How to use the gdtoolkit.linter.DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy function in gdtoolkit

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gdtoolkit examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Scony / godot-gdscript-toolkit / tests / linter / View on Github external
def simple_ok_check(code, **kwargs):
    extra_disable = [] if "disable" not in kwargs else kwargs["disable"]
    config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
    config.update({"disable": extra_disable})
    outcome = lint_code(code, config)
    assert len(outcome) == 0, outcome
github Scony / godot-gdscript-toolkit / tests / linter / View on Github external
def simple_nok_check(code, check_name, line=2, **kwargs):
    extra_disable = [] if "disable" not in kwargs else kwargs["disable"]
    config_w_disable = DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
    config_w_disable.update({"disable": [check_name] + extra_disable})
    assert len(lint_code(code, config_w_disable)) == 0

    config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
    config.update({"disable": extra_disable})
    outcome = lint_code(code, config)
    assert len(outcome) == 1
    assert outcome[0].name == check_name
    assert outcome[0].line == line
github Scony / godot-gdscript-toolkit / tests / linter / View on Github external
def simple_nok_check(code, check_name, line=2, **kwargs):
    extra_disable = [] if "disable" not in kwargs else kwargs["disable"]
    config_w_disable = DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
    config_w_disable.update({"disable": [check_name] + extra_disable})
    assert len(lint_code(code, config_w_disable)) == 0

    config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
    config.update({"disable": extra_disable})
    outcome = lint_code(code, config)
    assert len(outcome) == 1
    assert outcome[0].name == check_name
    assert outcome[0].line == line
github Scony / godot-gdscript-toolkit / gdtoolkit / linter / View on Github external
arguments = docopt(
        version="gdlint {}".format(pkg_resources.get_distribution("gdtoolkit").version),

    if not isinstance(arguments, dict):
        print(arguments)  # stderr

    if arguments["--verbose"]:
        logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)

    if arguments["--dump-default-config"]:  # TODO: error handling
        assert not os.path.isfile(CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
        with open(CONFIG_FILE_NAME, "w") as fh:

    # TODO: add opt-based config-file providing
    # TODO: extract the algorithm
    search_dir = Path(os.getcwd())
    found_config_file_path = None
    while search_dir != Path(os.path.abspath(os.sep)):
        file_path = os.path.join(search_dir, CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
        if os.path.isfile(file_path):
            found_config_file_path = file_path
        file_path = os.path.join(search_dir, ".{}".format(CONFIG_FILE_NAME))
        if os.path.isfile(file_path):
            found_config_file_path = file_path
        search_dir = search_dir.parent