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def run_sampler(backend, nwalkers=32, ndim=3, nsteps=25, seed=1234, thin_by=1,
dtype=None, blobs=True, lp=None):
if lp is None:
lp = normal_log_prob_blobs if blobs else normal_log_prob
if seed is not None:
coords = np.random.randn(nwalkers, ndim)
sampler = EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lp,
backend=backend, blobs_dtype=dtype)
sampler.run_mcmc(coords, nsteps, thin_by=thin_by)
return sampler
thin (int): factor to thin the steps of each walker
by to remove correlations in the walker steps
examine_chains (boolean): Displays plots of walkers at each step by
running `examine_chains` after `total_orbits` sampled.
``emcee.sampler`` object: the sampler used to run the MCMC
if self.use_pt:
sampler = ptemcee.Sampler(
self.num_walkers, self.num_params, self._logl, orbitize.priors.all_lnpriors,
ntemps=self.num_temps, threads=self.num_threads, logpargs=[self.priors, ]
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(
self.num_walkers, self.num_params, self._logl,
threads=self.num_threads, kwargs={'include_logp': True}
# we're using args because emcee < 3.0 has three return values whereas emcee > 3.0 has
# four. We can explicitly declare 4 variables instead of args in the future.
for args in sampler.sample(self.curr_pos, iterations=burn_steps, thin=thin):
self.curr_pos = args[0]
except UnboundLocalError: # 0 step burn-in (pos is not defined)
print('Burn in complete')
def get_samples(self, n_samples, log_p_function, burn_in_steps=50, n_steps=100):
Generates samples.
n_samples - number of samples to generate
log_p_function - a function that returns log density for a specific sample
burn_in_steps - number of burn-in steps for sampling
Returns a tuple of two array: (samples, log_p_function values for samples)
X_init = RandomDesign(
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(n_samples, X_init.shape[1], log_p_function)
# Burn-In
samples, samples_log, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(X_init, burn_in_steps)
# MCMC Sampling
samples, samples_log, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(samples, n_steps)
# make sure we have an array of shape (n samples, space input dim)
if len(samples.shape) == 1:
samples = samples.reshape(-1, 1)
samples_log = samples_log.reshape(-1, 1)
return samples, samples_log
pid = os.getpid()
_random = _rngs.get(
pid, np.random.RandomState(int(int(pid) + time.time()))
_rngs[pid] = _random
ndim = int(np.ceil(2 ** (7 * _random.rand())))
nwalkers = 2 * ndim + 2
# nwalkers += nwalkers % 2
print(ndim, nwalkers)
cov = random_cov(ndim)
icov = np.linalg.inv(cov)
ens_samp = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprobfn, args=[icov])
ens_samp.random_state = _random.get_state()
pos, lnprob, state = ens_samp.run_mcmc(
np.random.randn(nwalkers * ndim).reshape([nwalkers, ndim]), nsteps
proposal = np.diag(cov.diagonal())
mh_samp = emcee.MHSampler(proposal, ndim, lnprobfn, args=[icov])
mh_samp.random_state = state
mh_samp.run_mcmc(np.random.randn(ndim), nsteps)
f = h5py.File(outfn)
f["data"][i, :] = np.array(
[ndim, np.mean(ens_samp.acor), np.mean(mh_samp.acor)]
def log_prob(x):
logl, der = self.loglike(x)
return logl + self.prior(x), der
if self.sample_prior is not None:
x_current = self.sample_prior(num_walkers)
raise ValueError('Prior does not have sample method')
import emcee
raise ImportError
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(num_walkers, self.x_dim, log_prob, moves=[(emcee.moves.KDEMove(), 1.0)])
state = sampler.run_mcmc(x_current, bootstrap_burn_in)'Initial acceptance [%5.4f]' % (np.mean(sampler.acceptance_fraction)))
self._chain_stats(np.transpose(sampler.get_chain(), axes=[1, 0, 2]))
# Use state coordinates to train flow
mean = np.mean(state.coords, axis=0)
std = np.std(state.coords, axis=0)
# Normalise samples
training_samples = (state.coords - mean) / std
self.transform = lambda x: x * std + mean
self.trainer.train(training_samples, jitter=initial_jitter)
init_samples = None
init_loglikes = None
init_derived = None
:param fit: the fit to be samples
:param steps: the number of steps of each walker
:param thin: an integer (only every ith step is saved)
:param nwalkers: the number of walkers
:param chi2max: maximum allowed chi2
:param std: the standard deviation of the parameters used to randomize the initial set of the walkers
:return: a list containing the chi2 and the parameter values
model = fit.model
ndim = fit.n_free # Number of free parameters to be sampled (number of dimensions)
kw = {
'bounds': fit.model.parameter_bounds,
'chi2max': chi2max
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(
std = np.array(fit.model.parameter_values) * std
pos = [
fit.model.parameter_values + std * np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers)
chi2 = -2. * sampler.flatlnprobability / float(model.n_points - model.n_free - 1.0)
if self.normalize_output:
# Normalize output to have zero mean and unit standard deviation
self.y, self.y_mean, self.y_std = normalization.zero_mean_unit_var_normalization(y)
if self.y_std == 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot normalize output. All targets have the same value")
self.y = y
# Use the mean of the data as mean for the GP
self.mean = np.mean(self.y, axis=0) = george.GP(self.kernel, mean=self.mean)
if do_optimize:
# We have one walker for each hyperparameter configuration
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(self.n_hypers,
len( + 1,
sampler.random_state = self.rng.get_state()
# Do a burn-in in the first iteration
if not self.burned:
# Initialize the walkers by sampling from the prior
if self.prior is None:
self.p0 = self.rng.rand(self.n_hypers, len( + 1)
self.p0 = self.prior.sample_from_prior(self.n_hypers)
# Run MCMC sampling
self.p0, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(self.p0,
self.burned = True
if verbose and isfirstrun:
'start {:s} MCMC with {:d} dims, {:d} steps, {:d} walkers,'.
format(fittype, n_dim, n_mcmc_steps, n_walkers) +
' {:d} threads'.format(nworkers)
elif verbose and not isfirstrun:
'continue {:s} with {:d} dims, {:d} steps, {:d} walkers, '.
format(fittype, n_dim, n_mcmc_steps, n_walkers) +
'{:d} threads'.format(nworkers)
with Pool(nworkers) as pool:
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(
n_walkers, n_dim, log_posterior_transit,
args=(init_params, init_m, stimes,
smags, serrs, priorbounds),
sampler.run_mcmc(starting_positions, n_mcmc_steps,
if verbose:
'ended {:s} MCMC run with {:d} steps, {:d} walkers, '.format(
fittype, n_mcmc_steps, n_walkers
) + '{:d} threads'.format(nworkers)
if numpy.isfinite(prob):
ensemble[i,:] = walker
self.values = ensemble
# check that all walkers have finite likelihood
prob = numpy.zeros((self.values.shape[0],1))
for i in range(self.values.shape[0]):
prob[i,0] = monteCarloSearchFnc(self.values[i,:], self)
if not numpy.isfinite(prob[i,0]):
print('Invalid parameters for %i-th walker (likelihood is bogus)' % i)
else: print('%i-th walker: logL=%g' % (i, prob[i,0]))
nwalkers, nparams = self.values.shape
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, nparams, monteCarloSearchFnc, args=(self,))
prevmaxloglike = None
while True: # run several passes until convergence
print('Starting MCMC')
sampler.run_mcmc(self.values, nsteps_mcmc)
# restart the next pass from the latest values in the Markov chain
self.values = sampler.chain[:,-1,:]
# store the latest best-fit parameters and their likelihood, and the entire chain for the last nsteps_mcmc steps
numpy.savetxt(self.filename+'.best', \
numpy.hstack((self.values, sampler.lnprobability[:,-1].reshape(-1,1))), fmt='%.8g')
numpy.savetxt(self.filename+".chain", \
sampler.lnprobability[:,-nsteps_mcmc:].reshape(-1,1))), fmt='%.8g')
print("Acceptance fraction: %g" % numpy.mean(sampler.acceptance_fraction)) # should be in the range 0.2-0.5
print("Warning: All samples (including burn-in) will be saved in backup file '{}'.".format(backup_filename))
if start_from_backup:
initpos = None
n_run_eff = n_run
n_run_eff = n_burn + n_run
backend.reset(n_walkers, num_param)
if pool.is_master():
print("Warning: backup file '{}' has been reset!".format(backup_filename))
backend = None
n_run_eff = n_burn + n_run
time_start = time.time()
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(n_walkers, num_param, self.chain.logL,
pool=pool, backend=backend)
sampler.run_mcmc(initpos, n_run_eff, progress=progress)
flat_samples = sampler.get_chain(discard=n_burn, thin=1, flat=True)
dist = sampler.get_log_prob(flat=True, discard=n_burn, thin=1)
if pool.is_master():
print('Computing the MCMC...')
print('Number of walkers = ', n_walkers)
print('Burn-in iterations: ', n_burn)
print('Sampling iterations (in current run):', n_run_eff)
time_end = time.time()
print(time_end - time_start, 'time taken for MCMC sampling')
return flat_samples, dist