How to use the everett.InvalidValueError function in everett

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few everett examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github willkg / everett / tests / View on Github external
def test_ListOf_error():
    config = ConfigManager.from_dict({"bools": "t,f,badbool"})
    with pytest.raises(InvalidValueError) as exc_info:
        config("bools", parser=ListOf(bool))

    assert (
        str(exc_info.value) == 'ValueError: "badbool" is not a valid bool value\n'
        "namespace=None key=bools requires a value parseable by "
github willkg / everett / tests / View on Github external
def test_parse_bool_with_config():
    config = ConfigManager.from_dict({"foo": "bar"})

    # Test key is there, but value is bad
    with pytest.raises(InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        config("foo", parser=bool)
    assert (
        str(excinfo.value) == 'ValueError: "bar" is not a valid bool value\n'
        "namespace=None key=foo requires a value parseable by everett.manager.parse_bool"

    # Test key is not there and default is bad
    with pytest.raises(InvalidValueError) as excinfo:
        config("phil", default="foo", parser=bool)
    assert (
        str(excinfo.value) == 'ValueError: "foo" is not a valid bool value\n'
        "namespace=None key=phil requires a default value parseable by everett.manager.parse_bool"
github willkg / everett / docs / code / View on Github external
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import logging

from everett import InvalidValueError
from everett.manager import ConfigManager


config = ConfigManager.from_dict({
    'debug_mode': 'monkey'

    some_val = config('debug_mode', parser=bool)
except InvalidValueError:
    # The "debug_mode" configuration value is incorrect--alert
    # user in the logs.
github willkg / everett / everett / View on Github external
except Exception:
                        exc_info = sys.exc_info()
                        msg = build_msg(
                            "%(class)s: %(msg)s"
                            % {"class": exc_info[0].__name__, "msg": str(exc_info[1])},
                            "namespace=%(namespace)s key=%(key)s requires a value parseable by %(parser)s"
                            % {  # noqa
                                "namespace": use_namespace,
                                "key": key,
                                "parser": qualname(parser),

                        raise InvalidValueError(msg, namespace, key, parser)

        # Return the default if there is one
        if default is not NO_VALUE:
                parsed_val = parser(default)
                    "Returning default raw: %r, parsed: %r", default, parsed_val
                return parsed_val
            except ConfigurationError:
                # Re-raise ConfigurationError and friends since that's
                # what we want to be raising.
            except Exception:
                # FIXME(willkg): This is a programmer error--not a user
                # configuration error. We might want to denote that better.