How to use the gitdb.util.hex_to_bin function in gitdb

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gitdb examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github gitpython-developers / gitdb / test / db / View on Github external
def test_reading(self):
		gdb = GitDB(fixture_path('../../.git/objects'))
		# we have packs and loose objects, alternates doesn't necessarily exist
		assert 1 < len(gdb.databases()) < 4
		# access should be possible
		gitdb_sha = hex_to_bin("5690fd0d3304f378754b23b098bd7cb5f4aa1976")
		assert isinstance(, OInfo)
		assert isinstance(, OStream)
		assert gdb.size() > 200
		sha_list = list(gdb.sha_iter())
		assert len(sha_list) == gdb.size()
		# This is actually a test for compound functionality, but it doesn't 
		# have a separate test module
		# test partial shas
		# this one as uneven and quite short
		assert gdb.partial_to_complete_sha_hex('155b6') == hex_to_bin("155b62a9af0aa7677078331e111d0f7aa6eb4afc")
		# mix even/uneven hexshas
		for i, binsha in enumerate(sha_list):
			assert gdb.partial_to_complete_sha_hex(bin_to_hex(binsha)[:8-(i%2)]) == binsha
github dellsystem / wikinotes / wiki / utils / View on Github external
def get_commit(self, hash):
            hexsha = gitdb.util.hex_to_bin(hash) # have to convert it first
            commit = git.objects.commit.Commit(self.repo, hexsha)

            # Call commit.size to see if the commit actually exists
            # If it doesn't, it will raise an exception
            return commit
            # Invalid hash (theoretically)
            return None
github florath / rmtoo / rmtoo / contrib / GitPython-0.3.2.RC1 / git / objects / View on Github external
def _deserialize(self, stream):
		""":param from_rev_list: if true, the stream format is coming from the rev-list command
		Otherwise it is assumed to be a plain data stream from our object"""
		readline = stream.readline
		self.tree = Tree(self.repo, hex_to_bin(readline().split()[1]), Tree.tree_id<<12, '')

		self.parents = list()
		next_line = None
		while True:
			parent_line = readline()
			if not parent_line.startswith('parent'):
				next_line = parent_line
			# END abort reading parents
			self.parents.append(type(self)(self.repo, hex_to_bin(parent_line.split()[-1])))
		# END for each parent line
		self.parents = tuple(self.parents), self.authored_date, self.author_tz_offset = parse_actor_and_date(next_line)
		self.committer, self.committed_date, self.committer_tz_offset = parse_actor_and_date(readline())
github apache / allura / ForgeGit / forgegit / model / View on Github external
refs = decoration.strip(' ()').replace(' -> ', ', ').split(', ')
                        refs = []
                    tag_prefix = 'tag: '  # introduced in git 1.8.3
                    for i, ref in enumerate(refs):
                        if ref.startswith(tag_prefix):
                            refs[i] = ref[len(tag_prefix):]
                    renamed = {}
                    # merge commits don't have any --name-status output
                    if len(commit_lines) > 1:
                        name_stat_parts = commit_lines[1].split(' ')
                        if name_stat_parts[0] == 'R100':
                            renamed['from'] = name_stat_parts[1]
                            renamed['to'] = name_stat_parts[2]
                    yield (git.Commit(self._git, gitdb.util.hex_to_bin(hexsha)), refs, renamed)
                if not(len(line)):
                    # if all lines have been read
                commit_lines = [line]
github florath / rmtoo / rmtoo / contrib / GitPython-0.3.2.RC1 / git / objects / View on Github external
def _set_cache_(self, attr):
		"""Cache all our attributes at once"""
		if attr in TagObject.__slots__:
			ostream =
			lines =
			obj, hexsha = lines[0].split(" ")		# object 
			type_token, type_name = lines[1].split(" ") # type 
			self.object = get_object_type_by_name(type_name)(self.repo, hex_to_bin(hexsha))
			self.tag = lines[2][4:]	 # tag 
			tagger_info = lines[3]# tagger  
			self.tagger, self.tagged_date, self.tagger_tz_offset = parse_actor_and_date(tagger_info)
			# line 4 empty - it could mark the beginning of the next header
			# in case there really is no message, it would not exist. Otherwise 
			# a newline separates header from message
			if len(lines) > 5:
				self.message = "\n".join(lines[5:])
				self.message = ''
		# END check our attributes
			super(TagObject, self)._set_cache_(attr)
github NMGRL / pychron / pychron / git_archive / View on Github external
# a_blob_id, b_blob_id, b_mode = header.groups()

        # new_file, deleted_file = bool(new_file_mode), bool(deleted_file_mode)

        # Our only means to find the actual text is to see what has not been matched by our regex,
        # and then retro-actively assin it to our index
        # if previous_header is not None:
        #     index[-1].diff = text[previous_header.end():header.start()]
        # end assign actual diff

        # Make sure the mode is set if the path is set. Otherwise the resulting blob is invalid
        # We just use the one mode we should have parsed
        a_mode = old_mode or deleted_file_mode or (a_path and (b_mode or new_mode or new_file_mode))
        b_mode = b_mode or new_mode or new_file_mode or (b_path and a_mode)
        ablob = Blob(repo, hex_to_bin(a_blob_id), mode=a_mode, path=a_path)
        bblob = Blob(repo, hex_to_bin(b_blob_id), mode=b_mode, path=a_path)
        return ablob, bblob
github florath / rmtoo / rmtoo / contrib / GitPython-0.3.2.RC1 / git / View on Github external
self.a_mode = a_mode
		self.b_mode = b_mode
		if self.a_mode:
			self.a_mode = mode_str_to_int(self.a_mode)
		if self.b_mode:
			self.b_mode = mode_str_to_int(self.b_mode)
		if a_blob_id is None:
			self.a_blob = None
			self.a_blob = Blob(repo, hex_to_bin(a_blob_id), mode=self.a_mode, path=a_path)
		if b_blob_id is None:
			self.b_blob = None
			self.b_blob = Blob(repo, hex_to_bin(b_blob_id), mode=self.b_mode, path=b_path)
		self.new_file = new_file
		self.deleted_file = deleted_file
		# be clear and use None instead of empty strings
		self.rename_from = rename_from or None
		self.rename_to = rename_to or None
		self.diff = diff
github gitpython-developers / gitdb / gitdb / db / py / View on Github external
def partial_to_complete_sha_hex(self, partial_hexsha):
		databases = self.databases()
		len_partial_hexsha = len(partial_hexsha)
		if len_partial_hexsha % 2 != 0:
			partial_binsha = hex_to_bin(partial_hexsha + "0")
			partial_binsha = hex_to_bin(partial_hexsha)
		# END assure successful binary conversion 
		candidate = None
		for db in self._dbs:
			full_bin_sha = None
				if hasattr(db, 'partial_to_complete_sha_hex'):
					full_bin_sha = db.partial_to_complete_sha_hex(partial_hexsha)
					full_bin_sha = db.partial_to_complete_sha(partial_binsha, len_partial_hexsha)
				# END handle database type
			except BadObject:
			# END ignore bad objects
			if full_bin_sha:
				if candidate and candidate != full_bin_sha:
github gitpython-developers / gitdb / gitdb / db / py / View on Github external
					# transform reversed index into the format of our revlog
					revlog_index = -(int(output_type)+1)
				except ValueError:
					# TODO: Try to parse the other date options, using parse_date
					# maybe
					raise NotImplementedError("Support for additional @{...} modes not implemented")
				#END handle revlog index
					entry = ref.log_entry(revlog_index)
				except IndexError:
					raise IndexError("Invalid revlog index: %i" % revlog_index)
				#END handle index out of bound
				obj = Object.new_from_sha(repo, hex_to_bin(entry.newhexsha))
				# make it pass the following checks
				output_type = None
				raise ValueError("Invalid output type: %s ( in %s )"  % (output_type, rev))
			# END handle output type
			# empty output types don't require any specific type, its just about dereferencing tags
			if output_type and obj.type != output_type:
				raise ValueError("Could not accomodate requested object type %r, got %s" % (output_type, obj.type))
			# END verify ouput type
			start = end+1					# skip brace
			parsed_to = start
		# END parse type
github NMGRL / pychron / pychron / git_archive / View on Github external
# old_mode, new_mode, new_file_mode, deleted_file_mode, \
        # a_blob_id, b_blob_id, b_mode = header.groups()

        # new_file, deleted_file = bool(new_file_mode), bool(deleted_file_mode)

        # Our only means to find the actual text is to see what has not been matched by our regex,
        # and then retro-actively assin it to our index
        # if previous_header is not None:
        #     index[-1].diff = text[previous_header.end():header.start()]
        # end assign actual diff

        # Make sure the mode is set if the path is set. Otherwise the resulting blob is invalid
        # We just use the one mode we should have parsed
        a_mode = old_mode or deleted_file_mode or (a_path and (b_mode or new_mode or new_file_mode))
        b_mode = b_mode or new_mode or new_file_mode or (b_path and a_mode)
        ablob = Blob(repo, hex_to_bin(a_blob_id), mode=a_mode, path=a_path)
        bblob = Blob(repo, hex_to_bin(b_blob_id), mode=b_mode, path=a_path)
        return ablob, bblob