How to use the function in forte

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few forte examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def get_groups_by_member(
            self, member: Union[int, EntryType]) -> Set[GroupType]:
        groups: Set[GroupType] = set()
        if isinstance(member, Entry):
            tid = member.tid
            if tid is None:
                raise ValueError("Argument member has no tid. "
                                 "Have you add this entry into the datapack?")
        elif isinstance(member, int):
            tid = member
            raise TypeError("Can only get group via entry id (int) or the "
                            "group object itself (Entry).")

        if not self.index.group_index_on:

        for tid in self.index.group_index(tid):
            entry: EntryType = self.get_entry(tid)
            if self.validate_group(entry):
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pack_name:  An name to identify the data pack, which is helpful in
           situation like serialization. It is suggested that the packs should
           have different doc ids.
        language: The language used by this data pack, default is English.
        span_unit: The unit used for interpreting the Span object of this
          data pack. Default is character.

    def __init__(self, pack_name: Optional[str] = None,
                 language: str = 'eng', span_unit: str = 'character'):
        self.language = language
        self.span_unit = span_unit

class DataPack(BasePack[Entry, Link, Group]):
    # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
    r"""A :class:`DataPack` contains a piece of natural language text and a
    collection of NLP entries (annotations, links, and groups). The natural
    language text could be a document617, paragraph or in any other granularity.

        pack_manager(PackManager): A manager that records global
          information of packs, such as pack ids.
        pack_name (str, optional): A name for this data pack.

    def __init__(self, pack_manager: PackManager,
                 pack_name: Optional[str] = None):
        super().__init__(pack_manager, pack_name)
        self._text = ""
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QueryType = Union[Dict[str, Any], np.ndarray]

class Generics(Entry):
    def __init__(self, pack: PackType):

class Annotation(Entry):
    r"""Annotation type entries, such as "token", "entity mention" and
    "sentence". Each annotation has a :class:`Span` corresponding to its offset
    in the text.

        pack (PackType): The container that this annotation
            will be added to.
        begin (int): The offset of the first character in the annotation.
        end (int): The offset of the last character in the annotation + 1.
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QueryType = Union[Dict[str, Any], np.ndarray]

class Generics(Entry):
    def __init__(self, pack: PackType):

class Annotation(Entry):
    r"""Annotation type entries, such as "token", "entity mention" and
    "sentence". Each annotation has a :class:`Span` corresponding to its offset
    in the text.

        pack (PackType): The container that this annotation
            will be added to.
        begin (int): The offset of the first character in the annotation.
        end (int): The offset of the last character in the annotation + 1.

    def __init__(self, pack: PackType, begin: int, end: int):
        self._span: Optional[Span]
        self.set_span(begin, end)
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def get_child(self) -> Entry:
        r"""Get the child entry of the link.

             An instance of :class:`Entry` that is the child of the link.
        if self._child is None:
            raise IncompleteEntryError("The parent of this link is not set.")

        pack_idx, child_tid = self._child
        return self.pack.get_subentry(pack_idx, child_tid)

# pylint: disable=duplicate-bases
class MultiPackGroup(MultiEntry, BaseGroup[Entry]):
    r"""Group type entries, such as "coreference group". Each group has a set
    of members.
    MemberType: Type[Entry] = Entry

    def __init__(
            self, pack: PackType, members: Optional[Iterable[Entry]] = None
    ):  # pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation
        self._members: List[Tuple[int, int]] = []
        if members is not None:

    def add_member(self, member: Entry):
        if not isinstance(member, self.MemberType):
            raise TypeError(
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             An instance of :class:`Entry` that is the child of the link.
        if self._child is None:
            raise IncompleteEntryError("The parent of this link is not set.")

        pack_idx, child_tid = self._child
        return self.pack.get_subentry(pack_idx, child_tid)

# pylint: disable=duplicate-bases
class MultiPackGroup(MultiEntry, BaseGroup[Entry]):
    r"""Group type entries, such as "coreference group". Each group has a set
    of members.
    MemberType: Type[Entry] = Entry

    def __init__(
            self, pack: PackType, members: Optional[Iterable[Entry]] = None
    ):  # pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation
        self._members: List[Tuple[int, int]] = []
        if members is not None:

    def add_member(self, member: Entry):
        if not isinstance(member, self.MemberType):
            raise TypeError(
                f"The members of {type(self)} should be "
                f"instances of {self.MemberType}, but got {type(member)}")

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MdRequest = Dict[
    Type[Union[MultiPackLink, MultiPackGroup]],
    Union[Dict, List]

class MultiPackMeta(BaseMeta):
    r"""Meta information of a MultiPack."""

# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods

class MultiPack(BasePack[Entry, MultiPackLink, MultiPackGroup]):
    r"""A :class:`MultiPack' contains multiple DataPacks and a collection of
    cross-pack entries (links, and groups)

    def __init__(self, pack_manager: PackManager,
                 pack_name: Optional[str] = None):
        super().__init__(pack_manager, pack_name)

        # Store the global ids.
        self._pack_ref: List[int] = []
        # Store the reverse mapping from global id to the pack index.
        self._inverse_pack_ref: Dict[int, int] = {}

        # Store the pack names.
        self._pack_names: List[str] = []
        # Store the reverse mapping from name to the pack index.
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        return (str(type(self)), self._tid) < (str(type(other)), other.tid)

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        r"""The hash function for :class:`Entry` objects.
        To be implemented in each subclass.
        return hash((type(self), self._tid))

    def index_key(self) -> Hashable:
        # Think about how to use the index key carefully.
        return self._tid

class MultiEntry(Entry, ABC):
    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
        Handle the special sub-entry case in the multi pack case.



        self._check_attr_type(key, value)

        if isinstance(value, Entry):
            # Save a pointer of the value.
            self.__dict__[key] = value.as_pointer(self)
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        if self.pack is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot get child because link is not"
                             " attached to any data pack.")
        if self._child is None:
            raise ValueError("The child of this entry is not set.")
        return self.pack.get_entry(self._child)

# pylint: disable=duplicate-bases
class Group(BaseGroup[Entry]):
    r"""Group is an entry that represent a group of other entries. For example,
    a "coreference group" is a group of coreferential entities. Each group will
    store a set of members, no duplications allowed.
    MemberType: Type[Entry] = Entry

    def __init__(
            pack: PackType,
            members: Optional[Set[Entry]] = None,
    ):  # pylint: disable=useless-super-delegation
        self._members: Set[int] = set()
        super().__init__(pack, members)

    def add_member(self, member: Entry):
        r"""Add one entry to the group.

            member: One member to be added to the group.
        if not isinstance(member, self.MemberType):
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def as_pointer(self, from_entry: "Entry") -> "Pointer":
        Get a pointer of the entry relative to this entry

            from_entry: The entry relative from.

             A pointer relative to the this entry.
        if isinstance(from_entry, MultiEntry):
            return Pointer(self.tid)
        elif isinstance(from_entry, Entry):
            raise ValueError(
                "Do not support reference a multi pack entry from an entry.")