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import time
import dlib
from utils import applyAffineTransform, rectContains, calculateDelaunayTriangles, warpTriangle, face_swap3
if __name__ == '__main__' :
# Make sure OpenCV is version 3.0 or above
(major_ver, minor_ver, subminor_ver) = (cv2.__version__).split('.')
if int(major_ver) < 3 :
print >>sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Script needs OpenCV 3.0 or higher'
print("[INFO] loading facial landmark predictor...")
model = "shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat"
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(model)
# Read images will swap image1 into image2
filename1 = 'ted_cruz.jpg'
filename1 = 'brad.jpg'
#filename1 = 'hillary_clinton.jpg'
img1 = cv2.imread(filename1);
gray1 = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# detect faces in the grayscale frame
rects1 = detector(gray1, 0)
shape1 = predictor(gray1, rects1[0])
points1 = face_utils.shape_to_np(shape1) #type is a array of arrays (list of lists)
#need to convert to a list of tuples
points1 = list(map(tuple, points1))
def facedetector_dlib(img, image_path):
# dlib標準の顔検出 frontal_face_detector クラス
# detector = dlib.simple_object_detector(svm)
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
# RGB変換 (opencv形式からskimage形式に変換)
# 公式のデモだとskimage使ってるのでそちらが良いかも
img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# frontal_face_detectorクラスは矩形, スコア, サブ検出器の結果を返す
# 引数のupsample_numを設定すると画像の見る枚数が増えるため精度が向上するがその分探索時間とメモリを要する
# dets = detector(img_rgb, 0)
dets, scores, idx =, 0)
# 矩形の色
color = (0, 0, 255)
s = ''
if len(dets) > 0:
# 顔画像ありと判断された場合
for i, rect in enumerate(dets):
def __init__(self):
self.detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
# self.predictor = dlib.shape_predictor("shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat")
def _getSharedDetector():
global _detector
if _detector is None:
_detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
return _detector
import cv2
import dlib
import numpy as np
from MorphabelModel import MorphabelModel
import mesh
im = cv2.imread('data/female.jpg')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
h, w, c = im.shape
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
predictor = dlib.shape_predictor("models/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat")
rects = detector(gray, 1)
shape = predictor(gray, rects[0])
rects = [(rects[0].tl_corner().x, rects[0].tl_corner().y), (rects[0].br_corner().x, rects[0].br_corner().y)]
landmarks = np.zeros((68, 2))
for i, p in enumerate(
landmarks[i] = [p.x, p.y]
im =, (p.x, p.y), radius=3, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=5)
bfm = MorphabelModel('models/BFM.mat')
x = mesh.transform.from_image(landmarks, h, w)
X_ind = bfm.kpt_ind
#These are the camera matrix values estimated on my webcam with
# the calibration code (see: src/calibration):
#camera_matrix = np.float32([[602.10618226, 0.0, 320.27333589],
#[ 0.0, 603.55869786, 229.7537026],
#[ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ])
#Distortion coefficients
self.camera_distortion = np.float32([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# self.camera_distortion = np.float32([7.0834633684407095e-002, 6.9140193737175351e-002, 0.0, 0.0, -1.3073460323689292e+000])
#Distortion coefficients estimated by calibration in my webcam
#camera_distortion = np.float32([ 0.06232237, -0.41559805, 0.00125389, -0.00402566, 0.04879263])
if(DEBUG==True): print("[DEEPGAZE] PnpHeadPoseEstimator: estimated camera matrix: \n" + str(self.camera_matrix) + "\n")
#Declaring the dlib shape predictor object
self._detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
self._shape_predictor = dlib.shape_predictor(dlib_shape_predictor_file_path)
# self.landmarks = []
def get_detector(algorithm):
cnn_face_detector_path = "models/mmod_human_face_detector.dat"
cascade_path = + "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml"
face_detector = None
if algorithm == 'haar_cascade':
face_detector = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascade_path)
elif algorithm == 'dlib_hog':
face_detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
elif algorithm == 'dlib_cnn':
face_detector = dlib.cnn_face_detection_model_v1(cnn_face_detector_path)
return face_detector
faces = []
if method =='cv':
detector = cv2.CascadeClassifier(detect_model_path)
dets = detector.detectMultiScale(image,scaleFactor=1.1,minNeighbors= 5,minSize=(48,48))
for face_coordinates in dets:
x, y, w, h = face_coordinates
x1,x2, y1, y2 = x - offset, x + w + offset, y - offset, y + h + offset
face = image[y1:y2, x1: x2]
return faces, dets
elif method =='dlib':
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
dets, _ = detector(image, 1), []
rect = []
for _, d in enumerate(dets):
left, right, top, bottom = d.left() - offset, d.right() + offset, - offset, d.bottom() + offset
face = image[top:bottom, left:right]
rect.append((d.left(),,d.right() - d.left(),d.bottom() -
return faces, rect
def draw_bounding_box(face_coordinates, image_array, color):