How to use the ghstack.github_utils.parse_pull_request function in ghstack

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github ezyang / ghstack / ghstack / View on Github external
def main(pull_request: str,
         github: ghstack.github.GitHubEndpoint,
         sh: -> None:

    # We land the entire stack pointed to by a URL.
    # Local state is ignored; PR is source of truth
    # Furthermore, the parent commits of PR are ignored: we always
    # take the canonical version of the patch from any given pr

    params = ghstack.github_utils.parse_pull_request(pull_request)
    orig_ref = lookup_pr_to_orig_ref(github, **params)

    if sh is None:
        # Use CWD
        sh =

    # Get up-to-date
    sh.git("fetch", "origin")
    remote_orig_ref = "origin/" + orig_ref
    base = GitCommitHash(sh.git("merge-base", "origin/master", remote_orig_ref))

    # compute the stack of commits in chronological order (does not
    # include base)
    stack = ghstack.git.parse_header(
        sh.git("rev-list", "--reverse", "--header", "^" + base, remote_orig_ref))
github ezyang / ghstack / ghstack / View on Github external
#       (TODO: if we got rate limited we'll miss stuff)
    # 2. For each status in parallel:
    #   a. Query CircleCI for job status
    #   b. (Future work) Query output_url to get log information
    #      (it's gzip'ed)
    # For now:
    #   - Print if the job actually ran, or was skipped
    #       - Easy way to determine: check if "Should run job after
    #         checkout" is last step
    #       - I inspected circleci.get('project/github/pytorch/pytorch/1773555')
    #         to see if there were other options, there did not appear
    #         to be any indication that a halt was called.  So we'll
    #         have to rely on the (OS X jobs, take note!)

    params = ghstack.github_utils.parse_pull_request(pull_request)

    ContextPayload = TypedDict("ContextPayload", {
        "context": str,
        "state": str,
        "targetUrl": str,
    r = github.graphql("""
    query ($name: String!, $owner: String!, $number: Int!) {
        repository(name: $name, owner: $owner) {
            pullRequest(number: $number) {
                commits(last: 1) {
                    nodes {
                        commit {
                            status {
                                contexts {
github ezyang / ghstack / ghstack / View on Github external
def main(pull_request: str,
         github: ghstack.github.GitHubEndpoint,
         sh: Optional[] = None,
         close: bool = False,
         ) -> None:

    params = ghstack.github_utils.parse_pull_request(pull_request)
    pr_result = github.graphql("""
        query ($owner: String!, $name: String!, $number: Int!) {
            repository(name: $name, owner: $owner) {
                pullRequest(number: $number) {
    """, **params)
    pr_id = pr_result["data"]["repository"]["pullRequest"]["id"]

    if close:"Closing {owner}/{name}#{number}".format(**params))
            mutation ($input: ClosePullRequestInput!) {
                closePullRequest(input: $input) {