How to use the funcy.py3.lmap function in funcy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few funcy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Suor / funcy / tests / View on Github external
def test_log_durations(monkeypatch):
    timestamps = iter([0, 0.01, 1, 1.000025])
    monkeypatch.setattr('time.time', lambda: next(timestamps))
    log = []

    f = log_durations(log.append)(lambda: None)
    with log_durations(log.append, 'hello'):

    assert lmap(r'^\s*(\d+\.\d+ mk?s) in (?:\(\)|hello)$', log) == ['10.00 ms', '25.00 mks']
github iterative / dvc / tests / View on Github external
def _coerce_filenames(filenames):
    if isinstance(filenames, (basestring, pathlib.PurePath)):
        filenames = [filenames]
    return lmap(fspath, filenames)
github Suor / funcy / tests / View on Github external
def test_log_durations_ex(monkeypatch):
    timestamps = [0, 0.01, 1, 1.001, 2, 2.02]
    timestamps_iter = iter(timestamps)
    monkeypatch.setattr('time.time', lambda: next(timestamps_iter))
    log = []

    f = log_durations(log.append, unit='ms', threshold=1.1e-3)(lambda: None)
    f(); f(); f()

    assert len(log) == 2
    assert lmap(r'^\s*(\d+\.\d+) ms in', log) == ['10.00', '20.00']
github Suor / django-cacheops / cacheops / View on Github external
elif len(where) == 0:
            return [[]]
            chilren_dnfs = lmap(_dnf, where.children)

            if len(chilren_dnfs) == 0:
                return [[]]
            elif len(chilren_dnfs) == 1:
                result = chilren_dnfs[0]
                # Just unite children joined with OR
                if where.connector == OR:
                    result = lcat(chilren_dnfs)
                # Use Cartesian product to AND children
                    result = lmap(lcat, product(*chilren_dnfs))

            # Negating and expanding brackets
            if where.negated:
                result = [lmap(negate, p) for p in product(*result)]

            return result
github Suor / django-cacheops / cacheops / View on Github external
if len(samples) == 1 and isinstance(samples[0], list):
        return lambda func: func

    def _get_queryset(sample):
        if isinstance(sample, Model):
            queryset = sample.__class__.objects.filter(
        elif isinstance(sample, type) and issubclass(sample, Model):
            queryset = sample.objects.all()
            queryset = sample


        return queryset

    querysets = lmap(_get_queryset, samples)
    dbs = list({qs.db for qs in querysets})
    cond_dnfs = join_with(lcat, map(dnfs, querysets))
    key_extra = [qs._cache_key(prefix=False) for qs in querysets]
    if timeout is None:
        timeout = min(qs._cacheprofile['timeout'] for qs in querysets)
    if lock is None:
        lock = any(qs._cacheprofile['lock'] for qs in querysets)

    def decorator(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            if not settings.CACHEOPS_ENABLED or transaction_states.is_dirty(dbs):
                return func(*args, **kwargs)

            prefix = get_prefix(func=func, _cond_dnfs=cond_dnfs, dbs=dbs)