How to use the docutils.nodes function in docutils

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few docutils examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github trueos / sysadm / docs / api_reference / View on Github external
text = utils.unescape(text)
    if typ == 'menuselection':
        text = text.replace('-->', u'\u2192') # Here is the patch

    spans = _amp_re.split(text)  

    node = nodes.literal(rawtext=rawtext)
    for i, span in enumerate(spans):
        span = span.replace('&&', '&')
        if i == 0:
            if len(span) > 0:
                textnode = nodes.Text(span)
                node += textnode
        accel_node = nodes.inline()
        letter_node = nodes.Text(span[0])
        accel_node += letter_node
        node += accel_node
        textnode = nodes.Text(span[1:])
        node += textnode

    return [node], []
github rdiankov / openrave / docs / View on Github external
option_spec = {}
            has_content = True
            def run(self):
                args = shlex.split(self.content[0].encode('ascii'))
                text = subprocess.Popen(args,stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
                return [docutils.nodes.literal_block(text=text)]
        rst.directives.register_directive('shell-block', ShellCommandDirective)

        # doxygen links using breathe
        parser_factory = breathe.DoxygenParserFactory()
        matcher_factory = breathe.ItemMatcherFactory()
        item_finder_factory_creator = breathe.DoxygenItemFinderFactoryCreator(parser_factory, matcher_factory)
        index_parser = breathe.DoxygenIndexParser()
        finder_factory = breathe.FinderFactory(index_parser, item_finder_factory_creator)
        node_factory = breathe.NodeFactory(docutils.nodes,sphinx.addnodes)
        renderer_factory_creator = breathe.DoxygenToRstRendererFactoryCreator(node_factory, parser_factory)
        builder_factory = breathe.BuilderFactory(breathe.RstBuilder, renderer_factory_creator)
        project_info_factory = breathe.ProjectInfoFactory()
        directive_factory = breathe.DoxygenDirectiveFactory(builder_factory, finder_factory, matcher_factory, project_info_factory)
        project_info_factory.update({'openrave':os.path.join(languagecode, 'xml')},'openrave')
        rst.directives.register_directive("doxygenindex", directive_factory.create_index_directive_container())
        rst.directives.register_directive("doxygenfunction", directive_factory.create_function_directive_container())
        rst.directives.register_directive("doxygenstruct", directive_factory.create_struct_directive_container())


        for source in glob('*.txt'):
            dest = os.path.splitext(source)[0] + '.html'
github djungelorm / sphinx-csharp / sphinx_csharp / View on Github external
""" Try and create a reference to a type on MSDN """
    in_msdn = False
    if name in MSDN_VALUE_TYPES:
        name = MSDN_VALUE_TYPES[name]
        in_msdn = True
    if name.startswith('System.'):
        in_msdn = True
    if in_msdn:
        link = name.split('<')[0]
        link = MSDN_LINK_MAP.get(link, link.lower())
        url = ''
        if link.startswith('https://'):
            url = link
            url = '' + link
        node = nodes.reference(name, shorten_type(name))
        node['refuri'] = url
        node['reftitle'] = name
        return node
    return None
github pinax / pinax / site-packages / docutils-0.4 / docutils / writers / html4css1 / View on Github external
self.output = visitor.astext()
        for attr in ('head_prefix', 'stylesheet', 'head', 'body_prefix',
                     'body_pre_docinfo', 'docinfo', 'body', 'fragment',
            setattr(self, attr, getattr(visitor, attr))

    def assemble_parts(self):
        for part in ('title', 'subtitle', 'docinfo', 'body', 'header',
                     'footer', 'meta', 'stylesheet', 'fragment',
                     'html_prolog', 'html_head', 'html_title', 'html_subtitle',
  [part] = ''.join(getattr(self.visitor, part))

class HTMLTranslator(nodes.NodeVisitor):

    This HTML writer has been optimized to produce visually compact
    lists (less vertical whitespace).  HTML's mixed content models
    allow list items to contain "<li><p>body elements</p></li>" or
    "<li>just text</li>" or even "<li>text<p>and body
    elements</p>combined</li>", each with different effects.  It would
    be best to stick with strict body elements in list items, but they
    affect vertical spacing in browsers (although they really

    Here is an outline of the optimization:

    - Check for and omit <p> tags in "simple" lists: list items
      contain either a single paragraph, a nested simple list, or a
      paragraph followed by a nested simple list.  This means that</p>
github timonwong / OmniMarkupPreviewer / OmniMarkupLib / Renderers / libs / python2 / docutils / utils / View on Github external
Decode file/path string in a failsave manner if not already done.
    # see also
    if isinstance(path, unicode):
        return path
        path = path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding(), 'strict')
    except AttributeError: # default value None has no decode method
        return nodes.reprunicode(path)
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
            path = path.decode('utf-8', 'strict')
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            path = path.decode('ascii', 'replace')
    return nodes.reprunicode(path)
github plasmodic / ecto / python / ecto / sphinx / View on Github external
valpara = nodes.paragraph()
                    valpara += nodes.emphasis('', 'Legal Values: ')
                    for thevalue, thename in v.val.values.iteritems():
                        valpara += nodes.literal('', "%s (%d)   " % (str(thename), thevalue))
                    para += valpara
            except TypeError, e:
                pass # didn't convert to python, but okay. maybe v.val was boost::posix_time::ptime or something.

            entry += nodes.paragraph('', v.doc)

        return section

    d['name'] = CellType.__name__
    d['short_doc'] = getattr(CellType, 'short_doc','')
    cell = nodes.section()
    cell += nodes.title(text=CellType.__name__)
    cell += content
    top = nodes.topic()
    cell += top

    para = nodes.title(text="Brief doc")
    para += nodes.paragraph(text=d['short_doc'])
    top += para

    inst = CellType.inspect()

    top += gettendril('Parameters', inst.params, True)
    top += gettendril('Inputs', inst.inputs, False)
    top += gettendril('Outputs', inst.outputs, False)
github OpenMDAO / OpenMDAO / openmdao / docs / _exts / View on Github external
lines = lines[:iend]

            # Remove the check suppression.
            for j, line in enumerate(lines):
                if "prob.setup(check=False" in line:
                    lines[j] = lines[j].replace('check=False, ', '')
                    lines[j] = lines[j].replace('check=False', '')

            # prune whitespace down to match first line
            while lines[0].startswith('    '):
                lines = [line[4:] for line in lines]

            text = '\n'.join(lines)

        # RIGHT side = Current OpenMDAO
        right_body = nodes.literal_block(text, text)
        right_body['language'] = 'python'


        return doc_nodes
github pandas-dev / pandas / doc / View on Github external
fname = os.path.join(SOURCE_PATH, f"{page}.rst")
        option_parser = docutils.frontend.OptionParser(
        doc = docutils.utils.new_document("", option_parser.get_default_values())
        with open(fname) as f:
            data =

        parser = docutils.parsers.rst.Parser()
        # do not generate any warning when parsing the rst
        with open(os.devnull, "a") as f:
   = f
            parser.parse(data, doc)

        section = next(
            node for node in doc.children if isinstance(node, docutils.nodes.section)
        title = next(
            node for node in section.children if isinstance(node, docutils.nodes.title)

        return title.astext()
github useblocks / sphinxcontrib-needs / sphinxcontrib / needs / View on Github external
elif data is None and show_empty:
            data = ''

        if isinstance(data, str):
            if len(data) == 0 and not show_empty:
                return []
            data_node = nodes.inline(classes=['needs_data'])
            data_node.append(nodes.Text(data, data))
        elif isinstance(data, list):
            if len(data) == 0 and not show_empty:
                return []
            list_container = nodes.inline(classes=['needs_data_container'])
            for index, element in enumerate(data):
                if index > 0:
                    spacer = nodes.inline(classes=['needs_spacer'])
                    spacer += nodes.Text(', ', ', ')
                    list_container += spacer

                inline = nodes.inline(classes=['needs_data'])
                inline += nodes.Text(element, element)
                list_container += inline
            data_container += list_container
            data_container.append(nodes.Text(data, data))

        return data_container