How to use the fuzzywuzzy.fuzz.partial_ratio function in fuzzywuzzy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few fuzzywuzzy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github loonwerks / formal-methods-workbench / models / Trusted_Build_Test / View on Github external
def compare_output(baseline, current):
    similarity = 50;
    if (DEFAULT_ALGORITHM == 'ratio'):
       similarity = fuzz.ratio(baseline, current)
    elif (DEFAULT_ALGORITHM == 'partial_ratio'):
       similarity = fuzz.partial_ratio(baseline, current)
    elif (DEFAULT_ALGORITHM == 'token_sort_ratio'):
       similarity = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(baseline, current)
    elif (DEFAULT_ALGORITHM == 'partial_token_sort_ratio'):
       similarity = fuzz.partial_token_sort_ratio(baseline, current)
    elif (DEFAULT_ALGORITHM == 'token_set_ratio'):
       similarity = fuzz.token_set_ratio(baseline, current)
       print("Unknown similarity measure " + DEFAULT_ALGORITHM + ". Aborting")
    return similarity
github b1naryth1ef / rowboat / rowboat / plugins / View on Github external
def role_add(self, event, user, role, reason=None, mode=None):
        role_obj = None

        if role.isdigit() and int(role) in event.guild.roles.keys():
            role_obj = event.guild.roles[int(role)]
        elif role.lower() in event.config.role_aliases:
            role_obj = event.guild.roles.get(event.config.role_aliases[role.lower()])
            # First try exact match
            exact_matches = [i for i in event.guild.roles.values() if' ', '') == role.lower()]
            if len(exact_matches) == 1:
                role_obj = exact_matches[0]
                # Otherwise we fuzz it up
                rated = sorted([
                    (fuzz.partial_ratio(role,' ', '')), r) for r in event.guild.roles.values()
                ], key=lambda i: i[0], reverse=True)

                if rated[0][0] > 40:
                    if len(rated) == 1:
                        role_obj = rated[0][1]
                    elif rated[0][0] - rated[1][0] > 20:
                        role_obj = rated[0][1]

        if not role_obj:
            raise CommandFail('too many matches for that role, try something more exact or the role ID')

        author_member = event.guild.get_member(
        highest_role = sorted(
            [event.guild.roles.get(r) for r in author_member.roles],
            key=lambda i: i.position,
github nitish6174 / video-search-engine / flaskapp / routes / View on Github external
# Fetch all channel names
    channel_data = {}
    for x in all_videos:
        channel_id = x["snippet"]["channelId"]
        if channel_id not in channel_data:
            channel_data[channel_id] = {"name": x["snippet"]["channelTitle"]}
    # Break search query into lowercase words
    query_words = search_query.lower().split()
    # Calculate score of each video title using fuzzy matching
    video_results = []
    for key in title_data:
        score = 0
        for q in query_words:
            score += fuzz.ratio(q, key)
            score += fuzz.ratio(search_query.lower(), key)
            inc = fuzz.partial_ratio(q, key)
            if inc == 100:
                inc += len(q) * 20
            score += inc
            score += title_data[key]["statistics"]["viewCount"] / 10000000
        video_results.append([score, title_data[key]])
    # Calculate score of each channel name using fuzzy matching
    channel_results = []
    for key in channel_data:
        channel_name = channel_data[key]["name"].lower()
        score = 0
        for q in query_words:
            score += fuzz.ratio(q, channel_name)
            score += fuzz.ratio(search_query.lower(), channel_name)
            inc = fuzz.partial_ratio(q, channel_name)
            if inc == 100:
                inc += len(q) * 20
github stereodruid / / resources / lib / View on Github external
for epName in epNames:
                if use_fuzzy_matching == True:
                    if episode.get('episodeName', None):
                        episodeNameTVDB = episode.get('episodeName').lower()
                        epNameL = epName.lower()
                        if re.sub('( |:|,|\.)', '', episodeNameTVDB) == re.sub('( |:|,|\.)', '', epNameL):
                            ratio1 = 100
                            ratio2 = 100
                            ratio3 = 100
                            ratio4 = 100
                            ratio1 = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(re.sub('(:|,|\.)', '', episodeNameTVDB), re.sub('(:|,|\.)', '', epNameL))
                            ratio2 = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(re.sub('( |:|,|\.)', '', episodeNameTVDB), re.sub('( |:|,|\.)', '', epNameL))
                            ratio3 = fuzz.token_set_ratio(episodeNameTVDB, epNameL)
                            ratio4 = fuzz.partial_ratio(re.sub('(:|,|\.)', '', episodeNameTVDB), re.sub('(:|,|\.)', '', epNameL))

                        if min(len(episodeNameTVDB), len(epNameL)) < 6:
                            ratio = (ratio1 + ratio2) / 2.0
                            ratio = (ratio1 + ratio2 + ratio3 + ratio4) / 4.0
                        if episodeSeason != episode.get('airedSeason'):
                            if episode.get('airedSeason') == 0:
                                ratio = 0.72 * ratio
                                ratio = 0.80 * ratio

                        addon_log('tvdb ratio: \'{0}\'; \'{1}\' (TVDB); ratio={2:0.1f} ({3:0.1f} {4:0.1f} {5:0.1f} {6:0.1f})'.format(epName, episode.get('episodeName'), ratio, ratio1, ratio2, ratio3, ratio4))

                        if ratio > ratio_max:
                            if ratio_max > 0 and not (ratio_max_season == episode.get('airedSeason') and ratio_max_episode == episode.get('airedEpisodeNumber')):
                                ratio_max2 = ratio_max
github Thuva4 / Algorithms / View on Github external
def translate(self, algo):
        algo_std = to_std_case(algo)
        for a in self.algos:
            if fuzz.partial_ratio(a, algo_std) > 85:
                return a
        return algo_std
github apm1467 / videocr / videocr / View on Github external
def is_similar_to(self, other: PredictedSubtitle) -> bool:
        return fuzz.partial_ratio(self.text, other.text) >= self.sim_threshold
github sverrirs / ruvsarpur / src / View on Github external
      candidate_to_add = None
      # if the series id is set then find all shows belonging to that series
      if( args.sid is not None ):
        if( 'sid' in schedule_item and schedule_item['sid'] in args.sid):
          candidate_to_add = schedule_item
      elif( is not None ):
        if( 'pid' in schedule_item and schedule_item['pid'] in
          candidate_to_add = schedule_item
      elif( args.find is not None ):
        if( 'title' in schedule_item and fuzz.partial_ratio( args.find, createShowTitle(schedule_item, args.originaltitle) ) > 85 ):
          candidate_to_add = schedule_item
        elif( 'title' in schedule_item and fuzz.partial_ratio( args.find, schedule_item['title'] ) > 85 ):
          candidate_to_add = schedule_item
        elif( 'original-title' in schedule_item and not schedule_item['original-title'] is None and fuzz.partial_ratio( args.find, schedule_item['original-title'] ) > 85 ):
          candidate_to_add = schedule_item
        # By default if there is no filtering then we simply list everything in the schedule
        candidate_to_add = schedule_item

      # If the only new episode filter is set then only include shows that have recently started airing
      if( ):
        # If the show is not a repeat show or hasn't got more than a single episode in total then it isn't considered a show so exclude it
        if( not 'ep_num' in schedule_item or not 'ep_total' in schedule_item or int( schedule_item['ep_total']) < 2 or int(schedule_item['ep_num']) > 1 ):
          candidate_to_add = None # If the show is beyond ep 1 then it cannot be considered a new show so i'm not going to add it

      # Now process the adding of the show if all the filter criteria were satisified
      if( candidate_to_add is not None ):
    total_items = len(download_list)
github cltl / pepper / pepper / knowledge / View on Github external
        query: str
            Question to Ask

        answer: str
            Answer, if any, else None

        ratio = 0
        answer = None

        # Fuzzily try to find best matching query
        for Q, A in self.QNA_STATIC.items():
            r = fuzz.partial_ratio(query, Q)
            if r > ratio:
                answer = A
                ratio = r

        for Q, A in self.QNA_DYNAMIC.items():
            r = fuzz.partial_ratio(query, Q)
            if r > ratio:
                answer = A()
                ratio = r

        if ratio > 90:
            return float(ratio)/100, answer
github TakuyaHiraoka / Dialogue-State-Tracking-using-LSTM / dstc4_traindev / scripts / View on Github external
def _translateUtteranceIntoInputVector(self,utter, call):
        #Metainfo+BOW+SLOT/Value matching result
        if (utter["transcript"] not in LSTMWithBOWTracker.dictFuzzyMatchingResult):
            for topic in self.tagsets.keys():
                for slot in self.tagsets[topic].keys():
                    convClassInput[self.dictIn["CLASS_"+slot]]=fuzz.partial_ratio(slot, utter["transcript"])
                    for value in self.tagsets[topic][slot]:
                        convClassInput[self.dictIn["CLASS_"+value]]=fuzz.partial_ratio(value, utter["transcript"])
        if not self.isUseSentenceRepresentationInsteadofBOW:
            for word in splitedtrans:
                if ("WORD_"+word) in self.dictIn:#IGNORING OOV