How to use the gconf.VALUE_STRING function in gconf

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gconf examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github thesamet / webilder / src / webilder / View on Github external
for s in conf_client.all_dirs('/apps/compiz/general')
               if s.split('/')[-1][:6] == 'screen']

    # Check that the screen is one of the ones supported by compiz
    if screen not in screens:
        screen = screens[0]

    # Get the number of faces on this screen
    number_of_faces = (
        conf_client.get_int('/apps/compiz/general/%s/options/hsize' % screen) *
        conf_client.get_int('/apps/compiz/general/%s/options/vsize' % screen))

    # Get the current list of wallpapers on this screen
    wallpapers = conf_client.get_list(
        '/apps/compiz/plugins/wallpaper/%s/options/bg_image' % screen,

    # If list of wallpapers is too short, populate it to the correct length
    if len(wallpapers) < number_of_faces:
        wallpapers.extend([filename] * (number_of_faces - len(wallpapers)))
        prefix = '/apps/compiz/plugins/wallpaper/%s/options/' % screen
        settings = {
            'bg_color1'   : (gconf.VALUE_STRING, '#000000ff'),
            'bg_color2'   : (gconf.VALUE_STRING, '#000000ff'),
            'bg_fill_type': (gconf.VALUE_INT,    0),
            'bg_image_pos': (gconf.VALUE_INT,    0),
        for key, value in settings.items():
            ext_list = conf_client.get_list(prefix + key, value[0])
            ext_list.extend([value[1]] * (number_of_faces - len(ext_list)))
            conf_client.set_list(prefix + key, value[0], ext_list)
github tualatrix / ubuntu-tweak / ubuntu-tweak / View on Github external
def wobbly_checkbutton_toggled_cb(self, widget, data = None):
		client = gconf.client_get_default()

		if widget.get_active():
			self.set_active("wobbly", True)
			value = client.get(data)

			if value.type == gconf.VALUE_INT:
				client.set_int(data, 1)
				client.set_string("/apps/compiz/plugins/wobbly/screen0/options/map_window_match","Splash | DropdownMenu | PopupMenu | Tooltip | Notification | Combo | Dnd | Unknown")
			elif value.type == gconf.VALUE_BOOL:
				client.set_bool(data, True)
			elif value.type == gconf.VALUE_STRING:
				client.set_string(data, "Toolbar | Menu | Utility | Dialog | Normal | Unknown")
			self.set_active("wobbly", False)
			value = client.get(data)

			if value.type == gconf.VALUE_INT:
				client.set_int(data, 0)
			elif value.type == gconf.VALUE_BOOL:
				client.set_bool(data, False)
			elif value.type == gconf.VALUE_STRING:
				client.set_string(data, "")
github GNOME / meld / View on Github external
            except ValueError:
            while len(history) > 7:
            if name:
                history.insert( 0, name )
            combo = entry.parent
            model = combo.get_model()
            for h in history:
            if len(history):
                self.gconf.set_list("%s/%s" % (self.STATE_ROOT, history_id), gconf.VALUE_STRING, history )
github codebutler / gedit-gotofile-plugin / gotofile / View on Github external
def _writeSetting(self, name, gconfType, value):
		base = '/apps/gedit-2/plugins/gotofile/'
		if gconfType == gconf.VALUE_STRING:
			self._gconf.set_string(base + name, value)
		elif gconfType == gconf.VALUE_INT:
			self._gconf.set_int(base + name, value)			
		elif gconfType == gconf.VALUE_BOOL:
			self._gconf.set_bool(base + name, value)
			raise "Not supported"
github tualatrix / ubuntu-tweak / ubuntutweak / conf / View on Github external
def get_schema_value(self):
        value = self.__client.get_default_from_schema(self.__key)
        if value:
            if value.type == gconf.VALUE_BOOL:
                return value.get_bool()
            elif value.type == gconf.VALUE_STRING:
                return value.get_string()
            elif value.type == gconf.VALUE_INT:
                return value.get_int()
            elif value.type == gconf.VALUE_FLOAT:
                return value.get_float()
            raise Exception("No schema value for %s" % self.__key)
github stsquad / Gwibber / gwibber / View on Github external
import gconf, gobject, gtk

class Spec (object):
    def __init__ (self, name, gconf_type, py_type, default):
        self.__gconf_type = gconf_type
        self.__py_type = py_type
        self.__default = default
        self.__name = name
    gconf_type = property (lambda self: self.__gconf_type)
    py_type = property (lambda self: self.__py_type)
    default = property (lambda self: self.__default)
    name = property (lambda self: self.__name)

Spec.STRING = Spec ("string", gconf.VALUE_STRING, str, '')
Spec.FLOAT = Spec ("float", gconf.VALUE_FLOAT, float, 0.0)
Spec.INT = Spec ("int", gconf.VALUE_INT, int, 0)
Spec.BOOL = Spec ("bool", gconf.VALUE_BOOL, bool, True)

def data_file_chooser (button, key, use_directory = False, use_uri = True, default = None, client = None):
    Returns a gaw.Data.
    use_directory - boolean variable setting if it's we're using files or directories.
    use_uri - boolean variable setting if we're using URI's or normal filenames.
    Associates a gaw.Data to a gtk.FileChooserButton. 
    if not use_directory and not use_uri:
        getter = button.get_filename
github thesamet / webilder / src / webilder / View on Github external
# Get the number of faces on this screen
    number_of_faces = (
        conf_client.get_int('/apps/compiz/general/%s/options/hsize' % screen) *
        conf_client.get_int('/apps/compiz/general/%s/options/vsize' % screen))

    # Get the current list of wallpapers on this screen
    wallpapers = conf_client.get_list(
        '/apps/compiz/plugins/wallpaper/%s/options/bg_image' % screen,

    # If list of wallpapers is too short, populate it to the correct length
    if len(wallpapers) < number_of_faces:
        wallpapers.extend([filename] * (number_of_faces - len(wallpapers)))
        prefix = '/apps/compiz/plugins/wallpaper/%s/options/' % screen
        settings = {
            'bg_color1'   : (gconf.VALUE_STRING, '#000000ff'),
            'bg_color2'   : (gconf.VALUE_STRING, '#000000ff'),
            'bg_fill_type': (gconf.VALUE_INT,    0),
            'bg_image_pos': (gconf.VALUE_INT,    0),
        for key, value in settings.items():
            ext_list = conf_client.get_list(prefix + key, value[0])
            ext_list.extend([value[1]] * (number_of_faces - len(ext_list)))
            conf_client.set_list(prefix + key, value[0], ext_list)

    # Correct face if invalid
    if face >= number_of_faces or face < 0:
        face = 0

    # Set wallpaper
    wallpapers[face] = filename
github gmate / gmate / plugins / View on Github external
if row[0] == entrytext:
                it =

        if len( > self._maxEntries:
            it =[-1].path)

        if doStore:
            entries = []
            for e in
                encodedName = urllib.quote(e[0])
            self.gclient.set_list(self.confKey, gconf.VALUE_STRING, entries)