How to use the ganga.GangaDirac.Lib.Files.DiracFile.DiracFile function in ganga

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            attr (str): This is the name of the attribute which we're assigning
            value (unknown): This is the value being assigned.
        actual_value = value
        if attr == "namePattern":
            this_dir, actual_value = os.path.split(value)
            if this_dir:
                self.localDir = this_dir
        elif attr == 'localDir':
            if value:
                new_value = os.path.abspath(expandfilename(value))
                if os.path.exists(new_value):
                    actual_value = new_value

        super(DiracFile, self).__setattr__(attr, actual_value)
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if not os.path.exists(name):
                if not self.compressed:
                    raise GangaFileError('Cannot upload file. File "%s" must exist!' % name)
                name += '.gz'
                if not os.path.exists(name):
                    raise GangaFileError('File "%s" must exist!' % name)
                if self.compressed:
                    os.system('gzip -c %s > %s.gz' % (name, name))
                    name += '.gz'
                    if not os.path.exists(name):
                        raise GangaFileError('File "%s" must exist!' % name)

            lfn = os.path.join(lfn_base, os.path.basename(this_file))

            d = DiracFile()
            d.namePattern = os.path.basename(name)
            d.compressed = self.compressed
            d.localDir = sourceDir
            stderr = ''
            stdout = ''
  'Uploading file \'%s\' to \'%s\' as \'%s\'' % (name, storage_elements[0], lfn))
            logger.debug('execute: uploadFile("%s", "%s", %s)' % (lfn, os.path.join(sourceDir, name), str([storage_elements[0]])))
                stdout = execute('uploadFile("%s", "%s", %s)' % (lfn, os.path.join(sourceDir, name), str([storage_elements[0]])), cred_req=self.credential_requirements)
            except GangaDiracError as err:
                logger.warning("Couldn't upload file '%s': \'%s\'" % (os.path.basename(name), err))
                failureReason = "Error in uploading file '%s' : '%s'" % (os.path.basename(name), err)
                if is not None:
                    d.failureReason = failureReason
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guid = tokens[3]
            locations = eval(tokens[2])
        except Exception as err:
            logger.debug("line_process err: %s" % err)
            locations = tokens[2]

        if pattern == name:
            logger.debug("pattern == name")
            logger.error("Failed to parse outputfile data for file '%s'" % name)
            return True

        #   This is the case that multiple files were requested
        if pattern == dirac_file.namePattern:
            logger.debug("pattern == dirac_file.namePattern")
            d = DiracFile(namePattern=name, lfn=lfn)
            d.compressed = dirac_file.compressed
            d.guid = guid
            d.locations = locations
            d.localDir = localPath
            #dirac_line_processor(line, d)
            return False

        #   This is the case that an individual file was requested
        elif name == dirac_file.namePattern:
            logger.debug("name == dirac_file.namePattern")
            if lfn == '###FAILED###':
                dirac_file.failureReason = tokens[2]
                logger.error("Failed to upload file '%s' to Dirac: %s" % (name, dirac_file.failureReason))
                return True
            dirac_file.lfn = lfn
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if is not None:
            if self.lfn != "":
                logger.warning("Cannot specify a single lfn for a wildcard namePattern")
                logger.warning("LFN will be generated automatically")
                self.lfn = ""

        if not self.remoteDir:
                job = self.getJobObject()
                lfn_folder = os.path.join("GangaJob_%s" % job.getFQID('/'), "OutputFiles")
            except AssertionError:
                t =
                this_date = t.strftime("%H.%M_%A_%d_%B_%Y")
                lfn_folder = os.path.join('GangaFiles_%s' % this_date)
            lfn_base = os.path.join(DiracFile.diracLFNBase(self.credential_requirements), lfn_folder)

            lfn_base = os.path.join(DiracFile.diracLFNBase(self.credential_requirements), self.remoteDir)

        if uploadSE == "":
            if self.defaultSE != "":
                storage_elements = [self.defaultSE]
                if configDirac['allDiracSE']:
                    storage_elements = [random.choice(configDirac['allDiracSE'])]
                    raise GangaFileError("Can't upload a file without a valid defaultSE or storageSE, please provide one")
        elif isinstance(uploadSE, list):
            storage_elements = uploadSE
            storage_elements = [uploadSE]
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def diracLFNBase(credential_requirements):
        Compute a sensible default LFN base name
        If ``DiracLFNBase`` has been defined, use that.
        Otherwise, construct one from the user name and the user VO
            credential_requirements (DiracProxy): This is the credential which governs how we should format the path
        if configDirac['DiracLFNBase']:
            return configDirac['DiracLFNBase']
        user = DiracProxyInfo(credential_requirements).username
        return '/{0}/user/{1}/{2}'.format(configDirac['userVO'], user[0], user)

# add DiracFile objects to the configuration scope (i.e. it will be
# possible to write instatiate DiracFile() objects via config file)
GangaCore.Utility.Config.config_scope['DiracFile'] = DiracFile

exportToGPI('GangaDirac', GangaList, 'Classes')