How to use the geopy.exc.GeocoderQueryError function in geopy

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def test_check_status(self):
        GoogleV3 raises correctly on Google-specific API status flags
        self.assertEqual(self.geocoder._check_status("ZERO_RESULTS"), None)
        with self.assertRaises(exc.GeocoderQuotaExceeded):
        with self.assertRaises(exc.GeocoderQueryError):
        with self.assertRaises(exc.GeocoderQueryError):
        with self.assertRaises(exc.GeocoderQueryError):
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# When there are no results, just return.
        if status == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT':
            raise GeocoderQuotaExceeded(
                'The given key has gone over the requests limit in the 24'
                ' hour period or has submitted too many requests in too'
                ' short a period of time.'
        elif status == 'REQUEST_DENIED':
            raise GeocoderQueryError(
                'Your request was denied.'
        elif status == 'INVALID_REQUEST':
            raise GeocoderQueryError('Probably missing address or latlng.')
            raise GeocoderQueryError('Unknown error.')
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'Invalid AK'
        elif status == 211:
            raise GeocoderAuthenticationFailure(
                'Invalid SN'
        elif 200 <= status < 300:
            raise GeocoderAuthenticationFailure(
                'Authentication Failure'
        elif 300 <= status < 500:
            raise GeocoderQuotaExceeded(
                'Quota Error.'
            raise GeocoderQueryError('Unknown error. Status: %r' % status)
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def _check_status(status):
        Validates error statuses.
        if status == 'ZERO_RESULTS':
            # When there are no results, just return.
        if status == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT':
            raise GeocoderQuotaExceeded(
                'The given key has gone over the requests limit in the 24'
                ' hour period or has submitted too many requests in too'
                ' short a period of time.'
        elif status == 'REQUEST_DENIED':
            raise GeocoderQueryError(
                'Your request was denied.'
        elif status == 'INVALID_REQUEST':
            raise GeocoderQueryError('Probably missing address or latlng.')
            raise GeocoderQueryError('Unknown error.')
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exception. Set this only if you wish to override, on this call
            only, the value set during the geocoder's initialization.

        :rtype: ``None``, :class:`geopy.location.Location` or a list of them, if
        params = {'addressString': self.format_string % query}
        if set_back != 0:
            params['setBack'] = set_back
        if location_descriptor not in ['any',
            raise GeocoderQueryError(
                "You did not provided a location_descriptor "
                "the webservice can consume. It should be any, accessPoint, "
                "frontDoorPoint, parcelPoint, rooftopPoint or routingPoint."
        params['locationDescriptor'] = location_descriptor
        if exactly_one:
            max_results = 1
        params['maxResults'] = max_results

        url = "?".join((self.api, urlencode(params)))
        logger.debug("%s.geocode: %s", self.__class__.__name__, url)
        response = self._call_geocoder(url, timeout=timeout)

        # Success; convert from GeoJSON
        if not len(response['features']):
            return None
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default_timeout = 1
    default_user_agent = _DEFAULT_USER_AGENT

# Create an object which `repr` returns 'DEFAULT_SENTINEL'. Sphinx (docs) uses
# this value when generating method's signature.
DEFAULT_SENTINEL = type('object', (object,),
                        {'__repr__': lambda self: 'DEFAULT_SENTINEL'})()

    400: GeocoderQueryError,
    401: GeocoderAuthenticationFailure,
    402: GeocoderQuotaExceeded,
    403: GeocoderInsufficientPrivileges,
    407: GeocoderAuthenticationFailure,
    412: GeocoderQueryError,
    413: GeocoderQueryError,
    414: GeocoderQueryError,
    429: GeocoderQuotaExceeded,
    502: GeocoderServiceError,
    503: GeocoderTimedOut,
    504: GeocoderTimedOut

class Geocoder(object):
    Template object for geocoders.

    def __init__(
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to respond before raising a :class:`geopy.exc.GeocoderTimedOut`
            exception. Set this only if you wish to override, on this call
            only, the value set during the geocoder's initialization.

        :rtype: ``None``, :class:`geopy.location.Location` or a list of them, if


        query = self.format_string % query

        # Check if acceptable query type
        if query_type not in ['PositionOfInterest',
            raise GeocoderQueryError("""You did not provided a query_type the
            webservice can consume. It should be PositionOfInterest,
            'StreetAddress or CadastralParcel""")

        # Check query validity for CadastralParcel
        if query_type == 'CadastralParcel' and len(query.strip()) != 14:
            raise GeocoderQueryError("""You must send a string of fourteen
                characters long to match the cadastre required code""")

        sub_request = """
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def _format_bounding_box(bbox, output_format="%(lat1)s,%(lon1)s,%(lat2)s,%(lon2)s"):
        Transform bounding box boundaries to a string matching
        `output_format` from the following formats:

            - [Point(lat1, lon1), Point(lat2, lon2)]
            - [[lat1, lon1], [lat2, lon2]]
            - ["lat1,lon1", "lat2,lon2"]

        It is guaranteed that lat1 &lt;= lat2 and lon1 &lt;= lon2.
        if len(bbox) != 2:
            raise GeocoderQueryError("Unsupported format for a bounding box")
        p1, p2 = bbox
        p1, p2 = Point(p1), Point(p2)
        return output_format % dict(lat1=min(p1.latitude, p2.latitude),
                                    lon1=min(p1.longitude, p2.longitude),
                                    lat2=max(p1.latitude, p2.latitude),
                                    lon2=max(p1.longitude, p2.longitude))