How to use the gnocchi.utils function in gnocchi

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gnocchi examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github gnocchixyz / gnocchi / gnocchi / indexer / View on Github external
u"in": _operator_in,

        u"like": lambda field, value:,

    multiple_operators = {
        u"or": sqlalchemy.or_,
        u"∨": sqlalchemy.or_,

        u"and": sqlalchemy.and_,
        u"∧": sqlalchemy.and_,

    converters = (
        (types.TimestampUTC, utils.to_datetime),
        (sa_types.String, six.text_type),
        (sa_types.Integer, int),
        (sa_types.Numeric, float),

    def _handle_multiple_op(cls, engine, table, op, nodes):
        return op(*[
            cls.build_filter(engine, table, node)
            for node in nodes

    def _handle_unary_op(cls, engine, table, op, node):
        return op(cls.build_filter(engine, table, node))
github gnocchixyz / gnocchi / gnocchi / incoming / View on Github external
def __ne__(self, other):
        # neither total_ordering nor py2 sets ne as the opposite of eq
        return self._compare(, other)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(

class IncomingDriver(object):
    MEASURE_PREFIX = "measure"
    SACK_NAME_FORMAT = "incoming{total}-{number}"
    CFG_PREFIX = 'gnocchi-config'
    CFG_SACKS = 'sacks'
    # NOTE(sileht): By default we use threads, but some driver can disable
    # threads by setting this to utils.sequencial_map
    MAP_METHOD = staticmethod(utils.parallel_map)

    def NUM_SACKS(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_num_sacks'):
                self._num_sacks = int(self._get_storage_sacks())
            except Exception as e:
                raise SackDetectionError(e)
        return self._num_sacks

    def __init__(self, conf, greedy=True):
        self._sacks = None

    def upgrade(self, num_sacks):
github gnocchixyz / gnocchi / gnocchi / deprecated_aggregates / View on Github external
"""Calculates moving func of data with sampling width of window.

        :param data: Series of timestamp, value pairs
        :param func: the function to use when aggregating
        :param window: (float) range of data to use in each aggregation.
        :param min_grain: granularity of the data being passed in.
        :param center: whether to index the aggregated values by the first
            timestamp of the values picked up by the window or by the central
        :param min_size: if the number of points in the window is less than
            min_size, the aggregate is not computed and nan is returned for
            that iteration.

        if center:
            center = utils.strtobool(center)

        def moving_window(x):
            msec = numpy.timedelta64(1, 'ms')
            zero = numpy.timedelta64(0, 's')
            half_span = window / 2
            start = utils.normalize_time(data.index[0])
            stop = utils.normalize_time(data.index[-1] + min_grain)
            # min_grain addition necessary since each bin of rolled-up data
            # is indexed by leftmost timestamp of bin.

            left = half_span if center else zero
            right = 2 * half_span - left - msec
            # msec subtraction is so we don't include right endpoint in slice.

            x = utils.normalize_time(x)
github gnocchixyz / gnocchi / gnocchi / rest / View on Github external
def __init__(self, resource_type, id):
        self._resource_type = resource_type
        creator = pecan.request.auth_helper.get_current_user(
   = utils.ResourceUUID(id, creator)
        except ValueError:
            abort(404, six.text_type(indexer.NoSuchResource(id)))
        self.metric = NamedMetricController(str(, self._resource_type)
        self.history = ResourceHistoryController(str(,
github gnocchixyz / gnocchi / gnocchi / rest / View on Github external
def ResourceUUID(value, creator):
        return utils.ResourceUUID(value, creator)
    except ValueError as e:
        raise voluptuous.Invalid(e)
github gnocchixyz / gnocchi / gnocchi / storage / View on Github external
def _get_or_create_unaggregated_timeseries(self, metrics, version=3):
        """Get the unaggregated timeserie of metrics.

        If the metrics does not exist, it is created.

        :param metrics: A list of metrics.
        :param version: The storage format version number.
        return dict(
                    ((metric, version) for metric in metrics))))
github gnocchixyz / gnocchi / gnocchi / storage / View on Github external
    def _wait_points_exists(self, metric_id, where):
        # NOTE(sileht): influxdb query returns even the data is not yet insert
        # in the asked series, the work is done in an async fashion, so a
        # immediate get_measures after an add_measures will not returns the
        # just inserted data. perhaps related:
        # This is a workaround
        # to wait that data appear in influxdb...
        if not self._block_until_data_ingested:
            result = self.influx.query("SELECT * FROM \"%(metric_id)s\" WHERE "
                                       "%(where)s LIMIT 1" %
                                       dict(metric_id=metric_id, where=where),
        except influxdb.client.InfluxDBClientError as e:
            if "measurement not found" in e.content:
github gnocchixyz / gnocchi / gnocchi / incoming / View on Github external
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from concurrent import futures

import daiquiri
import numpy
import six

from gnocchi import incoming
from gnocchi import utils

LOG = daiquiri.getLogger(__name__)

_NUM_WORKERS = utils.get_default_workers()

class CarbonaraBasedStorage(incoming.StorageDriver):
    MEASURE_PREFIX = "measure"
    SACK_PREFIX = "incoming"
    CFG_PREFIX = 'gnocchi-config'
    CFG_SACKS = 'sacks'

    def NUM_SACKS(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_num_sacks'):
                self._num_sacks = int(self.get_storage_sacks())
            except Exception as e:
                LOG.error('Unable to detect the number of storage sacks. '
                          'Ensure gnocchi-upgrade has been executed: %s', e)
github gnocchixyz / gnocchi / gnocchi / incoming / View on Github external
def get_driver(conf):
    """Return configured incoming driver only

    :param conf: incoming configuration only (not global)
    return utils.get_driver_class('gnocchi.incoming', conf.incoming)(
        conf.incoming, conf.metricd.greedy)