How to use the eldonationtracker.extralife_IO function in eldonationtracker

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few eldonationtracker examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github djotaku / ELDonationTracker / eldonationtracker / View on Github external
def get_team_json(self):
        """Get team info from JSON api."""
        self.team_json = extralife_IO.get_JSON(self.team_url)
        if self.team_json == 0:
            print("Could not get team JSON")
            self.team_goal = self.team_json["fundraisingGoal"]
            self.team_captain = self.team_json["captainDisplayName"]
            self.total_raised = self.team_json["sumDonations"]
            self.num_donations = self.team_json["numDonations"]
            # dictionary
            self.team_info["Team_goal"] = f"{self.currency_symbol}{self.team_goal:,.2f}"
            self.team_info["Team_captain"] = f"{self.team_captain}"
            self.team_info["Team_totalRaised"] = f"{self.currency_symbol}{self.total_raised:,.2f}"
            self.team_info["Team_numDonations"] = f"{self.num_donations}"
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def get_top_5_participants(self):
        """Get team participants."""
        self.top5_team_participant_json = extralife_IO.get_JSON(self.team_participant_url, True)
        if self.top5_team_participant_json == 0:
            print("Couldn't get top 5 team participants")
        elif len(self.top5_team_participant_json) == 0:
            print("No team participants!")
            self.top_5_participant_list = [TeamParticipant(self.top5_team_participant_json[participant]) for participant in range(0, len(self.top5_team_participant_json))]