How to use the exchangelib.util.xml_to_str function in exchangelib

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def _get_soap_payload(cls, response, **parse_opts):
        root = to_xml(response.iter_content())
        body = root.find('{%s}Body' % SOAPNS)
        if body is None:
            raise MalformedResponseError('No Body element in SOAP response')
        response = body.find(cls._response_tag())
        if response is None:
            fault = body.find('{%s}Fault' % SOAPNS)
            if fault is None:
                raise SOAPError('Unknown SOAP response: %s' % xml_to_str(body))
            cls._raise_soap_errors(fault=fault)  # Will throw SOAPError or custom EWS error
        response_messages = response.find(cls._response_messages_tag())
        if response_messages is None:
            # Result isn't delivered in a list of FooResponseMessages, but directly in the FooResponse. Consumers expect
            # a list, so return a list
            return [response]
        return response_messages.findall(cls._response_message_tag())
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if account:
        if account.access_type == IMPERSONATION:
            exchangeimpersonation = create_element('t:ExchangeImpersonation')
            connectingsid = create_element('t:ConnectingSID')
            add_xml_child(connectingsid, 't:PrimarySmtpAddress', account.primary_smtp_address)
        timezonecontext = create_element('t:TimeZoneContext')
        timezonedefinition = create_element('t:TimeZoneDefinition', attrs=dict(Id=account.default_timezone.ms_id))
    body = create_element('s:Body')
    return xml_to_str(envelope, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING, xml_declaration=True)
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def _get_soap_messages(cls, body, **parse_opts):
        response = body.find(cls._response_tag())
        if response is None:
            fault = body.find('{%s}Fault' % SOAPNS)
            if fault is None:
                raise SOAPError('Unknown SOAP response: %s' % xml_to_str(body))
            cls._raise_soap_errors(fault=fault)  # Will throw SOAPError or custom EWS error
        response_messages = response.find(cls._response_messages_tag())
        if response_messages is None:
            # Result isn't delivered in a list of FooResponseMessages, but directly in the FooResponse. Consumers expect
            # a list, so return a list
            return [response]
        return response_messages.findall(cls._response_message_tag())
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                response = self._get_response_xml(payload=payload_func(**kwargs))
            except ErrorServerBusy as e:
            # Collect a tuple of (rootfolder, total_items) tuples
            parsed_pages = [self._get_page(message) for message in response]
            if len(parsed_pages) != 1:
                # We can only query one folder, so there should only be one element in response
                raise MalformedResponseError("Expected single item in 'response', got %s" % len(parsed_pages))
            rootfolder, total_items = parsed_pages[0]
            if rootfolder is not None:
                container = rootfolder.find(self.element_container_name)
                if container is None:
                    raise MalformedResponseError('No %s elements in ResponseMessage (%s)' % (
                        self.element_container_name, xml_to_str(rootfolder)))
                for elem in self._get_elements_in_container(container=container):
                    item_count += 1
                    yield elem
                if max_items and item_count >= max_items:
                    log.debug("'max_items' count reached")
            if total_items <= 0 or item_count >= total_items:
                log.debug('Got all items in view')
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def _get_exception(cls, code, text, msg_xml):
        if not code:
            return TransportError('Empty ResponseCode in ResponseMessage (MessageText: %s, MessageXml: %s)' % (
                text, msg_xml))
        if msg_xml is not None:
            # If this is an ErrorInvalidPropertyRequest error, the xml may contain a specific FieldURI
            for tag_name in ('FieldURI', 'IndexedFieldURI', 'ExtendedFieldURI', 'ExceptionFieldURI'):
                field_uri_elem = msg_xml.find('{%s}%s' % (TNS, tag_name))
                if field_uri_elem is not None:
                    text += ' (field: %s)' % xml_to_str(field_uri_elem)
            # Raise the error corresponding to the ResponseCode
            return vars(errors)[code](text)
        except KeyError:
            # Should not happen
            return TransportError('Unknown ResponseCode in ResponseMessage: %s (MessageText: %s, MessageXml: %s)' % (
                    code, text, msg_xml))
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if container is None:
                raise MalformedResponseError('No %s elements in ResponseMessage (%s)' % (name, xml_to_str(message)))
            return container
        if response_code == 'NoError':
            return True
        # Raise any non-acceptable errors in the container, or return the container or the acceptable exception instance
        if response_class == 'Warning':
                raise self._get_exception(code=response_code, text=msg_text, msg_xml=msg_xml)
            except self.WARNINGS_TO_CATCH_IN_RESPONSE as e:
                return e
            except self.WARNINGS_TO_IGNORE_IN_RESPONSE as e:
                container = message.find(name)
                if container is None:
                    raise MalformedResponseError('No %s elements in ResponseMessage (%s)' % (name, xml_to_str(message)))
                return container
        # rspclass == 'Error', or 'Success' and not 'NoError'
            raise self._get_exception(code=response_code, text=msg_text, msg_xml=msg_xml)
        except self.ERRORS_TO_CATCH_IN_RESPONSE as e:
            return e
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def _get_payload(email):
    # Builds a full Autodiscover XML request
    payload = create_element('Autodiscover', attrs=dict(xmlns=REQUEST_NS))
    request = create_element('Request')
    add_xml_child(request, 'EMailAddress', email)
    add_xml_child(request, 'AcceptableResponseSchema', RESPONSE_NS)
    return xml_to_str(payload, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING, xml_declaration=True)
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if container is None:
                raise MalformedResponseError('No %s elements in ResponseMessage (%s)' % (name, xml_to_str(message)))
            return container
        if response_code == 'NoError':
            return True
        # Raise any non-acceptable errors in the container, or return the container or the acceptable exception instance
        if response_class == 'Warning':
                raise self._get_exception(code=response_code, text=msg_text, msg_xml=msg_xml)
            except self.WARNINGS_TO_CATCH_IN_RESPONSE as e:
                return e
            except self.WARNINGS_TO_IGNORE_IN_RESPONSE as e:
                container = message.find(name)
                if container is None:
                    raise MalformedResponseError('No %s elements in ResponseMessage (%s)' % (name, xml_to_str(message)))
                return container
        # rspclass == 'Error', or 'Success' and not 'NoError'
            raise self._get_exception(code=response_code, text=msg_text, msg_xml=msg_xml)
        except self.ERRORS_TO_CATCH_IN_RESPONSE as e:
            return e