How to use the flax.component.IComponent function in flax

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few flax examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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class PortalUpstairs(Portal):

def do_ascend_stairs(event, portal):

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Doors

class IOpenable(IComponent):
    open = static_attribute("""Whether I'm currently open.""")

class Openable(Component, interface=IOpenable):
    def __init__(self, *, open=False): = open

# TODO maybe this merits a check rule?  maybe EVERYTHING does.
# TODO only if closed
def do_open(event, openable): = True

class ILockable(IComponent):
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return sprite, color
            health -= weight

    def sprite(self):
        return self.current_rendering()[0]

    def color(self):
        return self.current_rendering()[1]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Physics

class IPhysics(IComponent):
    def blocks(actor):
        """Return True iff this object won't allow `actor` to move on top of

# TODO i'm starting to think it would be nice to eliminate the dummy base class
# i have for like every goddamn component?  but how?
# TODO seems like i should /require/ that every entity type has a IPhysics,
# maybe others...
class Physics(Component, interface=IPhysics):

class Solid(Physics):
    def blocks(self, actor):
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def cant_walk_through_closed_doors(event, door):
    if not IOpenable(door.entity).open:

def do_walk(event, _):,

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Map portal

class IPortal(IComponent):
    destination = static_attribute("Name of the destination map.")

class Portal(Component, interface=IPortal):
    def __init__(self, *, destination):
        self.destination = destination

class PortalDownstairs(Portal):

def do_descend_stairs(event, portal):
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def __getattr__(self, key):
        cls = type(self)
            return self.entity[cls, key]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError

# Particular interfaces and components follow.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Rendering

class IRender(IComponent):
    # TODO consolidate these into a single some-kind-of-object
    sprite = static_attribute("")
    color = static_attribute("")

class Render(Component, interface=IRender):
    def __typeinit__(self, sprite, color):
        self.sprite = sprite
        self.color = color

class OpenRender(Component, interface=IRender):
    def __typeinit__(self, *, open, closed, locked): = open
        self.closed = closed
        self.locked = locked
github eevee / flax / flax / View on Github external"ooh picking up {}".format(

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Equipment

class IBodied(IComponent):
    wearing = derived_attribute("")

# TODO this direly wants, like, a list of limbs and how many
class Bodied(Component, interface=IBodied):
    wearing = RelationSubject(Wearing)

class IEquipment(IComponent):
    # worn_by?
    modifiers = static_attribute("Stat modifiers granted by this equipment.")

class Equipment(Component, interface=IEquipment):
    # TODO i think this should live on Bodied as a simple dict of body part to
    # equipment
    # TODO problem is that if the player loses the item /for any reason
    # whatsoever/, the item needs to vanish from the dict.  ALSO, the existence
    # of the item in the dict can block some other actions.
    worn_by = RelationObject(Wearing)

    def __typeinit__(self, *, modifiers=None):
        self.modifiers = modifiers or ()

# TODO recurring problems with events:
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def __typeinit__(self, *, health):
        self.maximum_health = health
        self.current_health = health
        # TODO breakables don't /have/ strength.  is this separate?
        # TODO should interfaces/components be able to say they can only exist
        # for entities that also support some other interface?
        self.strength = 0

    def __init__(self, health_fraction):
        self.current_health = health_fraction * self.maximum_health

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AI

class IActor(IComponent):
    """Implements an entity's active thought process.  An entity with an
    `IActor` component can decide to perform actions on its own, and has a
    sense of speed and time.
    def act(world):
        """Return an action to be performed (i.e., an `Event` to be fired), or
        `None` to do nothing.

class GenericAI(Component, interface=IActor):
    def act(self, world):
        from flax.geometry import Direction
        from flax.event import Walk
        from flax.event import MeleeAttack
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# does this

def cant_open_locked_things(event, lockable):
    if lockable.locked:"it's locked")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Containment

class IContainer(IComponent):
    inventory = static_attribute("Items contained by this container.")

class Container(Component, interface=IContainer):
    # TODO surely this isn't called when something is polymorphed.  right?
    # or...  maybe it is, if the entity didn't have an IContainer before?
    def __init__(self):
        self.inventory = []

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Combat

class ICombatant(IComponent):
    """Implements an entity's ability to fight and take damage."""
    maximum_health = static_attribute("Entity's maximum possible health.")
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def do_pick_up(event, portable):
    from flax.entity import Layer
    assert portable.entity.type.layer is Layer.item

def announce_pick_up(event, portable):"ooh picking up {}".format(

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Equipment

class IBodied(IComponent):
    wearing = derived_attribute("")

# TODO this direly wants, like, a list of limbs and how many
class Bodied(Component, interface=IBodied):
    wearing = RelationSubject(Wearing)

class IEquipment(IComponent):
    # worn_by?
    modifiers = static_attribute("Stat modifiers granted by this equipment.")

class Equipment(Component, interface=IEquipment):
    # TODO i think this should live on Bodied as a simple dict of body part to
    # equipment
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        # TODO try to walk towards player
        world.queue_event(Walk(self.entity, random.choice(list(Direction))))

class PlayerIntelligence(Component, interface=IActor):
    def act(self, world):
        if world.player_action_queue:

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Items

class IPortable(IComponent):
    """Entity can be picked up and placed in containers."""

class Portable(Component, interface=IPortable):

# TODO maybe "actor" could just be an event target, and we'd need fewer
# duplicate events for the source vs the target?
def do_pick_up(event, portable):
    from flax.entity import Layer
    assert portable.entity.type.layer is Layer.item
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open = static_attribute("""Whether I'm currently open.""")

class Openable(Component, interface=IOpenable):
    def __init__(self, *, open=False): = open

# TODO maybe this merits a check rule?  maybe EVERYTHING does.
# TODO only if closed
def do_open(event, openable): = True

class ILockable(IComponent):
    locked = static_attribute("""Whether I'm currently locked.""")

class Lockable(Component, interface=ILockable):
    def __init__(self, *, locked=False):
        self.locked = locked

# TODO maybe this merits a check rule?  maybe EVERYTHING does.
# TODO only if closed
def do_unlock(event, lockable):
    # TODO check that the key is a key, player holds it, etc.  (inform has
    # touchability rules for all this...)
    lockable.locked = False