How to use the eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventsourcedrepository.EventSourcedRepository function in eventsourcing

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few eventsourcing examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github johnbywater / eventsourcing / eventsourcing / example / View on Github external
from eventsourcing.example.domainmodel import AbstractExampleRepository
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventsourcedrepository import EventSourcedRepository

class ExampleRepository(EventSourcedRepository, AbstractExampleRepository):
    Event sourced repository for the Example domain model entity.

    __page_size__ = 1000
github johnbywater / eventsourcing / eventsourcing / application / View on Github external
self.cipher = self.construct_cipher(cipher_key)
        self.compressor = compressor or type(self).compressor

        # Default to using zlib compression when encrypting.
        if self.cipher and self.compressor is None:
            self.compressor = zlib

        self.infrastructure_factory: Optional[
        ] = None
        self._datastore: Optional[AbstractDatastore] = None
        self._event_store: Optional[
            AbstractEventStore[TVersionedEvent, BaseRecordManager]
        ] = None
        self._repository: Optional[
            EventSourcedRepository[TVersionedEntity, TVersionedEvent]
        ] = None
        self._notification_log: Optional[LocalNotificationLog] = None

        self.use_cache = use_cache or type(self).use_cache

        if (
            or self.infrastructure_factory_class.record_manager_class


            if setup_table:
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def __init__(
        self, event_store: AbstractEventStore, use_cache: bool = False, **kwargs: Any
        super(EventSourcedRepository, self).__init__(event_store, **kwargs)

        # NB If you use the cache, make sure to del entities
        # when records fail to write otherwise the cache will
        # give an entity that is ahead of the event records,
        # and writing more records will give a broken sequence.
        self._cache: Dict[UUID, Optional[TVersionedEntity]] = {}
        self._use_cache = use_cache
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from typing import Any

from eventsourcing.domain.model.array import (
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventsourcedrepository import EventSourcedRepository

class ArrayRepository(AbstractArrayRepository, EventSourcedRepository):

class BigArrayRepository(AbstractBigArrayRepository, EventSourcedRepository):
    subrepo_class = ArrayRepository

    def __init__(self, array_size: int = 10000, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
        super(BigArrayRepository, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._subrepo = self.subrepo_class(
            event_store=self.event_store, array_size=array_size

    def subrepo(self) -> ArrayRepository:
        return self._subrepo
github johnbywater / eventsourcing / eventsourcing / infrastructure / repositories / View on Github external
from eventsourcing.domain.model.collection import (
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventsourcedrepository import EventSourcedRepository

class CollectionRepository(EventSourcedRepository, AbstractCollectionRepository):
    Event sourced repository for the Collection domain model entity.
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from eventsourcing.domain.model.timebucketedlog import (
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventsourcedrepository import EventSourcedRepository

class TimebucketedlogRepo(EventSourcedRepository, TimebucketedlogRepository):
    Event sourced repository for the Example domain model entity.
github johnbywater / eventsourcing / eventsourcing / contrib / suffixtrees / domain / model / View on Github external
def find_substring(substring, suffix_tree, edge_repo):
    """Returns the index if substring in tree, otherwise -1.
    assert isinstance(substring, str)
    assert isinstance(suffix_tree, SuffixTree)
    assert isinstance(edge_repo, EventSourcedRepository)
    if not substring:
        return -1
    if suffix_tree.case_insensitive:
        substring = substring.lower()
    curr_node_id = suffix_tree.root_node_id
    i = 0
    while i < len(substring):
        edge_id = make_edge_id(curr_node_id, substring[i])
            edge = edge_repo[edge_id]
        except RepositoryKeyError:
            return -1
        ln = min(edge.length + 1, len(substring) - i)
        if (
            substring[i : i + ln]
            != suffix_tree.string[edge.first_char_index : edge.first_char_index + ln]
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from eventsourcing.domain.model.notificationlog import NotificationLog, NotificationLogRepository
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventsourcedrepository import EventSourcedRepository

class NotificationLogRepo(EventSourcedRepository, NotificationLogRepository):
    Event sourced repository for the Example domain model entity.
    domain_class = NotificationLog
github johnbywater / eventsourcing / eventsourcing / application / View on Github external
record_manager_class: Optional[Type[AbstractRecordManager]] = None
    stored_event_record_class: Optional[type] = None
    snapshot_record_class: Optional[type] = None

    sequenced_item_class: Optional[Type[NamedTuple]] = None
    sequenced_item_mapper_class: Optional[Type[SequencedItemMapper]] = None
    compressor: Any = None
    json_encoder_class: Optional[Type[JSONEncoder]] = None
    json_decoder_class: Optional[Type[JSONDecoder]] = None

    persist_event_type: Optional[PersistEventType] = None
    notification_log_section_size: Optional[int] = None
    use_cache: bool = False

    event_store_class: Type[EventStore] = EventStore
    repository_class: Type[EventSourcedRepository] = EventSourcedRepository

    def __init__(
        name: str = "",
        persistence_policy: Optional[PersistencePolicy] = None,
        persist_event_type: PersistEventType = None,
        cipher_key: Optional[str] = None,
        compressor: Any = None,
        sequenced_item_class: Optional[Type[NamedTuple]] = None,
        sequenced_item_mapper_class: Optional[Type[SequencedItemMapper]] = None,
        record_manager_class: Optional[Type[AbstractRecordManager]] = None,
        stored_event_record_class: Optional[type] = None,
        event_store_class: Optional[Type[EventStore]] = None,
        snapshot_record_class: Optional[type] = None,
        setup_table: bool = True,
        contiguous_record_ids: bool = True,
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from eventsourcing.domain.model.sequence import AbstractCompoundSequenceRepository, AbstractSequenceRepository, \
    CompoundSequence, CompoundSequenceMeta, Sequence, SequenceMeta
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.eventsourcedrepository import EventSourcedRepository
from eventsourcing.infrastructure.sequencereader import SequenceReader

class SequenceRepository(EventSourcedRepository, AbstractSequenceRepository):
    mutator = SequenceMeta._mutate

    def __getitem__(self, sequence_id):
        Returns sequence for given ID.
        return Sequence(sequence_id=sequence_id, repo=self)

    def get_entity(self, entity_id, lt=None, lte=None):
        Replays entity using only the 'Started' event.
        :rtype: SequenceMeta
        return self.event_player.replay_entity(entity_id, limit=1)