How to use the gramex.config.app_log function in gramex

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gramex examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github gramener / gramex / gramex / transforms / View on Github external
for field, source in fields.items():
        if not isinstance(field, six.string_types):
            app_log.error('flattener:%s: key %s is not a str', filename, field)
        if isinstance(source, six.string_types):
            target = 'obj'
            if source:
                for item in source.split('.'):
                    target += ('[%s]' if item.isdigit() else '[%r]') % item
            assign(field, target, catch_errors=True)
        elif source is True:
            assign(field, 'obj')
        elif isinstance(source, int) and not isinstance(source, bool):
            assign(field, 'obj[%d]' % source, catch_errors=True)
            app_log.error('flattener:%s: value %s is not a str/int', filename, source)
    body.append('\treturn r')
    code = compile(''.join(body), filename='flattener:%s' % filename, mode='exec')
    context = {'AttrDict': AttrDict, 'default': default}
    eval(code, context)     # nosec - code constructed entirely in this function
    return context[filename]
github gramener / gramex / gramex / services / View on Github external
- ``cookies.key`` => ``request.cookies[key].value``
    - ``args.key`` => ``handler.args[key]`` joined with a comma.
    - ``user.key`` => ``handler.current_user[key]`` as str

    Invalid key strings are ignored with a warning. If all key strings are
    invalid, the default cache.key of ``request.uri`` is used.
    default_key = 'request.uri'
    keys = conf.get('key', default_key)
    if not isinstance(keys, list):
        keys = [keys]
    key_getters = []
    for key in keys:
        parts = key.split('.', 2)
        if len(parts) < 2:
            app_log.warning('url: %s: ignoring invalid cache key %s', name, key)
        # convert second part into a Python string representation
        val = repr(parts[1])
        if parts[0] == 'request':
            key_getters.append('u(getattr(request, %s, missing))' % val)
        elif parts[0].startswith('header'):
            key_getters.append('request.headers.get(%s, missing)' % val)
        elif parts[0].startswith('cookie'):
                'request.cookies[%s].value if %s in request.cookies else missing' % (val, val))
        elif parts[0].startswith('user'):
            key_getters.append('u(handler.current_user.get(%s, missing)) '
                               'if handler.current_user else missing' % val)
        elif parts[0].startswith('arg'):
            key_getters.append('argsep.join(handler.args.get(%s, [missing]))' % val)
github gramener / gramex / gramex / handlers / View on Github external
def set_format(self, fmt, meta):
        # Identify format to render in. The default format, json, is defined in
        # the base gramex.yaml under handlers.FormHandler.formats
        if fmt in self.formats:
            fmt = dict(self.formats[fmt])
            app_log.error('%s: _format=%s unknown. Using _format=json' % (, fmt))
            fmt = dict(self.formats['json'])

        # Set up default headers, and over-ride with headers for the format
        for key, val in self.headers.items():
            self.set_header(key, val)
        for key, val in fmt.pop('headers', {}).items():
            self.set_header(key, val)

        if fmt['format'] in {'template', 'pptx', 'vega', 'vega-lite', 'vegam'}:
            fmt['handler'] = self
        if fmt['format'] in {'template'}:
            fmt['meta'] = meta['data'] if self.single else meta

        return fmt
github gramener / gramex / gramex / services / View on Github external

    handler = FileEventHandler(patterns, **events)

    for folder in folders:
        _folder, watch = get_watch(folder, watches)
        # If a watch for this folder (or a parent) exists, use that folder's watch instead
        if watch is not None:
            observer.add_handler_for_watch(handler, watch)
            folder = _folder
        # If it's a new folder, create a new watch for it
        elif os.path.exists(folder):
                watch = watches[folder] = observer.schedule(handler, folder, recursive=True)
            except PermissionError:
                app_log.warning('No permission to watch changes on %s', folder)
            app_log.warning('watch directory %s does not exist', folder)
        # If EXISTING sub-folders of folder have watches, consolidate into this watch
        consolidate_watches(folder, watch)
        # Keep track of all handler-watch associations
        handlers[handler, watch] = (folder, name)
github gramener / gramex / gramex / View on Github external
def _conda_r_home():
    Returns the R home directory for Conda R if it is installed. Else None.

    Typically, people install Conda AND R (in any order), and use the system R
    (rather than the conda R) by placing it before Conda in the PATH.

    But the system R does not work with Conda rpy2. So we check if Conda R
    exists and return its path, so that it can be used as R_HOME.
        from conda.base.context import context
    except ImportError:
        app_log.error('Anaconda not installed. Cannot use Anaconda R')
        return None
    r_home = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(context.root_prefix, 'lib', 'R'))
    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(r_home, 'bin')):
        return r_home
    app_log.error('Anaconda R not installed')
    return None
github gramener / gramex / gramex / View on Github external
# Delay delete a bit if directory is used by another process.
            # Typically happens on uninstall immediately after bower / npm / git
            # (e.g. during testing.)
            elif exc_info[1].winerror == winerror.ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION:
                import time
                delays = [0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0]
                for delay in delays:
                        return os.remove(path)
                    except WindowsError:
            # npm creates windows shortcuts that shutil.rmtree cannot delete.
            # os.listdir failes with a PATH_NOT_FOUND. Delete these and try again
            elif function == os.listdir and exc_info[1].winerror == winerror.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND:
                app_log.error('Cannot delete %s', path)
                from import shell, shellcon
                options = shellcon.FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | shellcon.FOF_NOERRORUI
                code, err = shell.SHFileOperation((0, shellcon.FO_DELETE, path, None, options))
                if code == 0:
                    raise TryAgainError()
        raise exc_info[1]
github gramener / gramex / gramex / handlers / View on Github external
# methods=['get'] will show all file into as JSON on GET
        if not isinstance(methods, list):
            methods = [methods]
        methods = {method.lower() for method in methods}
        if 'get' in methods:
            cls.get = cls.fileinfo

        cls.transform = []
        if transform is not None:
            if isinstance(transform, dict) and 'function' in transform:
                    transform, vars=AttrDict((('content', None), ('handler', None))),
                    filename='url:%s' %
                app_log.error('UploadHandler %s: no function: in transform: %r',
                    , transform)
github gramener / gramex / gramex / View on Github external
if method in {
            'install', 'uninstall', 'setup', 'run', 'service', 'init',
            'mail', 'license',
            import gramex.install
            return getattr(gramex.install, method), kwargs
        raise NotImplementedError('Unknown gramex command: %s' % base_command)

    # Use current dir as base (where gramex is run from) if there's a gramex.yaml.
    # Else use source/guide, and point the user to the welcome screen
    if not os.path.isfile('gramex.yaml'):
        from gramex.install import run
        args.setdefault('browser', '/welcome')
        return run, {'cmd': ['guide'], 'args': args}'Gramex %s | %s | Python %s', __version__, os.getcwd(),
                 sys.version.replace('\n', ' '))
    return init, {'cmd': AttrDict(app=args)}