How to use the dpkt.icmp function in dpkt

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few dpkt examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github kbandla / dpkt / examples / View on Github external
def gen_ping(self, opts):
        for i in xrange(opts.count):
            icmp = dpkt.icmp.ICMP(
                type=8, data=dpkt.icmp.ICMP.Echo(id=random.randint(0, 0xffff),
                                                 seq=i, data=opts.payload))
            yield str(icmp)
github log2timeline / plaso / plaso / parsers / View on Github external
icmp_data.append('ICMP traceroute')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_DATACONVERR:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP data conversion error')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_MOBILE_REDIRECT:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP mobile host redirect')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_IP6_WHEREAREYOU:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP IPv6 where-are-yo')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_IP6_IAMHERE:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP IPv6 i-am-here')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_MOBILE_REG:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP mobile registration req')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_MOBILE_REGREPLY:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP mobile registration reply')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_DNS:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP domain name request')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_DNSREPLY:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP domain name reply')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PHOTURIS:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP Photuris')
    if icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PHOTURIS_UNKNOWN_INDEX:
      icmp_data.append(': unknown sec index')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PHOTURIS_AUTH_FAILED:
      icmp_data.append(': auth failed')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PHOTURIS_DECOMPRESS_FAILED:
      icmp_data.append(': decompress failed')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PHOTURIS_DECRYPT_FAILED:
      icmp_data.append(': decrypt failed')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PHOTURIS_NEED_AUTHN:
      icmp_data.append(': no authentication')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PHOTURIS_NEED_AUTHZ:
      icmp_data.append(': no authorization')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_TYPE_MAX:
github log2timeline / plaso / plaso / parsers / View on Github external
icmp_data.append('ICMP Router solicitation')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_TIMEXCEED:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP time exceeded, code:')
    if icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_TIMEXCEED_INTRANS:
      icmp_data.append(' ttl==0 in transit')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_TIMEXCEED_REASS:
      icmp_data.append('ttl==0 in reass')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PARAMPROB:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP ip header bad')
    if icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PARAMPROB_ERRATPTR:
      icmp_data.append(':req. opt. absent')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PARAMPROB_OPTABSENT:
      icmp_data.append(': req. opt. absent')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PARAMPROB_LENGTH:
      icmp_data.append(': length')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_TSTAMP:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP timestamp request')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_TSTAMPREPLY:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP timestamp reply')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_INFO:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP information request')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_INFOREPLY:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP information reply')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_MASK:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP address mask request')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_MASKREPLY:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP address mask reply')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_TRACEROUTE:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP traceroute')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_DATACONVERR:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP data conversion error')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_MOBILE_REDIRECT:
github saulpw / visidata / visidata / loaders / View on Github external
def init_pcap():
    if protocols:  # already init'ed

    global dpkt, dnslib
    import dpkt
    import dnslib

    load_consts(protocols['ethernet'], dpkt.ethernet, 'ETH_TYPE_')
    load_consts(protocols['ip'], dpkt.ip, 'IP_PROTO_')
    load_consts(_flags['ip_tos'], dpkt.ip, 'IP_TOS_')
    load_consts(protocols['icmp'], dpkt.icmp, 'ICMP_')
    load_consts(_flags['tcp'], dpkt.tcp, 'TH_')

github AllGloryToTheHypnotoad / netscan2 / netscan / View on Github external
def createICMP(self, msg):
		echo = dpkt.icmp.ICMP.Echo() = random.randint(0, 0xffff)
		echo.seq = random.randint(0, 0xffff) = msg

		icmp = dpkt.icmp.ICMP()
		icmp.type = dpkt.icmp.ICMP_ECHO = echo
		return str(icmp)
github siemens / sparring / View on Github external
      if pkt.p == dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_TCP:
        ret = self.tcp.handle(pkt)
        self.nodata_count += ret[0]
      elif pkt.p == dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_UDP:
        ret = self.udp.handle(pkt)
        self.nodata_count += ret[0]
      elif pkt.p == dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_ICMP:
        frame =
        if frame.type == dpkt.icmp.ICMP_ECHO:
"ICMP ECHO %s" % inet_ntoa(pkt.dst))
        elif frame.type == dpkt.icmp.ICMP_ECHOREPLY:
"ICMP REPLY from %s" % inet_ntoa(pkt.src))
        log.warning("unsupported protocol %s recieved (ignored)" % pkt.p)
github log2timeline / plaso / plaso / parsers / View on Github external
icmp_data.append(': src host isolated')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_UNREACH_NET_PROHIB:
      icmp_data.append(': for crypto devs')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_UNREACH_HOST_PROHIB:
      icmp_data.append(': for cypto devs')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_UNREACH_TOSNET:
      icmp_data.append(': bad tos for net')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_UNREACH_TOSHOST:
      icmp_data.append(': bad tos for host')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_UNREACH_FILTER_PROHIB:
      icmp_data.append(': prohibited access')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_UNREACH_HOST_PRECEDENCE:
      icmp_data.append(': precedence error')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_UNREACH_PRECEDENCE_CUTOFF:
      icmp_data.append(': precedence cutoff')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_SRCQUENCH:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP source quench')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_REDIRECT:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP Redirect')
    if icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_REDIRECT_NET:
      icmp_data.append(' for network')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_REDIRECT_HOST:
      icmp_data.append(' for host')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_REDIRECT_TOSNET:
      icmp_data.append(' for tos and net')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_REDIRECT_TOSHOST:
      icmp_data.append(' for tos and host')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_ALTHOSTADDR:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP alternate host address')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_ECHO:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP echo')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_RTRADVERT:
github log2timeline / plaso / plaso / parsers / View on Github external
icmp_data.append('ICMP address mask reply')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_TRACEROUTE:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP traceroute')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_DATACONVERR:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP data conversion error')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_MOBILE_REDIRECT:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP mobile host redirect')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_IP6_WHEREAREYOU:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP IPv6 where-are-yo')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_IP6_IAMHERE:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP IPv6 i-am-here')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_MOBILE_REG:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP mobile registration req')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_MOBILE_REGREPLY:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP mobile registration reply')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_DNS:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP domain name request')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_DNSREPLY:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP domain name reply')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PHOTURIS:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP Photuris')
    if icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PHOTURIS_UNKNOWN_INDEX:
      icmp_data.append(': unknown sec index')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PHOTURIS_AUTH_FAILED:
      icmp_data.append(': auth failed')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PHOTURIS_DECOMPRESS_FAILED:
      icmp_data.append(': decompress failed')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PHOTURIS_DECRYPT_FAILED:
      icmp_data.append(': decrypt failed')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PHOTURIS_NEED_AUTHN:
      icmp_data.append(': no authentication')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_PHOTURIS_NEED_AUTHZ:
github kbandla / dpkt / dpkt / View on Github external
def test_eth_mpls_stacked():  # Eth - MPLS - MPLS - IP - ICMP
    from . import ip
    from . import icmp
    s = (b'\x00\x30\x96\xe6\xfc\x39\x00\x30\x96\x05\x28\x38\x88\x47\x00\x01\x20\xff\x00\x01\x01\xff'
         b'\xbd\x11\x0f\x65\x12\xa0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x53\x9e\xe0' + b'\xab\xcd' * 32)
    eth = Ethernet(s)
    assert len(eth.mpls_labels) == 2
    assert eth.mpls_labels[0].val == 18
    assert eth.mpls_labels[1].val == 16
    assert eth.labels == [(18, 0, 255), (16, 0, 255)]
    assert isinstance(, ip.IP)
    assert isinstance(, icmp.ICMP)

    # construction
    assert str(eth) == str(s), 'pack 1'
    assert str(eth) == str(s), 'pack 2'
    assert len(eth) == len(s)

    # construction with kwargs
    eth2 = Ethernet(src=eth.src, dst=eth.dst, mpls_labels=eth.mpls_labels,
    assert str(eth2) == str(s)

    # construction w/o labels
    del eth.labels, eth.mpls_labels
    assert str(eth) == str(s[:12] + b'\x08\x00' + s[22:])
github log2timeline / plaso / plaso / parsers / View on Github external
icmp_data.append(': precedence error')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_UNREACH_PRECEDENCE_CUTOFF:
      icmp_data.append(': precedence cutoff')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_SRCQUENCH:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP source quench')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_REDIRECT:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP Redirect')
    if icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_REDIRECT_NET:
      icmp_data.append(' for network')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_REDIRECT_HOST:
      icmp_data.append(' for host')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_REDIRECT_TOSNET:
      icmp_data.append(' for tos and net')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_REDIRECT_TOSHOST:
      icmp_data.append(' for tos and host')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_ALTHOSTADDR:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP alternate host address')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_ECHO:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP echo')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_RTRADVERT:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP Route advertisement')
    if icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_RTRADVERT_NORMAL:
      icmp_data.append(': normal')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_RTRADVERT_NOROUTE_COMMON:
      icmp_data.append(': selective routing')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_RTRSOLICIT:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP Router solicitation')
  elif icmp_type is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_TIMEXCEED:
    icmp_data.append('ICMP time exceeded, code:')
    if icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_TIMEXCEED_INTRANS:
      icmp_data.append(' ttl==0 in transit')
    elif icmp_code is dpkt.icmp.ICMP_TIMEXCEED_REASS: