How to use the ert.ecl.EclPrototype function in ert

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_fread_alloc                   = EclPrototype("void*     ecl_sum_fread_alloc_case__( char* , char* , bool)" , bind = False )
    _create_writer                 = EclPrototype("ecl_sum_obj  ecl_sum_alloc_writer( char* , bool , bool , char* , time_t , bool , int , int , int)" , bind = False)
    _iiget                         = EclPrototype("double   ecl_sum_iget( ecl_sum , int , int)")
    _free                          = EclPrototype("void     ecl_sum_free( ecl_sum )")
    _data_length                   = EclPrototype("int      ecl_sum_get_data_length( ecl_sum )")
    _iget_sim_days                 = EclPrototype("double   ecl_sum_iget_sim_days( ecl_sum , int) ")
    _iget_report_step              = EclPrototype("int      ecl_sum_iget_report_step( ecl_sum , int) ")
    _iget_mini_step                = EclPrototype("int      ecl_sum_iget_mini_step( ecl_sum , int) ")
    _iget_sim_time                 = EclPrototype("time_t   ecl_sum_iget_sim_time( ecl_sum , int) ")
    _get_report_end                = EclPrototype("int      ecl_sum_iget_report_end( ecl_sum , int)")
    _get_general_var               = EclPrototype("double   ecl_sum_get_general_var( ecl_sum , int , char*)")
    _get_general_var_index         = EclPrototype("int      ecl_sum_get_general_var_params_index( ecl_sum , char*)")
    _get_general_var_from_sim_days = EclPrototype("double   ecl_sum_get_general_var_from_sim_days( ecl_sum , double , char*)")
    _get_general_var_from_sim_time = EclPrototype("double   ecl_sum_get_general_var_from_sim_time( ecl_sum , time_t , char*)")
    _get_first_gt                  = EclPrototype("int      ecl_sum_get_first_gt( ecl_sum , int , double )")
    _get_first_lt                  = EclPrototype("int      ecl_sum_get_first_lt( ecl_sum , int , double )")
    _get_start_date                = EclPrototype("time_t   ecl_sum_get_start_time( ecl_sum )")
    _get_end_date                  = EclPrototype("time_t   ecl_sum_get_end_time( ecl_sum )")
    _get_last_report_step          = EclPrototype("int      ecl_sum_get_last_report_step( ecl_sum )")
    _get_first_report_step         = EclPrototype("int      ecl_sum_get_first_report_step( ecl_sum )")
    _select_matching_keys          = EclPrototype("void     ecl_sum_select_matching_general_var_list( ecl_sum , char* , stringlist )")
    _has_key                       = EclPrototype("bool     ecl_sum_has_general_var( ecl_sum , char* )")
    _check_sim_time                = EclPrototype("bool     ecl_sum_check_sim_time( ecl_sum , time_t )")
    _check_sim_days                = EclPrototype("bool     ecl_sum_check_sim_days( ecl_sum , double )")
    _sim_length                    = EclPrototype("double   ecl_sum_get_sim_length( ecl_sum )")
    _get_first_day                 = EclPrototype("double   ecl_sum_get_first_day( ecl_sum )")
    _get_data_start                = EclPrototype("time_t   ecl_sum_get_data_start( ecl_sum )")
    _get_unit                      = EclPrototype("char*    ecl_sum_get_unit( ecl_sum , char*)")
    _get_simcase                   = EclPrototype("char*    ecl_sum_get_case( ecl_sum )")
    _get_base                      = EclPrototype("char*    ecl_sum_get_base( ecl_sum )")
    _get_path                      = EclPrototype("char*    ecl_sum_get_path( ecl_sum )")
    _get_abs_path                  = EclPrototype("char*    ecl_sum_get_abs_path( ecl_sum )")
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for such objects. The three different object types which can be
    found in an RFT file are:
       RFT: This is old-fashioned RFT which contains measurements of
            saturations for each of the completed cells.
       PLT: This contains production and flow rates for each phase in
            each cell.

       SEGMENT: Not implemented.

    In addition to the measurements specific for RFT and PLT each cell
    has coordinates, pressure and depth.
    TYPE_NAME = "ecl_rft"
    _alloc            = EclPrototype("void* ecl_rft_node_alloc_new( char* , char* , time_t , double)" , bind = False)
    _free             = EclPrototype("void  ecl_rft_node_free( ecl_rft )")
    _get_type         = EclPrototype("int    ecl_rft_node_get_type( ecl_rft )")
    _get_well         = EclPrototype("char*  ecl_rft_node_get_well_name( ecl_rft )")
    _get_date         = EclPrototype("time_t ecl_rft_node_get_date( ecl_rft )")
    _get_size         = EclPrototype("int ecl_rft_node_get_size( ecl_rft )")
    _iget_cell        = EclPrototype("void* ecl_rft_node_iget_cell( ecl_rft )")
    _iget_cell_sorted = EclPrototype("void* ecl_rft_node_iget_cell_sorted( ecl_rft )")
    _sort_cells       = EclPrototype("void* ecl_rft_node_inplace_sort_cells( ecl_rft )")
    _iget_depth       = EclPrototype("double ecl_rft_node_iget_depth( ecl_rft )")
    _iget_pressure    = EclPrototype("double ecl_rft_node_iget_pressure(ecl_rft)")
    _iget_ijk         = EclPrototype("void ecl_rft_node_iget_ijk( ecl_rft , int , int*, int*, int*)") 
    _iget_swat        = EclPrototype("double ecl_rft_node_iget_swat(ecl_rft)")
    _iget_sgas        = EclPrototype("double ecl_rft_node_iget_sgas(ecl_rft)")
    _iget_orat        = EclPrototype("double ecl_rft_node_iget_orat(ecl_rft)")
    _iget_wrat        = EclPrototype("double ecl_rft_node_iget_wrat(ecl_rft)")
    _iget_grat        = EclPrototype("double ecl_rft_node_iget_grat(ecl_rft)")
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    WRITE_MODE = 2

    _open_reader    = EclPrototype("void* fortio_open_reader(char*, bool, bool)" , bind = False)
    _open_writer    = EclPrototype("void* fortio_open_writer(char*, bool, bool)" , bind = False)
    _open_readwrite = EclPrototype("void* fortio_open_readwrite(char*, bool, bool)" , bind = False)
    _open_append    = EclPrototype("void* fortio_open_append(char*, bool, bool)" , bind = False)
    _guess_fortran  = EclPrototype("bool fortio_looks_like_fortran_file(char* , bool)" , bind = False)

    _write_record   = EclPrototype("void fortio_fwrite_record(fortio, char*, int)")
    _get_position   = EclPrototype("long fortio_ftell(fortio)")
    _seek           = EclPrototype("void fortio_fseek(fortio, long, int)")
    _close          = EclPrototype("bool fortio_fclose(fortio)")
    _truncate       = EclPrototype("bool fortio_ftruncate(fortio , long)")
    _filename       = EclPrototype("char* fortio_filename_ref(fortio)")

    def __init__(self, file_name, mode=READ_MODE, fmt_file=False, endian_flip_header=True):
        """Will open a new FortIO handle to @file_name - default for reading.

        The newly created FortIO handle will open the underlying FILE*
        for reading, but if you pass the flag mode=FortIO.WRITE_MODE
        the file will be opened for writing.

        Observe that the flag @endian_flip_header will only affect the
        interpretation of the block size markers in the file, endian
        flipping of the actual data blocks must be handled at a higher
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_get_fortio_size   = EclPrototype("size_t   ecl_kw_fortio_size( ecl_kw )")
    _get_type          = EclPrototype("ecl_type_enum ecl_kw_get_type( ecl_kw )")
    _iget_char_ptr     = EclPrototype("char*    ecl_kw_iget_char_ptr( ecl_kw , int )")
    _iset_char_ptr     = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_iset_char_ptr( ecl_kw , int , char*)")
    _iget_bool         = EclPrototype("bool     ecl_kw_iget_bool( ecl_kw , int)")
    _iset_bool         = EclPrototype("bool     ecl_kw_iset_bool( ecl_kw , int, bool)")
    _iget_int          = EclPrototype("int      ecl_kw_iget_int( ecl_kw , int )")
    _iget_double       = EclPrototype("double   ecl_kw_iget_double( ecl_kw , int )")
    _iget_float        = EclPrototype("float    ecl_kw_iget_float( ecl_kw , int)")
    _float_ptr         = EclPrototype("float*   ecl_kw_get_float_ptr( ecl_kw )")
    _int_ptr           = EclPrototype("int*     ecl_kw_get_int_ptr( ecl_kw )")
    _double_ptr        = EclPrototype("double*  ecl_kw_get_double_ptr( ecl_kw )")
    _free              = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_free( ecl_kw )")
    _fwrite            = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_fwrite( ecl_kw , fortio )")
    _get_header        = EclPrototype("char*    ecl_kw_get_header ( ecl_kw )")
    _set_header        = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_set_header_name ( ecl_kw , char*)")

    _int_sum           = EclPrototype("int      ecl_kw_element_sum_int( ecl_kw )")
    _float_sum         = EclPrototype("double   ecl_kw_element_sum_float( ecl_kw )")
    _iadd              = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_inplace_add( ecl_kw , ecl_kw )")
    _imul              = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_inplace_mul( ecl_kw , ecl_kw )")
    _idiv              = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_inplace_div( ecl_kw , ecl_kw )")
    _isub              = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_inplace_sub( ecl_kw , ecl_kw )")
    _iabs              = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_inplace_abs( ecl_kw )")
    _equal             = EclPrototype("bool     ecl_kw_equal( ecl_kw , ecl_kw )")
    _equal_numeric     = EclPrototype("bool     ecl_kw_numeric_equal( ecl_kw , ecl_kw , double , double)")

    _assert_binary     = EclPrototype("bool     ecl_kw_assert_binary_numeric( ecl_kw , ecl_kw )")
    _scale_int         = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_scale_int( ecl_kw , int )")
    _scale_float       = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_scale_float_or_double( ecl_kw , double )")
    _shift_int         = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_shift_int( ecl_kw , int )")
    _shift_float       = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_shift_float_or_double( ecl_kw , double )")
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_select_jslice              = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_j1j2( ecl_region , int , int )")
    _deselect_jslice            = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_deselect_j1j2( ecl_region , int , int )")
    _select_kslice              = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_k1k2( ecl_region , int , int )")
    _deselect_kslice            = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_deselect_k1k2( ecl_region , int , int )")
    _select_deep_cells          = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_deep_cells( ecl_region , double )")
    _deselect_deep_cells        = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_deep_cells( ecl_region , double )")
    _select_shallow_cells       = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_shallow_cells( ecl_region , double )")
    _deselect_shallow_cells     = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_shallow_cells( ecl_region , double )")
    _select_small               = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_small_cells( ecl_region , double )")
    _deselect_small             = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_deselect_small_cells( ecl_region , double )")
    _select_large               = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_large_cells( ecl_region , double )")
    _deselect_large             = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_deselect_large_cells( ecl_region , double )")
    _select_thin                = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_thin_cells( ecl_region , double )")
    _deselect_thin              = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_deselect_thin_cells( ecl_region , double )")
    _select_thick               = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_thick_cells( ecl_region , double )")
    _deselect_thick             = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_deselect_thick_cells( ecl_region , double )")
    _select_active              = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_active_cells( ecl_region )")
    _select_inactive            = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_inactive_cells( ecl_region )")
    _deselect_active            = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_deselect_active_cells( ecl_region )")
    _deselect_inactive          = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_deselect_inactive_cells( ecl_region )")
    _select_above_plane         = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_above_plane( ecl_region  , double* , double* )")
    _select_below_plane         = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_below_plane( ecl_region  , double* , double* )")
    _deselect_above_plane       = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_deselect_above_plane( ecl_region, double* , double* )")
    _deselect_below_plane       = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_deselect_below_plane( ecl_region, double* , double* )")
    _select_inside_polygon      = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_inside_polygon( ecl_region , geo_polygon)")
    _select_outside_polygon     = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_select_outside_polygon( ecl_region , geo_polygon)")
    _deselect_inside_polygon    = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_deselect_inside_polygon( ecl_region , geo_polygon)")
    _deselect_outside_polygon   = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_deselect_outside_polygon( ecl_region , geo_polygon)")
    _set_name                   = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_set_name( ecl_region , char*)")
    _get_name                   = EclPrototype("char* ecl_region_get_name( ecl_region )")
    _contains_ijk               = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_contains_ijk( ecl_region , int , int , int)")
    _contains_global            = EclPrototype("void ecl_region_contains_global( ecl_region, int )")
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TYPE_NAME          = "ecl_kw"
    _alloc_new         = EclPrototype("void* ecl_kw_alloc( char* , int , ecl_type_enum )", bind = False)
    _fread_alloc       = EclPrototype("ecl_kw_obj ecl_kw_fread_alloc( fortio )" , bind = False)
    _load_grdecl       = EclPrototype("ecl_kw_obj ecl_kw_fscanf_alloc_grdecl_dynamic__( FILE , char* , bool , int )" , bind = False)
    _fseek_grdecl      = EclPrototype("bool     ecl_kw_grdecl_fseek_kw(char* , bool , FILE )" , bind = False)
    _sub_copy          = EclPrototype("ecl_kw_obj ecl_kw_alloc_sub_copy( ecl_kw , char*, int , int)")
    _copyc             = EclPrototype("ecl_kw_obj ecl_kw_alloc_copy( ecl_kw )")
    _slice_copyc       = EclPrototype("ecl_kw_obj ecl_kw_alloc_slice_copy( ecl_kw , int , int , int )")
    _fprintf_grdecl    = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_fprintf_grdecl( ecl_kw , FILE )")
    _fprintf_data      = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_fprintf_data( ecl_kw , char* , FILE )")

    _get_size          = EclPrototype("int      ecl_kw_get_size( ecl_kw )")
    _get_fortio_size   = EclPrototype("size_t   ecl_kw_fortio_size( ecl_kw )")
    _get_type          = EclPrototype("ecl_type_enum ecl_kw_get_type( ecl_kw )")
    _iget_char_ptr     = EclPrototype("char*    ecl_kw_iget_char_ptr( ecl_kw , int )")
    _iset_char_ptr     = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_iset_char_ptr( ecl_kw , int , char*)")
    _iget_bool         = EclPrototype("bool     ecl_kw_iget_bool( ecl_kw , int)")
    _iset_bool         = EclPrototype("bool     ecl_kw_iset_bool( ecl_kw , int, bool)")
    _iget_int          = EclPrototype("int      ecl_kw_iget_int( ecl_kw , int )")
    _iget_double       = EclPrototype("double   ecl_kw_iget_double( ecl_kw , int )")
    _iget_float        = EclPrototype("float    ecl_kw_iget_float( ecl_kw , int)")
    _float_ptr         = EclPrototype("float*   ecl_kw_get_float_ptr( ecl_kw )")
    _int_ptr           = EclPrototype("int*     ecl_kw_get_int_ptr( ecl_kw )")
    _double_ptr        = EclPrototype("double*  ecl_kw_get_double_ptr( ecl_kw )")
    _free              = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_free( ecl_kw )")
    _fwrite            = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_fwrite( ecl_kw , fortio )")
    _get_header        = EclPrototype("char*    ecl_kw_get_header ( ecl_kw )")
    _set_header        = EclPrototype("void     ecl_kw_set_header_name ( ecl_kw , char*)")

    _int_sum           = EclPrototype("int      ecl_kw_element_sum_int( ecl_kw )")
    _float_sum         = EclPrototype("double   ecl_kw_element_sum_float( ecl_kw )")
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import ctypes
import os
import sys
from ert.cwrap import BaseCClass
from ert.ecl import EclPrototype

class FortIO(BaseCClass):
    TYPE_NAME = "fortio"

    READ_MODE = 1
    WRITE_MODE = 2

    _open_reader    = EclPrototype("void* fortio_open_reader(char*, bool, bool)" , bind = False)
    _open_writer    = EclPrototype("void* fortio_open_writer(char*, bool, bool)" , bind = False)
    _open_readwrite = EclPrototype("void* fortio_open_readwrite(char*, bool, bool)" , bind = False)
    _open_append    = EclPrototype("void* fortio_open_append(char*, bool, bool)" , bind = False)
    _guess_fortran  = EclPrototype("bool fortio_looks_like_fortran_file(char* , bool)" , bind = False)
    _write_record   = EclPrototype("void fortio_fwrite_record(fortio, char*, int)")
    _get_position   = EclPrototype("long fortio_ftell(fortio)")
    _seek           = EclPrototype("void fortio_fseek(fortio, int)")
    _close          = EclPrototype("bool fortio_fclose(fortio)")

    def __init__(self, file_name, mode=READ_MODE, fmt_file=False, endian_flip_header=True):
        """Will open a new FortIO handle to @file_name - default for reading.

        The newly created FortIO handle will open the underlying FILE*
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#  The file '' is part of ERT - Ensemble based Reservoir Tool. 
#  ERT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 
#  (at your option) any later version. 
#  ERT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY 
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 
#  See the GNU General Public License at  
#  for more details.

from ert.ecl import EclPrototype
_phase_deltag = EclPrototype("double ecl_grav_phase_deltag( double, double ,double , ecl_grid , ecl_file , ecl_kw , ecl_kw , ecl_kw , ecl_kw , ecl_kw , ecl_kw")

def phase_deltag( xyz, grid, init, sat1, rho1, porv1, sat2, rho2, porv2):

    return _phase_deltag(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2],
                              grid.c_ptr, init.c_ptr,
                              sat1.c_ptr, rho1.c_ptr, porv1.c_ptr,
                              sat2.c_ptr, rho2.c_ptr, porv2.c_ptr)

# 1. All restart files should have water, i.e. the SWAT keyword. 
# 2. All phases present in the restart file should also be present as densities, 
#    in addition the model must contain one additional phase - which should have a density.
# 3. The restart files can never contain oil saturation.
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_get_cell_dx                  = EclPrototype("double ecl_grid_get_cell_dx1( ecl_grid , int )")
    _get_cell_dy                  = EclPrototype("double ecl_grid_get_cell_dy1( ecl_grid , int )")
    _get_depth                    = EclPrototype("double ecl_grid_get_cdepth1( ecl_grid , int )")
    _fwrite_grdecl                = EclPrototype("void   ecl_grid_grdecl_fprintf_kw( ecl_grid , ecl_kw , char* , FILE , double)")
    _load_column                  = EclPrototype("void   ecl_grid_get_column_property( ecl_grid , ecl_kw , int , int , double_vector)")
    _get_top                      = EclPrototype("double ecl_grid_get_top2( ecl_grid , int , int )")
    _get_top1A                    = EclPrototype("double ecl_grid_get_top1A(ecl_grid , int )")
    _get_bottom                   = EclPrototype("double ecl_grid_get_bottom2( ecl_grid , int , int )")
    _locate_depth                 = EclPrototype("int    ecl_grid_locate_depth( ecl_grid , double , int , int )")
    _invalid_cell                 = EclPrototype("bool   ecl_grid_cell_invalid1( ecl_grid , int)")
    _valid_cell                   = EclPrototype("bool   ecl_grid_cell_valid1( ecl_grid , int)")
    _get_distance                 = EclPrototype("void   ecl_grid_get_distance( ecl_grid , int , int , double* , double* , double*)")
    _fprintf_grdecl2              = EclPrototype("void   ecl_grid_fprintf_grdecl2( ecl_grid , FILE , ecl_unit_enum) ")
    _fwrite_GRID2                 = EclPrototype("void   ecl_grid_fwrite_GRID2( ecl_grid , char* , ecl_unit_enum)")
    _fwrite_EGRID2                = EclPrototype("void   ecl_grid_fwrite_EGRID2( ecl_grid , char*, ecl_unit_enum)")
    _equal                        = EclPrototype("bool   ecl_grid_compare(ecl_grid , ecl_grid , bool, bool)")
    _dual_grid                    = EclPrototype("bool   ecl_grid_dual_grid( ecl_grid )")
    _init_actnum                  = EclPrototype("void   ecl_grid_init_actnum_data( ecl_grid , int* )")
    _compressed_kw_copy           = EclPrototype("void   ecl_grid_compressed_kw_copy( ecl_grid , ecl_kw , ecl_kw)")
    _global_kw_copy               = EclPrototype("void   ecl_grid_global_kw_copy( ecl_grid , ecl_kw , ecl_kw)")
    _create_volume_keyword        = EclPrototype("ecl_kw_obj ecl_grid_alloc_volume_kw( ecl_grid , bool)")

    def loadFromGrdecl(cls , filename):
        """Will create a new EclGrid instance from grdecl file.

        This function will scan the input file @filename and look for
        the keywords required to build a grid. The following keywords
        are required:
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#  ERT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
#  See the GNU General Public License at 
#  for more details.

from ert.util import CTime
from ert.ecl import EclPrototype , EclFile, Ecl3DKW , Ecl3DFile, EclFileEnum
from cwrap import BaseCClass

class EclRestartHead(BaseCClass):
    TYPE_NAME = "ecl_rsthead"
    _alloc           = EclPrototype("void*  ecl_rsthead_alloc(ecl_file_view , int )", bind = False)
    _alloc_from_kw   = EclPrototype("void*  ecl_rsthead_alloc_from_kw(int , ecl_kw , ecl_kw , ecl_kw )", bind = False)
    _free            = EclPrototype("void   ecl_rsthead_free(ecl_rsthead)")
    _get_report_step = EclPrototype("int    ecl_rsthead_get_report_step(ecl_rsthead)")
    _get_sim_time    = EclPrototype("time_t ecl_rsthead_get_sim_time(ecl_rsthead)")
    _get_sim_days    = EclPrototype("double ecl_rsthead_get_sim_days(ecl_rsthead)")

    def __init__(self , kw_arg = None , rst_view = None):
        if kw_arg is None and rst_view is None:
            raise ValueError('Cannot construct EclRestartHead without one of kw_arg and rst_view, both were None!')

        if not kw_arg is None:
            report_step , intehead_kw , doubhead_kw , logihead_kw = kw_arg
            c_ptr = self._alloc_from_kw( report_step , intehead_kw , doubhead_kw , logihead_kw )
            c_ptr = self._alloc( rst_view , -1 )

        super(EclRestartHead, self).__init__(c_ptr)