit_conv = unit_conv & unit_conv = 'arcsec_to_deg_2D'

        unit_conv_inv = Scale(3600.0, name='deg_to_arcsec_1D')
        unit_conv_inv = unit_conv_inv & unit_conv_inv = 'deg_to_arcsec_2D'

        affine = AffineTransformation2D(name='tp_affine')
        affine_inv = AffineTransformation2D(name='tp_affine_inv')

        rot = RotationSequence3D(
            [v2_ref, -v3_ref, roll_ref],
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def _tpcorr_init(v2_ref, v3_ref, roll_ref):
        s2c = SphericalToCartesian(name='s2c', wrap_lon_at=180)
        c2s = CartesianToSpherical(name='c2s', wrap_lon_at=180)

        unit_conv = Scale(1.0 / 3600.0, name='arcsec_to_deg_1D')
        unit_conv = unit_conv & unit_conv = 'arcsec_to_deg_2D'

        unit_conv_inv = Scale(3600.0, name='deg_to_arcsec_1D')
        unit_conv_inv = unit_conv_inv & unit_conv_inv = 'deg_to_arcsec_2D'

        affine = AffineTransformation2D(name='tp_affine')
        affine_inv = AffineTransformation2D(name='tp_affine_inv')

        rot = RotationSequence3D(
            [v2_ref, -v3_ref, roll_ref],
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def tabular_wcs(xarray):

    coordinateframe = cf.CoordinateFrame(naxes=1, axes_type=('SPECTRAL',),
    specframe = cf.SpectralFrame(unit=xarray.unit, axes_order=(0,))
    transform = Tabular1D(np.arange(len(xarray)), xarray.value)

    tabular_gwcs = gwcs.wcs.WCS([(coordinateframe, transform), (specframe, None)])

    return tabular_gwcs
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def _get_frame_index(self, frame):
        Return the index in the pipeline where this frame is locate.
        if isinstance(frame, coordinate_frames.CoordinateFrame):
            frame =
        frame_names = [getattr(item[0], "name", item[0]) for item in self._pipeline]
        return frame_names.index(frame)
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if isinstance(coords[0], time.Time):
            ref_value = self.reference_frame.value
            if not isinstance(ref_value, np.ndarray):
                return (coords[0] - self.reference_frame).to(self.unit[0])
                # If we can't convert to a quantity just drop the object out
                # and hope the transform can cope.
                return coords[0]
        # Is already a quantity
        elif hasattr(coords[0], 'unit'):
            return coords[0]
            raise ValueError("Can not convert {} to Quantity".format(coords[0]))

class CompositeFrame(CoordinateFrame):
    Represents one or more frames.

    frames : list
        List of frames (TemporalFrame, CelestialFrame, SpectralFrame, CoordinateFrame).
    name : str
        Name for this frame.


    def __init__(self, frames, name=None):
        self._frames = frames[:]
        naxes = sum([frame._naxes for frame in self._frames])
        axes_type = list(range(naxes))
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def from_array(array):
        Create a new WCS from provided tabular data. This defaults to being
        a GWCS object.
        array = u.Quantity(array)

        coord_frame = cf.CoordinateFrame(naxes=1,
        spec_frame = cf.SpectralFrame(unit=array.unit, axes_order=(0,))
        forward_transform = Tabular1D(np.arange(len(array)), array.value)
        forward_transform.inverse = Tabular1D(array.value, np.arange(len(array)))

        tabular_gwcs = gwcs.wcs.WCS(forward_transform=forward_transform,

        return WCSWrapper(wcs=tabular_gwcs)
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return StokesProfile(out.item())
        elif nans.all():
            return np.array(out, dtype=float)
        return out

    def __new__(cls, content):
        content = str(content)
        if content not in cls.profiles.keys():
            raise ValueError(f"The profile name must be one of {cls.profiles.keys()} not {content}")
        return str.__new__(cls, content)

    def value(self):
        return self.profiles[self]

class StokesFrame(CoordinateFrame):
    A coordinate frame for representing stokes polarisation states

    name : str
        Name of this frame.

    def __init__(self, axes_order=(0,), name=None):
        super(StokesFrame, self).__init__(1, ["STOKES"], axes_order, name=name,

    def _world_axis_object_classes(self):
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def from_tree(cls, node, ctx):
        node = cls._from_tree(node, ctx)
        return CoordinateFrame(**node)
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return coords

    def axis_physical_types(self):
        return self._axis_physical_types

    def _world_axis_object_components(self):
        raise NotImplementedError(f"This method is not implemented for {type(self)}")

    def _world_axis_object_classes(self):
        raise NotImplementedError(f"This method is not implemented for {type(self)}")

class CelestialFrame(CoordinateFrame):
    Celestial Frame Representation

    axes_order : tuple of int
        A dimension in the input data that corresponds to this axis.
    reference_frame : astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames
        A reference frame.
    unit : str or units.Unit instance or iterable of those
        Units on axes.
    axes_names : list
        Names of the axes in this frame.
    name : str
        Name of this frame.