How to use the ephem.hours function in ephem

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ephem examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github HERA-Team / aipy / scripts / View on Github external
def click(event):
        global cnt
        if event.button == 3: 
            lon,lat = map(event.xdata, event.ydata, inverse=True)
            if opts.osys == 'eq': lon = (360 - lon) % 360
            lon *= a.img.deg2rad; lat *= a.img.deg2rad
            ra,dec = ephem.hours(lon), ephem.degrees(lat)
            x,y,z = a.coord.radec2eq((ra,dec))
            flx = h[(x,y,z)]
            print '#%d (RA,DEC): (%s, %s), Jy: %f' % (cnt, ra, dec, flx)
            cnt += 1
        elif event.button==2:
            lon,lat = map(event.xdata, event.ydata, inverse=True)
            if opts.osys == 'eq': lon = (360 - lon) % 360
            lon *= a.img.deg2rad; lat *= a.img.deg2rad
            ra,dec = ephem.hours(lon), ephem.degrees(lat)
            x,y,z = a.coord.radec2eq((ra,dec))
            #flx = h[(x,y,z)]
            crd = [mk_arr(c, dtype=np.double) for c in (x,y,z)]
            px,wgts = h.crd2px(*crd, **{'interpolate':1})
            flx = np.sum(h[px],axis=-1)
            print '#%d (RA,DEC): (%s, %s), Jy: %f (4px sum)' % (cnt, ra, dec, flx)
            cnt += 1
github gnuradio / gnuradio / gr-radio-astronomy / src / python / View on Github external

          # We open the header file as a regular file, write header data,
          #   then close
          hdrf = open(self.prefix+hdrfilename, "w")
          hdrf.write("receiver center frequency: "+str(self.frequency)+"\n")
          hdrf.write("observing frequency: "+str(self.observing_freq)+"\n")
          hdrf.write("DM: "+str("\n")
          hdrf.write("doppler: "+str(self.doppler)+"\n")
          hdrf.write("pulse rate: "+str(self.pulse_freq)+"\n")
          hdrf.write("pulse sps: "+str(self.pulse_freq*self.folding)+"\n")
          hdrf.write("file sps: "+str(self.folder_input_rate)+"\n")

          hdrf.write("sidereal: "+str(ephem.hours(sidtime))+"\n")
          hdrf.write("bandwidth: "+str(self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate())+"\n")
          hdrf.write("sample type: short\n")
          hdrf.write("sample size: 1\n")
github gnuradio / gnuradio / gr-radio-astronomy / src / python / View on Github external
		# If time to write full header info (saves storage this way)
		if (now - self.continuum_then > 20):
			enow =
			sunset = self.locality.next_setting(self.sun)
			sunrise = self.locality.next_rising(self.sun)
			sun_insky = "Down"
			self.sunstate = "Dn"
			if ((sunrise < enow) and (enow < sunset)):
			   sun_insky = "Up"
			   self.sunstate = "Up"
			self.continuum_then = now
			continuum_file.write(str(ephem.hours(sidtime))+" "+flt+" Dn="+str(inter)+",")
			continuum_file.write(str(ephem.hours(sidtime))+" "+flt+"\n")
github cesium-ml / cesium / TCP / Algorithms / fitcurve / View on Github external
def request_noisified():
        my_obs = observatory_PTF.PTF
        # make up an object:
        vega = my_obs.create_target(ephem.hours('18:36:56.20'), ephem.degrees('38:46:59.0'), "cepheid") # coordinates of vega
        for i in range(10):
            mindiff_multiplier = i - 5
            if mindiff_multiplier < 1:
                mindiff_multiplier = 1
            t = generic_observatory.time_series_generator()
            time_series = t.generate_time_series(vega, my_obs)
            print("mindiff_multiplier should be: ", mindiff_multiplier)
                output = my_obs.observe(target=vega, times = time_series, band = "V")
            except AssertionError as description:
                print("Failed %s times so far, because of %s" % ((i+1), description))
                return output
    return request_noisified()
github renewables-ninja / gsee / gsee / View on Github external
def _solartime(observer, sun):
    """Return solar time for given observer and sun"""
    # sidereal time == ra (right ascension) is the highest point (noon)
    hour_angle = observer.sidereal_time() - sun.ra
    return ephem.hours(hour_angle + ephem.hours("12:00")).norm  # norm for 24h
github dshean / pygeotools / pygeotools / lib / View on Github external
def solarTime(utc_dt, lat, lon):
    """Compute local solar time for given (lat, lon)
    import ephem
    o = ephem.Observer() = utc_dt = str(lat)
    o.lon = str(lon)
    sun = ephem.Sun()
    hour_angle = o.sidereal_time() - sun.ra
    rad = str(ephem.hours(hour_angle + ephem.hours('12:00')).norm)
    t = datetime.strptime(rad, '%H:%M:%S.%f')
    solar_dt = datetime.combine(, t.time()) 
    return solar_dt
github OSCAAR / OSCAAR / Extras / eph / View on Github external
'''If star is above horizon and sun is below horizon:'''        
                    if (ingress > sunset and egress < sunrise) and (ingress > starrise and egress < starset) or bypassTag:
                        ingressAlt,ingressDir,egressAlt,egressDir = ingressEgressAltAz(planet,observatory,ingress,egress)
                        transitInfo = [planet,transitEpoch,duration(planet)/2,'transit',ingressAlt,ingressDir,egressAlt,egressDir]
                    #else: print 'Partial transit'
                if calcEclipses and len(eclipseEpochs) != 0:
                    eclipseEpoch = eclipseEpochs[0]
                    ingress = eclipseEpoch-duration(planet)/2
                    egress = eclipseEpoch+duration(planet)/2
                    ''' Calculate positions of host stars'''
                    observatory.horizon = observatory_minHorizon    ## Input format-  deg:min:sec  (type=str)
                    star = ephem.FixedBody()
                    star._ra = ephem.hours(RA(planet))
                    star._dec = ephem.degrees(dec(planet))
                    exoplanetDB[planet]['Constellation'] = ephem.constellation(star)[0]
                    bypassTag = False                    
                        starrise = gd2jd(datestr2list(str(observatory.next_rising(star))))
                        starset = gd2jd(datestr2list(str(observatory.next_setting(star))))
                    except ephem.AlwaysUpError:
                        '''If the star is always up, you don't need starrise and starset to 
                           know that the event should be included further calculations'''
                        print 'Woo! '+str(planet)+' is always above the horizon.'
                        bypassTag = True
                    '''If star is above horizon and sun is below horizon:'''
                    if (ingress > sunset and egress < sunrise) and (ingress > starrise and egress < starset) or bypassTag:
                        ingressAlt,ingressDir,egressAlt,egressDir = ingressEgressAltAz(planet,observatory,ingress,egress)
github gnuradio / gnuradio / gr-radio-astronomy / src / python / View on Github external
sidtime = self.locality.sidereal_time()

        # Pick up localtime, for generating filenames
        foo = time.localtime()

        # Generate filenames for both data and header file
        hitfilename = "%04d%02d%02d%02d.phit" % (foo.tm_year, foo.tm_mon,
           foo.tm_mday, foo.tm_hour)

        hitf = open(self.prefix+hitfilename, "a")
        hitf.write("receiver center frequency: "+str(self.frequency)+"\n")
        hitf.write("observing frequency: "+str(self.observing_freq)+"\n")
        hitf.write("DM: "+str("\n")
        hitf.write("doppler: "+str(self.doppler)+"\n")

        hitf.write("sidereal: "+str(ephem.hours(sidtime))+"\n")
        hitf.write("bandwidth: "+str(self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate())+"\n")
        hitf.write("spectral peaks: "+str(hits)+"\n")
        hitf.write("HCM: "+str(hcavg)+" "+str(hcmax)+"\n")