How to use the elephant.icsd.icsd.CSD function in elephant

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few elephant examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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        csd : np.ndarray * quantity.Quantity
            Array with the csd estimate
        csd =, self.lfp)[1:-1, ]
        # `` does not return correct units, so the units of `csd` must
        # be assigned manually
        csd_units = (self.f_inv_matrix.units * self.lfp.units).simplified
        csd = csd.magnitude * csd_units

        return csd

class DeltaiCSD(CSD):
    delta-iCSD method
    def __init__(self, lfp,
                 coord_electrode=np.linspace(0, 1400E-6, 15)*pq.m,
                 f_type='gaussian', f_order=(3, 1)):
        Initialize the delta-iCSD method class object

        lfp : np.ndarray * quantity.Quantity
            LFP signal of shape (# channels, # time steps) in units of V
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for i in denom:
            denom_string = denom_string + '%.3f ' % i
        denom_string = denom_string + ']'

        print(('discrete filter coefficients: \nb = {}, \na = {}'.format(num_string, denom_string)))

        if filterfunction == 'filtfilt':
            return ss.filtfilt(num, denom, csd, axis=0) * csd.units
        elif filterfunction == 'convolve':
            csdf = csd / csd.units
            for i in range(csdf.shape[1]):
                csdf[:, i] = ss.convolve(csdf[:, i], num/denom.sum(), 'same')
            return csdf * csd.units

class StandardCSD(CSD):
    Standard CSD method with and without Vaknin electrodes

    def __init__(self, lfp,
                 coord_electrode=np.linspace(0, 1400E-6, 15)*pq.m,
                 sigma=0.3*pq.S/pq.m, vaknin_el=True, f_type='gaussian',
                 f_order=(3, 1)):
        Initialize standard CSD method class with and without Vaknin electrodes.

        lfp : np.ndarray * quantity.Quantity
            LFP signal of shape (# channels, # time steps) in units of V
        coord_electrode : np.ndarray * quantity.Quantity
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mom = (self.sigma-self.sigma_top)/(self.sigma+self.sigma_top)

                f_matrix[j, i] = f_cyl0 + mom*f_cyl1

        #assume si.quad trash the units
        return f_matrix * self.h.units**2 / self.sigma.units

    def _f_cylinder(self, zeta, z_val, diam, sigma):
        '''function used by class method'''
        f_cyl = 1. / (2.*sigma) * \
            (np.sqrt((diam/2)**2 + ((z_val-zeta))**2) - abs(z_val-zeta))
        return f_cyl

class SplineiCSD(CSD):
    '''spline iCSD method'''
    def __init__(self, lfp,
                 coord_electrode=np.linspace(0, 1400E-6, 15)*pq.m,
                 diam=500E-6*pq.m, sigma=0.3*pq.S/pq.m, sigma_top=0.3*pq.S/pq.m,
                 f_type='gaussian', f_order=(3, 1), num_steps=200):
        Initializing spline-iCSD method class object

        lfp : np.ndarray * quantity.Quantity
            LFP signal of shape (# channels, # time steps) in units of V
        coord_electrode : np.ndarray * quantity.Quantity
            depth of evenly spaced electrode contact points of shape
            (# contacts, ) in units of m
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for i in range(self.coord_electrode.size):
                f_matrix[j, i] = ((np.sqrt((self.coord_electrode[j] -
                                            self.coord_electrode[i])**2 +
                    (self.diam[j] / 2)**2) - abs(self.coord_electrode[j] -
                                              self.coord_electrode[i])) +
                    (self.sigma - self.sigma_top) / (self.sigma +
                                                     self.sigma_top) *
                    (np.sqrt((self.coord_electrode[j] +
                              self.coord_electrode[i])**2 + (self.diam[j] / 2)**2)-
                    abs(self.coord_electrode[j] + self.coord_electrode[i])))

        f_matrix /= (2 * self.sigma)
        return f_matrix

class StepiCSD(CSD):
    '''step-iCSD method'''
    def __init__(self, lfp,
                 coord_electrode=np.linspace(0, 1400E-6, 15)*pq.m,
                 h = np.ones(15)*100E-6*pq.m,
                 sigma=0.3*pq.S/pq.m, sigma_top=0.3*pq.S/pq.m,
                 f_type='gaussian', f_order=(3, 1)):
        Initializing step-iCSD method class object

        lfp : np.ndarray * quantity.Quantity
            LFP signal of shape (# channels, # time steps) in units of V
        coord_electrode : np.ndarray * quantity.Quantity