How to use the gita.utils.get_cmds_from_files function in gita

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gita examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nosarthur / gita / tests / View on Github external
def test_custom_push_cmd(*_):
    with patch('',
               mock_open(read_data='push:\n  cmd: hand\n  help: me')):
        cmds = utils.get_cmds_from_files()
    assert cmds['push'] == {'cmd': 'hand', 'help': 'me'}
github nosarthur / gita / gita / View on Github external
p_super = subparsers.add_parser(
        help='superman mode: delegate any git command/alias in specified or '
        'all repo(s).\n'
        'Examples:\n \t gita super myrepo1 commit -am "fix a bug"\n'
        '\t gita super repo1 repo2 repo3 checkout new-feature')
        help="execute arbitrary git command/alias for specified or all repos "
        "Example: gita super myrepo1 diff --name-only --staged "
        "Another: gita super checkout master ")

    # sub-commands that fit boilerplate
    cmds = utils.get_cmds_from_files()
    for name, data in cmds.items():
        help = data.get('help')
        cmd = data.get('cmd') or name
        if data.get('allow_all'):
            choices = utils.get_choices()
            nargs = '*'
            help += ' for all repos or'
            choices = utils.get_repos().keys() | utils.get_groups().keys()
            nargs = '+'
        help += ' for the chosen repo(s) or group(s)'
        sp = subparsers.add_parser(name, help=help)
        sp.add_argument('repo', nargs=nargs, choices=choices, help=help)
        sp.set_defaults(func=f_git_cmd, cmd=cmd.split())

    args = p.parse_args(argv)