How to use the foolscap.ipb.DeadReferenceError function in foolscap

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vocab_index = 0
                      vocab_index, "initial vocab table index")
        our_hash = vocab.hashVocabTable(vocab_index)
        if vocab_index > 0 and our_hash != vocab_hash:
            msg = ("Our hash for vocab-table-index %d (%s) does not match "
                   "your hash (%s)" % (vocab_index, our_hash, vocab_hash))
            raise NegotiationError(msg)

        if self.theirTubRef in self.tub.brokers:
            # we're the slave, so we need to drop our existing connection and
            # use the one picked by the master
            self.log("master told us to use a new connection, "
                     "so we must drop the existing one", level=UNUSUAL)
            err = DeadReferenceError("replaced by a new connection")
            why = Failure(err)

        current_connection = decision.get('current-connection')
        if current_connection:
            tubID = self.theirTubRef.getTubID()
            if tubID != "":
                self.tub.slave_table[tubID] = tuple(current_connection.split())
            self.log("no current-connection in decision from %s" %
                     self.theirTubRef, level=UNUSUAL)

        params = { 'banana-decision-version': ver,
                   'initial-vocab-table-index': vocab_index,
        return params
github warner / foolscap / src / foolscap / View on Github external
def abandonAllRequests(self, why):
        for req in list(self.waitingForAnswers.values()):
            if why.check(*LOST_CONNECTION_ERRORS):
                # map all connection-lost errors to DeadReferenceError, so
                # application code only needs to check for one exception type
                tubid = None
                # since we're creating a new exception object for each call,
                # let's add more information to it
                if self.remote_tubref:
                    tubid = self.remote_tubref.getShortTubID()
                e = DeadReferenceError("Connection was lost", tubid, req)
                why = failure.Failure(e)
            eventually(, why)
github warner / foolscap / foolscap / View on Github external
# itself. Leave them alone, and assume that users will see the warnings for
# Tub and Referenceable and the more common symols.
SturdyRef = referenceable.SturdyRef

from foolscap import copyable
Copyable = copyable.Copyable
RemoteCopy = copyable.RemoteCopy
registerRemoteCopy = _wrap_function(copyable.registerRemoteCopy,
registerCopier = _wrap_function(copyable.registerCopier,
registerRemoteCopyFactory = _wrap_function(copyable.registerRemoteCopyFactory,

import foolscap.ipb
DeadReferenceError = _wrap_class(foolscap.ipb.DeadReferenceError, "DeadReferenceError")
import foolscap.tokens
BananaError = _wrap_class(foolscap.tokens.BananaError, "BananaError")
import foolscap.schema
schema = foolscap.schema

serialize = _wrap_function(, "serialize")
unserialize = _wrap_function(, "unserialize")
github selfsk / nodeset.core / src / nodeset / core / View on Github external
def _dead_reference(self, fail, event_uri, node):
        Errback for DeadReference exception handling
        @param fail: twisted failure object
        @type fail: twisted.failure.Falure
        @param node: node object
        @type node: L{Node}
        log.msg("dead reference %s, drop it" % node, logLevel=logging.WARNING)
        self.routing.remove(event_uri, node)
        node.monitor = None
github warner / foolscap / foolscap / View on Github external
if theirTubRef and theirTubRef in self.tub.brokers:
                # there is an existing connection.. we might want to prefer
                # this new offer, because the old connection might be stale
                # (NAT boxes and laptops that disconnect abruptly are two
                # ways for a single process to disappear silently and then
                # reappear with a different IP address).
                lp = self.log("got offer for an existing connection",
                existing = self.tub.brokers[theirTubRef]
                acceptOffer = self.compareOfferAndExisting(offer, existing, lp)
                if acceptOffer:
                    # drop the old one
                    self.log("accepting new offer, dropping existing connection",
                    err = DeadReferenceError("[%s] replaced by a new connection"
                                             % theirTubRef.getShortTubID())
                    why = Failure(err)
                    # reject the new one
                    self.log("rejecting the offer: we already have one",
                    raise NegotiationError("Duplicate connection")

            if theirTubRef:
                # generate a new seqnum, one higher than the last one we've
                # used. Note that UnauthenticatedTubs all share the same
                # index, so we leak certain information about how many
                # connections we've established.
                old_seqnum = self.tub.master_table.get(theirTubRef.getTubID(),
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def _ignore_loss(f):
                f.trap(DeadReferenceError, *LOST_CONNECTION_ERRORS)
                return None
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from foolscap.schema import StringConstraint, IntegerConstraint, \
    ListOf, TupleOf, SetOf, DictOf, ChoiceOf, Any
from import serialize, unserialize
from foolscap.tokens import Violation, RemoteException
from foolscap.eventual import eventually, fireEventually, flushEventualQueue
from foolscap.logging import app_versions

# hush pyflakes
_unused = [
    Referenceable, SturdyRef,
    Copyable, RemoteCopy, registerRemoteCopy,
    registerCopier, registerRemoteCopyFactory,
    StringConstraint, IntegerConstraint,
    ListOf, TupleOf, SetOf, DictOf, ChoiceOf, Any,
    serialize, unserialize,
    Violation, RemoteException,
    eventually, fireEventually, flushEventualQueue,
del _unused