How to use the gstools.krige.Ordinary function in gstools

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gstools examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github GeoStat-Framework / GSTools / tests / View on Github external
def test_ordinary(self):
        for trend_func in [None, trend]:
            for Model in self.cov_models:
                for dim in self.dims:
                    model = Model(
                        anis=[0.9, 0.8],
                        angles=[2, 1, 0.5],
                    ordinary = krige.Ordinary(
                        model, self.cond_pos[:dim], self.cond_val, trend_func
                    field_1, __ = ordinary.unstructured(self.grids[dim - 1])
                    field_1 = field_1.reshape(self.grid_shape[:dim])
                    field_2, __ = ordinary.structured(self.pos[:dim])
                        np.max(np.abs(field_1 - field_2)), 0.0, places=2
                    for i, val in enumerate(self.cond_val):
                            field_1[self.data_idx[:dim]][i], val, places=2
github GeoStat-Framework / GSTools / gstools / field / View on Github external
    if srf._value_type != "scalar":
        raise ValueError("Conditioned SRF: only scalar fields allowed.")
    krige_ok = Ordinary(
        model=srf.model, cond_pos=srf.cond_pos, cond_val=srf.cond_val
    krige_field, krige_var = krige_ok(srf.pos, srf.mesh_type)

    # evaluate the field at the conditional points
    x, y, z = pos2xyz(srf.cond_pos, max_dim=srf.model.dim)
    if srf.model.do_rotation:
        x, y, z = unrotate_mesh(srf.model.dim, srf.model.angles, x, y, z)
    y, z = make_isotropic(srf.model.dim, srf.model.anis, y, z)
    err_data = srf.generator.__call__(x, y, z, "unstructured")

    err_ok = Ordinary(
        model=srf.model, cond_pos=srf.cond_pos, cond_val=err_data
    err_field, __ = err_ok(srf.pos, srf.mesh_type)
    cond_field = srf.raw_field + krige_field - err_field
    info = {"mean": krige_ok.mean}
    return cond_field, krige_field, err_field, krige_var, info
github GeoStat-Framework / GSTools / gstools / field / View on Github external
The spatial random field class containing all information

    cond_field : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        the conditioned field
    krige_field : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        the kriged field
    err_field : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        the error field to set the given random field to zero at the conditions
    krige_var : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        the variance of the kriged field
    if srf._value_type != "scalar":
        raise ValueError("Conditioned SRF: only scalar fields allowed.")
    krige_ok = Ordinary(
        model=srf.model, cond_pos=srf.cond_pos, cond_val=srf.cond_val
    krige_field, krige_var = krige_ok(srf.pos, srf.mesh_type)

    # evaluate the field at the conditional points
    x, y, z = pos2xyz(srf.cond_pos, max_dim=srf.model.dim)
    if srf.model.do_rotation:
        x, y, z = unrotate_mesh(srf.model.dim, srf.model.angles, x, y, z)
    y, z = make_isotropic(srf.model.dim, srf.model.anis, y, z)
    err_data = srf.generator.__call__(x, y, z, "unstructured")

    err_ok = Ordinary(
        model=srf.model, cond_pos=srf.cond_pos, cond_val=err_data
    err_field, __ = err_ok(srf.pos, srf.mesh_type)
    cond_field = srf.raw_field + krige_field - err_field
github GeoStat-Framework / GSTools / examples / 05_kriging / View on Github external
def trend(x):
    """Example for a simple linear trend."""
    return x * 0.1 + 1

# synthetic condtions with trend/drift
drift_model = Gaussian(dim=1, var=0.1, len_scale=2)
drift = SRF(drift_model, seed=101)
cond_pos = np.linspace(0.1, 8, 10)
cond_val = drift(cond_pos) + trend(cond_pos)
# resulting grid
gridx = np.linspace(0.0, 15.0, 151)
drift_field = drift(gridx) + trend(gridx)
# kriging
model = Gaussian(dim=1, var=0.1, len_scale=2)
krig_trend = krige.Ordinary(model, cond_pos, cond_val, trend)
ax = krig_trend.plot()
ax.scatter(cond_pos, cond_val, color="k", zorder=10, label="Conditions")
ax.plot(gridx, trend(gridx), ":", label="linear trend")
ax.plot(gridx, drift_field, "--", label="original field")