How to use the discretize.CurvilinearMesh function in discretize

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few discretize examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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self.M = CylMesh(h)
                max_h = max([np.max(hi) for hi in self.M.h])
            return max_h

        elif 'Curv' in self._meshType:
            if 'uniform' in self._meshType:
                kwrd = 'rect'
            elif 'rotate' in self._meshType:
                kwrd = 'rotate'
                raise Exception('Unexpected meshType')
            if self.meshDimension == 1:
                raise Exception('Lom not supported for 1D')
            elif self.meshDimension == 2:
                X, Y = Utils.exampleLrmGrid([nc, nc], kwrd)
                self.M = CurvilinearMesh([X, Y])
            elif self.meshDimension == 3:
                X, Y, Z = Utils.exampleLrmGrid([nc, nc, nc], kwrd)
                self.M = CurvilinearMesh([X, Y, Z])
            return 1./nc

        elif 'Tree' in self._meshType:
            nc *= 2
            if 'uniform' in self._meshType or 'notatree' in self._meshType:
                h = [nc, nc, nc]
            elif 'random' in self._meshType:
                h1 = np.random.rand(nc)*nc*0.5 + nc*0.5
                h2 = np.random.rand(nc)*nc*0.5 + nc*0.5
                h3 = np.random.rand(nc)*nc*0.5 + nc*0.5
                h = [hi/np.sum(hi) for hi in [h1, h2, h3]]  # normalize
                raise Exception('Unexpected meshType')
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elif 'Curv' in self._meshType:
            if 'uniform' in self._meshType:
                kwrd = 'rect'
            elif 'rotate' in self._meshType:
                kwrd = 'rotate'
                raise Exception('Unexpected meshType')
            if self.meshDimension == 1:
                raise Exception('Lom not supported for 1D')
            elif self.meshDimension == 2:
                X, Y = Utils.exampleLrmGrid([nc, nc], kwrd)
                self.M = CurvilinearMesh([X, Y])
            elif self.meshDimension == 3:
                X, Y, Z = Utils.exampleLrmGrid([nc, nc, nc], kwrd)
                self.M = CurvilinearMesh([X, Y, Z])
            return 1./nc

        elif 'Tree' in self._meshType:
            nc *= 2
            if 'uniform' in self._meshType or 'notatree' in self._meshType:
                h = [nc, nc, nc]
            elif 'random' in self._meshType:
                h1 = np.random.rand(nc)*nc*0.5 + nc*0.5
                h2 = np.random.rand(nc)*nc*0.5 + nc*0.5
                h3 = np.random.rand(nc)*nc*0.5 + nc*0.5
                h = [hi/np.sum(hi) for hi in [h1, h2, h3]]  # normalize
                raise Exception('Unexpected meshType')

            levels = int(np.log(nc)/np.log(2))
            self.M = Tree(h[:self.meshDimension], levels=levels)