How to use the fritzconnection.core.exceptions.FritzConnectionException function in fritzconnection

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the error code and description if available
    parts = []
    error_code = None
        root = etree.fromstring(response.content)
    except etree.ParseError:
        # May fail in case it's html instead of xml.
        # Can happen on wrong authentication.
        # That means it is not an error reported from executing
        # some service in the box, but rather not allowed to
        # access the box at all.
        # Whatever it is, report it here:
        detail = re.sub(r'<.*?>', '', response.text)
        msg = f'Unable to perform operation. {detail}'
        raise FritzConnectionException(msg)
    detail = root.find('.//detail')
    children = detail.iter()
    next(children) # skip detail itself
    for node in children:
        tag = localname(node)
        text = node.text.strip()
        if tag == "errorCode":
            error_code = text
        parts.append(f'{tag}: {text}')
    message = '\n'.join(parts)
    # try except:KeyError not possible,
    # because one of the raised Exceptions may inherit from KeyError.
    exception = FRITZ_ERRORS.get(error_code, FritzConnectionException)
    raise exception(message)
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def handle_response(response):
        ct = response.headers.get("Content-type")
        if ct == "text/html":
            message = f"Unable to retrieve resource '{url}' from the device."
            raise FritzConnectionException(message)
        return response.text
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detail = re.sub(r'<.*?>', '', response.text)
        msg = f'Unable to perform operation. {detail}'
        raise FritzConnectionException(msg)
    detail = root.find('.//detail')
    children = detail.iter()
    next(children) # skip detail itself
    for node in children:
        tag = localname(node)
        text = node.text.strip()
        if tag == "errorCode":
            error_code = text
        parts.append(f'{tag}: {text}')
    message = '\n'.join(parts)
    # try except:KeyError not possible,
    # because one of the raised Exceptions may inherit from KeyError.
    exception = FRITZ_ERRORS.get(error_code, FritzConnectionException)
    raise exception(message)
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# store as instance attributes for use by library modules
        self.address = address
        self.session = session
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.port = port

        self.soaper = Soaper(
            address, port, user, password, timeout=timeout, session=session
        self.device_manager = DeviceManager(timeout=timeout, session=session)

        for description in FRITZ_DESCRIPTIONS:
            source = f'{address}:{port}/{description}'
            except FritzConnectionException:
                # resource not available:
                # this can happen on devices not providing
                # an igddesc-file.
                # ignore this

        self.device_manager.load_service_descriptions(address, port)
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class FritzConnectionException(Exception):
    """Base Exception for communication errors with the Fritz!Box"""

class ActionError(FritzConnectionException):
    Exception raised by calling nonexisting actions.
    Legathy Exception. Use FritzActionError instead.

class ServiceError(FritzConnectionException):
    Exception raised by calling nonexisting services.
    Legathy Exception. Use FritzServiceError instead.

class FritzServiceError(ServiceError):
    """Exception raised by calling nonexisting services."""

class FritzActionError(ActionError):
    """Exception raised by calling nonexisting actions."""

class FritzArgumentError(FritzConnectionException):
    """Exception raised by invalid arguments."""
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def is_ok(self):
        # TODO for future: do more of the async_setup_entry checks right here

        from fritzconnection.core.exceptions import FritzConnectionException

            _ = self.connection.call_action(
                "Layer3Forwarding:1", "GetDefaultConnectionService"
            return True, ""
        except FritzConnectionException:
            return False, "connection_error"
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class FritzArgumentStringToLongError(FritzArgumentValueError):
    Exception raised by arguments with invalid string length for the
    string being to long. Inherits from the more generic

class FritzArgumentCharacterError(FritzArgumentValueError):
    Exception raised by arguments with invalid characters.
    Inherits from the more generic FritzArgumentValueError.

class FritzInternalError(FritzConnectionException):
    """Exception raised by panic in the box."""

class FritzActionFailedError(FritzInternalError):
    Exception raised by the box unable to execute the action properly.
    Inherits from the more generic FritzInternalError.

class FritzOutOfMemoryError(FritzInternalError):
    Exception raised by memory shortage of the box.
    Inherits from the more generic FritzInternalError.
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class FritzConnectionException(Exception):
    """Base Exception for communication errors with the Fritz!Box"""

class ActionError(FritzConnectionException):
    Exception raised by calling nonexisting actions.
    Legathy Exception. Use FritzActionError instead.

class ServiceError(FritzConnectionException):
    Exception raised by calling nonexisting services.
    Legathy Exception. Use FritzServiceError instead.

class FritzServiceError(ServiceError):
    """Exception raised by calling nonexisting services."""
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class ServiceError(FritzConnectionException):
    Exception raised by calling nonexisting services.
    Legathy Exception. Use FritzServiceError instead.

class FritzServiceError(ServiceError):
    """Exception raised by calling nonexisting services."""

class FritzActionError(ActionError):
    """Exception raised by calling nonexisting actions."""

class FritzArgumentError(FritzConnectionException):
    """Exception raised by invalid arguments."""

class FritzArgumentValueError(FritzArgumentError):
    Exception raised by arguments with invalid values.
    Inherits from the more generic FritzArgumentError.

class FritzArgumentStringToShortError(FritzArgumentValueError):
    Exception raised by arguments with invalid string length for the
    string being to short. Inherits from the more generic