How to use the fire.completion.GetClassAttrsDict function in fire

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few fire examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def _DictAsString(result, verbose=False):
  """Returns a dict as a string.

    result: The dict to convert to a string
    verbose: Whether to include 'hidden' members, those keys starting with _.
    A string representing the dict

  # We need to do 2 iterations over the items in the result dict
  # 1) Getting visible items and the longest key for output formatting
  # 2) Actually construct the output lines
  class_attrs = completion.GetClassAttrsDict(result)
  result_visible = {
      key: value for key, value in result.items()
      if completion.MemberVisible(result, key, value,
                                  class_attrs=class_attrs, verbose=verbose)

  if not result_visible:
    return '{}'

  longest_key = max(len(str(key)) for key in result_visible.keys())
  format_string = '{{key:{padding}s}} {{value}}'.format(padding=longest_key + 1)

  lines = []
  for key, value in result.items():
    if completion.MemberVisible(result, key, value, class_attrs=class_attrs,
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def _PrintResult(component_trace, verbose=False):
  """Prints the result of the Fire call to stdout in a human readable way."""
  # TODO(dbieber): Design human readable deserializable serialization method
  # and move serialization to its own module.
  result = component_trace.GetResult()

  if hasattr(result, '__str__'):
    # If the object has a custom __str__ method, rather than one inherited from
    # object, then we use that to serialize the object.
    class_attrs = completion.GetClassAttrsDict(type(result)) or {}
    str_attr = class_attrs.get('__str__')
    if str_attr and str_attr.defining_class is not object:

  if isinstance(result, (list, set, frozenset, types.GeneratorType)):
    for i in result:
  elif inspect.isgeneratorfunction(result):
    raise NotImplementedError
  elif isinstance(result, dict) and value_types.IsSimpleGroup(result):
    print(_DictAsString(result, verbose))
  elif isinstance(result, tuple):
  elif isinstance(result, value_types.VALUE_TYPES):
    if result is not None: