How to use the geoip2.webservice.Client function in geoip2

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few geoip2 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ourresearch / total-impact-webapp / totalimpactwebapp / View on Github external
def get_ip_insights(ip):
        client = geoip2.webservice.Client(os.getenv("MAXMIND_USER"), os.getenv("MAXMIND_KEY"))
        insights = client.insights(ip)
    except AddressNotFoundError:
        insights = None
    return insights
github ourresearch / oadoi / View on Github external
def get_unpaywall_events(self, rows=100):
        insights_client = geoip2.webservice.Client(os.getenv("MAXMIND_CLIENT_ID"), os.getenv("MAXMIND_API_KEY"))

        tar_gz_filename = "today-{}.tsv.gz".format(self.first_day)

        execute("rm {}".format(tar_gz_filename), check=False)  # clear it if there is already one there
        command_template = """curl --no-include -o {} -L -H "X-Papertrail-Token: {}"{}/download"""

        command = command_template.format(tar_gz_filename, os.getenv("PAPERTRAIL_API_KEY"), self.first_day)
        if execute("ls -lh {}".format(tar_gz_filename), check=False):
            execute("zgrep {} > unpaywall_events.txt".format(tar_gz_filename), capture=True, check=False)

            # no file.  get the files for all the hours instead
            execute("rm unpaywall_events.txt", check=False)  # clear it if there is already one there, because appending
            for hour in range(24):
                day_with_hour = "{}-{:02d}".format(self.first_day, hour)