How to use the geojson.is_valid function in geojson

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few geojson examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hotosm / tasking-manager / server / models / postgis / View on Github external
def from_geojson_feature(cls, task_id, task_feature):
        Constructs and validates a task from a GeoJson feature object
        :param task_id: Unique ID for the task
        :param task_feature: A geoJSON feature object
        :raises InvalidGeoJson, InvalidData
        if type(task_feature) is not geojson.Feature:
            raise InvalidGeoJson('Task: Invalid GeoJson should be a feature')

        task_geometry = task_feature.geometry

        if type(task_geometry) is not geojson.MultiPolygon:
            raise InvalidGeoJson('Task: Geometry must be a MultiPolygon')

        is_valid_geojson = geojson.is_valid(task_geometry)
        if is_valid_geojson['valid'] == 'no':
            raise InvalidGeoJson(f"Task: Invalid MultiPolygon - {is_valid_geojson['message']}")

        task = cls()
            task.x =['x']
            task.y =['y']
            task.zoom =['zoom']
            task.splittable =['splittable']
        except KeyError as e:
            raise InvalidData(f'Task: Expected property not found: {str(e)}')

        if 'extra_properties' in
            task.extra_properties = json.dumps(
github hotosm / tasking-manager / server / services / View on Github external
def _attach_tasks_to_project(draft_project: Project, tasks_geojson):
        Validates then iterates over the array of tasks and attach them to the draft project
        :param draft_project: Draft project in scope
        :param tasks_geojson: GeoJSON feature collection of mapping tasks
        :raises InvalidGeoJson, InvalidData
        tasks = geojson.loads(json.dumps(tasks_geojson))

        if type(tasks) is not geojson.FeatureCollection:
            raise InvalidGeoJson('Tasks: Invalid GeoJson must be FeatureCollection')

        is_valid_geojson = geojson.is_valid(tasks)
        if is_valid_geojson['valid'] == 'no':
            raise InvalidGeoJson(f"Tasks: Invalid FeatureCollection - {is_valid_geojson['message']}")

        task_count = 1
        for feature in tasks['features']:
                task = Task.from_geojson_feature(task_count, feature)
            except (InvalidData, InvalidGeoJson) as e:
                raise e

            task_count += 1

        task_count -= 1  # Remove last increment before falling out loop
        draft_project.total_tasks = task_count
github CulturePlex / Sylva / sylva / engines / gdb / backends / View on Github external
def _index_spatial_property(self, node, key, value, label):
        sidx_key = u"{}_{}".format(label, key)
        if sidx_key in self.sidx:
            geo_value = geojson.loads(value)
            is_valid_geojson = geojson.is_valid(geo_value)['valid'] != 'no'
            if is_valid_geojson:
                # Add node to index
                index = self.sidx[sidx_key]["index"]
                index_key = self.sidx[sidx_key]["key"]
                wkt_value = shape(geo_value).wkt
                node[index_key] = wkt_value
                index.add(SPATIAL_INDEX_KEY, SPATIAL_INDEX_VALUE, node)
                # Add node to layer
                self.spatial.addNodeToLayer(, node=node.url)
github hotosm / tasking-manager / server / services / grid / View on Github external
:param dissolve: flag for wther to to dissolve internal boundaries.
        :return: geojson.MultiPolygon
        parsed_geojson = GridService._to_shapely_geometries(
        multi_polygon = GridService._convert_to_multipolygon(parsed_geojson)
        if dissolve:
            multi_polygon = GridService._dissolve(multi_polygon)
        aoi_multi_polygon_geojson = geojson.loads(json.dumps(mapping(multi_polygon)))

        # validate the geometry
        if type(aoi_multi_polygon_geojson) is not geojson.MultiPolygon:
            raise InvalidGeoJson("Area Of Interest: geometry must be a MultiPolygon")

        is_valid_geojson = geojson.is_valid(aoi_multi_polygon_geojson)
        if is_valid_geojson["valid"] == "no":
            raise InvalidGeoJson(
                f"Area of Interest: Invalid MultiPolygon - {is_valid_geojson['message']}"

        return aoi_multi_polygon_geojson
github hotosm / tasking-manager / server / services / grid / View on Github external
Merge all geometries to a single multipolygon
        :param feature_collection: geojson feature collection str containing features
        :param dissolve: flag for wther to to dissolve internal boundaries.
        :return: geojson.MultiPolygon
        parsed_geojson = GridService._to_shapely_geometries(json.dumps(feature_collection))
        multi_polygon = GridService._convert_to_multipolygon(parsed_geojson)
        if dissolve:
            multi_polygon = GridService._dissolve(multi_polygon)
        aoi_multi_polygon_geojson =  geojson.loads(json.dumps(mapping(multi_polygon)))

        # validate the geometry
        if type(aoi_multi_polygon_geojson) is not geojson.MultiPolygon:
            raise InvalidGeoJson('Area Of Interest: geometry must be a MultiPolygon')

        is_valid_geojson = geojson.is_valid(aoi_multi_polygon_geojson)
        if is_valid_geojson['valid'] == 'no':
            raise InvalidGeoJson(f"Area of Interest: Invalid MultiPolygon - {is_valid_geojson['message']}")

        return aoi_multi_polygon_geojson
github whosonfirst / whosonfirst-www-boundaryissues / services / geojson-server / View on Github external
@app.route('/save', methods=['POST'])
def geojson_save():

        g = request.form['geojson']
        f = geojson.loads(g)
    except Exception, e:
        err = "failed to load geojson, because %s" % e
        return jsonify(ok=0, error=err)

    # Does the input pass the smell check?
    validation = geojson.is_valid(f)

    if (validation['valid'] == 'no'):
        error = "GeoJSON doesn't smell right: %s" % validation['message']
        return jsonify(ok=0, error=error)

        ff = mapzen.whosonfirst.export.flatfile(root, debug=False)
        path = ff.export_feature(f)
    except Exception, e:
        error = "failed to export geojson, because %s" % e

        return jsonify(ok=0, error=error)

    # Repeat back the file we just wrote