How to use the fastecdsa.ecdsa.verify function in fastecdsa

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github kendricktan / misocoin / misocoin / View on Github external
def is_sig_valid(signature: str, pub_key: str, msg: str) -> bool:
    Given a signature, public key, and a message,
    check if the signature is valid
    r, s = signature.split('x')
    p = pub_key_to_point(pub_key)
    return ecdsa.verify((int(r, 16), int(s, 16)), msg, p)
github blockstack / blockstack-core / blockstack_cli_0.14.1 / blockstack_client / View on Github external
assert len(pubk) == 130

    data_hash = get_data_hash(raw_data)

    sig_bin = base64.b64decode(sigb64)
    assert len(sig_bin) == 64

    sig_hex = sig_bin.encode('hex')
    sig_r = int(sig_hex[:64], 16)
    sig_s = int(sig_hex[64:], 16)

    pubk_raw = pubk[2:]
    pubk_i = (int(pubk_raw[:64], 16), int(pubk_raw[64:], 16))

    res = fastecdsa.ecdsa.verify((sig_r, sig_s), raw_data, pubk_i, curve=fastecdsa.curve.secp256k1)
    return res
github mozilla / normandy / normandy / recipes / View on Github external
# The signature decoder has a clause like
        #     assert len(signature) == 2*l, (len(signature), 2*l)
        # If the AssertionError is consistent with that signature, translate it
        # to a nicer error. Otherwise re-raise.
        if (
            len(e.args) == 1
            and isinstance(e.args[0], tuple)
            and len(e.args[0]) == 2
            and isinstance(e.args[0][0], int)
            and isinstance(e.args[0][1], int)
            raise WrongSignatureSize()

    verified = fastecdsa.ecdsa.verify(
        signature, data, verifying_pubkey, curve=fastecdsa.curve.P384, hashfunc=hashlib.sha384

    if not verified:
        raise SignatureDoesNotMatch()

    return True