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# Define vertical tail geometry
Lvmax == 0.5*rho0*Vne**2*Svt*CLvmax,
#compute the max force
S == Svt*2,
b == bvt*2,
Lmax == 2*Lvmax,
# Relate vertical tail geometry/weight to generic
# wing used in structural model
taper >= 0.27,
# TODO: Constrain taper by tip Reynolds number
# source:
TCS([xCGvt >= self.fuse['x_{CG}']+(dxlead+dxtrail)/2],
xCGvt <= self.fuse['l_{fuse}'],
tau == tau,
Model.__init__(self, None, constraints)
W_fcruise = Variable('W_{f_{cruise}}', 'N', 'Fuel Weight Burned in Cruise')
W_total = Variable('W_{total}', 'N', 'Total Aircraft Weight')
CruiseAlt = Variable('CruiseAlt', 'ft', 'Cruise Altitude [feet]')
ReqRng = Variable('ReqRng', 'nautical_miles', 'Required Cruise Range')
h = cls.state['h']
hftClimb = cls.state['hft']
dhft = cls.climbP['dhft']
hftCruise = crs.state['hft']
#make overall constraints
constraints = []
#weight constraints
TCS([ac['W_{e}'] + ac['W_{pay}'] + W_ftotal + ac['numeng'] * ac['W_{engine}'] + ac['W_{wing}'] <= W_total]),
cls.climbP.aircraftP['W_{start}'][0] == W_total,
cls.climbP.aircraftP['W_{end}'][-1] == crs.cruiseP.aircraftP['W_{start}'][0],
# similar constraint 1
TCS([cls.climbP.aircraftP['W_{start}'] >= cls.climbP.aircraftP['W_{end}'] + cls.climbP.aircraftP['W_{burn}']]),
# similar constraint 2
TCS([crs.cruiseP.aircraftP['W_{start}'] >= crs.cruiseP.aircraftP['W_{end}'] + crs.cruiseP.aircraftP['W_{burn}']]),
cls.climbP.aircraftP['W_{start}'][1:] == cls.climbP.aircraftP['W_{end}'][:-1],
crs.cruiseP.aircraftP['W_{start}'][1:] == crs.cruiseP.aircraftP['W_{end}'][:-1],
TCS([ac['W_{e}'] + ac['W_{pay}'] + ac['numeng'] * ac['W_{engine}'] + ac['W_{wing}'] <= crs.cruiseP.aircraftP['W_{end}'][-1]]),
TCS([W_ftotal >= W_fclimb + W_fcruise]),
TCS([W_fclimb >= sum(cls.climbP['W_{burn}'])]),
## TCS([ReqRngCruise >= sum(RngCruise)]),
TCS([dhClimb2 + alt10k >= htoc])
for i in range(0, Nclimb1):
SignomialEquality(hft[i], 1500*units('ft')+(i+1)*dhft[i])
for i in range(0, Nclimb2):
SignomialEquality(hft[i+Nclimb1], 10000*units('ft')+(i+1)*dhft[i+Nclimb1])
for i in range(0, Nseg):
TCS([W_start[i] >= W_end[i] + W_fuel[i]])
#constrain the segment weights in a loop
for i in range(1, Nseg):
W_start[i] == W_end[i-1]
Model.__init__(self, W_ftotal, constraints, **kwargs)
constraints = []
with SignomialsEnabled():
#non vectorized constraints
LvtEO*lvt >= Te*y_eng + Dwm*y_eng,
# Force moment balance for one engine out condition
# TASOPT 2.0 p45
TCS([dxlead + zmac*tanL + 0.25*cma >= lvt]), # [SP]
# Tail moment arm
LvtEO == 0.5*rho0*V1**2*Svt*CLvtEO,
# Vertical tail force (y-direction) for engine out
TCS([CLvtEO*(1 + clvtEO/(np.pi*e*Avt)) <= clvtEO]),
#engine out CL computation
Avt == bvt**2/Svt,
Dwm >= 0.5*rho0*V1**2*self.engine['A_2']*CDwm,
# Drag of a windmilling engine
Svt <= bvt*(croot + ctip)/2, # [SP]
# Tail geometry relationship
TCS([dxtrail >= croot + dxlead]),
# Tail geometry constraint
self.fuse['l_{fuse}'] >= dxtrail + self.fuse['x_{CG}'],
# Fuselage length constrains the tail trailing edge
W_fcruise = Variable('W_{f_{cruise}}', 'N', 'Fuel Weight Burned in Cruise')
W_total = Variable('W_{total}', 'N', 'Total Aircraft Weight')
CruiseAlt = Variable('CruiseAlt', 'ft', 'Cruise Altitude [feet]')
ReqRng = Variable('ReqRng', 'nautical_miles', 'Required Cruise Range')
h = cls.state['h']
hftClimb = cls.state['hft']
dhft = cls.climbP['dhft']
hftCruise = crs.state['hft']
#make overall constraints
constraints = []
#weight constraints
TCS([ac['W_{e}'] + ac['W_{payload}'] + W_ftotal + ac['numeng'] * ac['W_{engine}'] + ac['W_{wing}'] + ac.VT['W_{struct}'] <= W_total]),
cls.climbP.aircraftP['W_{start}'][0] == W_total,
cls.climbP.aircraftP['W_{end}'][-1] == crs.cruiseP.aircraftP['W_{start}'][0],
# similar constraint 1
TCS([cls.climbP.aircraftP['W_{start}'] >= cls.climbP.aircraftP['W_{end}'] + cls.climbP.aircraftP['W_{burn}']]),
# similar constraint 2
TCS([crs.cruiseP.aircraftP['W_{start}'] >= crs.cruiseP.aircraftP['W_{end}'] + crs.cruiseP.aircraftP['W_{burn}']]),
cls.climbP.aircraftP['W_{start}'][1:] == cls.climbP.aircraftP['W_{end}'][:-1],
crs.cruiseP.aircraftP['W_{start}'][1:] == crs.cruiseP.aircraftP['W_{end}'][:-1],
TCS([ac['W_{e}'] + ac['W_{payload}'] + ac['numeng'] * ac['W_{engine}'] + ac['W_{wing}'] + ac.VT['W_{struct}'] <= crs.cruiseP.aircraftP['W_{end}'][-1]]),
TCS([W_ftotal >= W_fclimb + W_fcruise]),
TCS([W_fclimb >= sum(cls.climbP['W_{burn}'])]),
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
T_tp = 216.65
p11 = Variable('p_{11}', 22630, 'Pa', 'Pressure at 11 km')
objective = 1/rho # maximize density
constraints = [h >= 11*,
h <= 20*,
# Temperature is constant in the tropopause
T == T_tp,
# Pressure-altitude relation, using taylor series exp
TCS([np.exp(k*11000)*p11/p >=
1 + te_exp_minus1(g/(R*T)*h, 15)], reltol=1E-4),
# Ideal gas law
rho == p/(R*T),
su = Sutherland()
lc =
Model.__init__(self, objective, lc, **kwargs)
if isinstance(surface, HorizontalTailNoStruct):
AR = surface['AR_h']
b = surface['b_{ht}']
S = surface['S_h']
p = surface['p_{ht}']
q = surface['q_{ht}']
tau = surface['\\tau_h']
Lmax = surface['L_{{max}_h}']
constraints = [
# Aspect ratio definition
AR == b**2/S,
# Defining taper dummy variables
TCS([p >= 1 + 2*taper]),
TCS([2*q >= 1 + p]),
# Upper bound on maximum thickness
tau <= 0.15,
# Root moment calculation (see Hoburg 2014)
# Depends on a given load the wing must support, Lmax
# Assumes lift per unit span proportional to local chord
Mr >= Lmax*AR*p/24,
# Root stiffness (see Hoburg 2014)
# Assumes rh = 0.75, so that rms box height = ~0.92*tmax
0.92*w*tau*tcap**2 + Icap <= 0.92**2/2*w*tau**2*tcap,
# Stress limit
# Assumes bending stress carried by caps (Icap >> Iweb)
8 >= Nlift*Mr*AR*q**2*tau/(S*Icap*sigmax),
w = Variable('w', 0.5, '-', 'Wingbox-width-to-chord ratio')
#xw = Variable('x_w', 'm', 'Position of wing aerodynamic center')
ymac = Variable('y_{\\bar{c}_w}', 'm',
'Spanwise location of mean aerodynamic chord')
objective = D
with SignomialsEnabled():
constraints = [
Lw == 0.5*rho*Vinf**2*Sw*CLw,
p >= 1 + 2*taper,
2*q >= 1 + p,
ymac == (b/3)*q/p,
TCS([(2./3)*(1+taper+taper**2)*croot/q <= cwma],
taper == ctip/croot,
TCS([Sw <= b*(croot + ctip)/2], reltol=1E-2), # [SP]
# DATCOM formula (Mach number makes it SP)
TCS([(AR/eta)**2*(1 + tanL**2 - M**2) + 8*pi*AR/CLaw
<= (2*pi*AR/CLaw)**2]),
CLw == CLaw*alpha,
alpha <= amax,
# Drag
D == 0.5*rho*Vinf**2*Sw*CDw,
CDw >= CDp + CLw**2/(pi*e*AR),
Re == rho*Vinf*cwma/mu,
1 >= (2.56*CLw**5.88/(Re**1.54*tau**3.32*CDp**2.62)
+ 3.8e-9*tau**6.23/(CLw**0.92*Re**1.38*CDp**9.57)
#Breguet Range parameter constraints
TCS([W_fuel[i]/W_end[i] >= te_exp_minus1(z_bre[i],3)]),
TCS([z_bre[i] >= TSFC * t[i] * D[i]/ W_avg[i]]),
#compute the Mach number
M == V/a,
#constraint on the segment time
t[i] * V[i] == Rng[i],
#total range is equal to the sum of the segment ranges
TCS([ReqRng <= sum(Rng)]),
#total fuel burn is equal to the sum of segment fuel burns
TCS([W_fuelTotal <= sum(W_fuel)]),
for j in range(1,n):
W_start[j] == W_end[j-1],
#The objective is to minimze total fuel burn
objective = W_fuelTotal # Minimze total fuel burn
#build the model
Model.__init__(self, objective, constraints)
WLoad = Variable('W_{Load}', 'N/m^2', 'Wing Loading')
t = Variable('tmin', 'min', 'Segment Flight Time in Minutes')
thours = Variable('thr', 'hour', 'Segment Flight Time in Hours')
constraints = []
with SignomialsEnabled():
#speed must be greater than stall speed
state['V'] >= Vstall,
#Figure out how to delete
Vstall == 120*units('kts'),
WLoadmax == 6664 * units('N/m^2'),
#compute the drag
TCS([D >= self.wingP['D_{wing}'] + self.fuseP['D_{fuse}'] + self.htP['D_{ht}']]),
#constraint CL and compute the wing loading
W_avg == .5*self.wingP['C_{L}']*self.aircraft['S']*state.atm['\\rho']*state['V']**2,
WLoad == .5*self.wingP['C_{L}']*self.aircraft['S']*state.atm['\\rho']*state['V']**2/self.aircraft.wing['S'],
#set average weight equal to the geometric avg of start and end weight
W_avg == (W_start * W_end)**.5,
#constrain the max wing loading
WLoad <= WLoadmax,
#compute fuel burn from TSFC
W_burn == aircraft['numeng']*self.engineP['TSFC'] * thours * self.engineP['thrust'],
#time unit conversion
t == thours,