How to use the googlemaps.exceptions.Timeout function in googlemaps

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few googlemaps examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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:type first_request_time: datetime.datetime
        :param retry_counter: The number of this retry, or zero for first attempt.
        :type retry_counter: int

        :raises ApiError: when the API returns an error.
        :raises Timeout: if the request timed out.
        :raises TransportError: when something went wrong while trying to
                exceute a request.

        if not first_request_time:
            first_request_time =

        elapsed = - first_request_time
        if elapsed > self.retry_timeout:
            raise googlemaps.exceptions.Timeout()

        if retry_counter > 0:
            # 0.5 * (1.5 ^ i) is an increased sleep time of 1.5x per iteration,
            # starting at 0.5s when retry_counter=0. The first retry will occur
            # at 1, so subtract that first.
            delay_seconds = 0.5 * 1.5 ** (retry_counter - 1)

            # Jitter this value by 50% and pause.
            time.sleep(delay_seconds * (random.random() + 0.5))

        url = self._generate_auth_url(url, params)

            resp = requests.get(_BASE_URL + url,
                headers={"User-Agent": _USER_AGENT},
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or "subpremise" in result[0]["types"]
                loc = result[0].get("geometry").get("location")
                self.latitude = loc.get("lat")
                self.longitude = loc.get("lng")
                self.geocode_error = None
                self.latitude = None
                self.longitude = None
                self.geocode_error = _("Address not found")
            self.geocode_status = True
            return result
        except (googlemaps.exceptions.HTTPError, googlemaps.exceptions.ApiError), inst:
            self.geocode_error = str(inst)
            self.geocode_status = True
        except googlemaps.exceptions.Timeout, inst:
            self.geocode_error = _("API Timeout")
            self.geocode_status = False
            self.geocode_date =
            if save:
github googlemaps / google-maps-services-python / googlemaps / View on Github external
__init__, but provided here to allow overriding internally on a
            per-request basis.
        :type requests_kwargs: dict

        :raises ApiError: when the API returns an error.
        :raises Timeout: if the request timed out.
        :raises TransportError: when something went wrong while trying to
            exceute a request.

        if not first_request_time:
            first_request_time =

        elapsed = - first_request_time
        if elapsed > self.retry_timeout:
            raise googlemaps.exceptions.Timeout()

        if retry_counter > 0:
            # 0.5 * (1.5 ^ i) is an increased sleep time of 1.5x per iteration,
            # starting at 0.5s when retry_counter=0. The first retry will occur
            # at 1, so subtract that first.
            delay_seconds = 0.5 * 1.5 ** (retry_counter - 1)

            # Jitter this value by 50% and pause.
            time.sleep(delay_seconds * (random.random() + 0.5))

        authed_url = self._generate_auth_url(url, params, accepts_clientid)

        # Default to the client-level self.requests_kwargs, with method-level
        # requests_kwargs arg overriding.
        requests_kwargs = requests_kwargs or {}
        final_requests_kwargs = dict(self.requests_kwargs, **requests_kwargs)