How to use the dipy.core.geometry.cart2sphere function in dipy

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def qtdmri_isotropic_signal_matrix(radial_order, time_order, us, ut, q, tau):
    ind_mat = qtdmri_isotropic_index_matrix(radial_order, time_order)
    qvals, theta, phi = cart2sphere(q[:, 0], q[:, 1], q[:, 2])

    n_dat = int(qvals.shape[0])
    n_elem = int(ind_mat.shape[0])

    num_j = int(np.max(ind_mat[:, 0]))
    num_o = int(time_order + 1)
    num_l = int(radial_order // 2 + 1)
    num_m = int(radial_order * 2 + 1)

    # Radial Basis
    radial_storage = np.zeros([num_j, num_l, n_dat])
    for j in range(1, num_j + 1):
        for ll in range(0, radial_order + 1, 2):
            radial_storage[j - 1, ll // 2, :] = radial_basis_opt(
                j, ll, us, qvals)
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def rho_matrix(sh_order, vecs):
    r"""Compute the SH matrix $\rho$

    r, theta, phi = cart2sphere(vecs[:, 0], vecs[:, 1], vecs[:, 2])
    theta[np.isnan(theta)] = 0

    n_c = int((sh_order + 1) * (sh_order + 2) / 2)
    rho = np.zeros((vecs.shape[0], n_c))
    counter = 0
    for l in range(0, sh_order + 1, 2):
        for m in range(-l, l + 1):
            rho[:, counter] = real_sph_harm(m, l, theta, phi)
            counter += 1
    return rho
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Number of tissue compartments for running the MSMT-CSD. Minimum
        number of compartments required is 2.

    B : ndarray
        Matrix of the spherical harmonics model used to fit the data
    m : int ``|m| <= n``
        The order of the harmonic.
    n : int ``>= 0``
        The degree of the harmonic.
    if iso_comp < 2:
        msg = ("Multi-tissue CSD requires at least 2 tissue compartments")
        raise ValueError(msg)
    r, theta, phi = geo.cart2sphere(*gtab.gradients.T)
    m, n = shm.sph_harm_ind_list(sh_order)
    B = shm.real_sph_harm(m, n, theta[:, None], phi[:, None])
    B[np.ix_(gtab.b0s_mask, n > 0)] = 0.

    iso = np.empty([B.shape[0], iso_comp])
    iso[:] = SH_CONST

    B = np.concatenate([iso, B], axis=1)
    return B, m, n
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def SHOREmatrix_pdf(radialOrder, zeta, rtab):
    """Compute the SHORE matrix"

    radialOrder : unsigned int,
        Radial Order
    zeta : unsigned int,
        scale factor
    rtab : array, shape (N,3)
        r-space points in which calculates the pdf

    r, theta, phi = cart2sphere(
        rtab[:, 0], rtab[:, 1], rtab[:, 2])
    theta[np.isnan(theta)] = 0

    psi = np.zeros(
        (r.shape[0], (radialOrder + 1) * ((radialOrder + 1) / 2) * (2 * radialOrder + 1)))
    counter = 0
    for n in range(radialOrder + 1):
        for l in range(0, n + 1, 2):
            for m in range(-l, l + 1):
                psi[:, counter] = real_sph_harm(m, l, theta, phi) * \
                    genlaguerre(n - l, l + 0.5)(4 * np.pi ** 2 * zeta * r ** 2 ) *\
                    np.exp(-2 * np.pi ** 2 * zeta * r ** 2) *\
                    __kappa_pdf(zeta, n, l) *\
                    (4 * np.pi ** 2 * zeta * r ** 2) ** (l / 2) * \
                    (-1) ** (n - l / 2)
                counter += 1
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def __init__(self, gtab, response, reg_sphere=default_sphere, iso=2,
        sh_order = response.sh_order
        super(MultiShellDeconvModel, self).__init__(gtab)
        B, m, n = multi_tissue_basis(gtab, sh_order, iso)

        delta_f = delta_functions[delta_form]
        delta = delta_f(response.iso, response.m, response.n, 0., 0.) = delta
        multiplier_matrix = _inflate_response(response, gtab, n, delta)

        r, theta, phi = geo.cart2sphere(*reg_sphere.vertices.T)
        odf_reg, _, _ = shm.real_sym_sh_basis(sh_order, theta, phi)
        reg = np.zeros([i + iso for i in odf_reg.shape])
        reg[:iso, :iso] = np.eye(iso)
        reg[iso:, iso:] = odf_reg

        X = B * multiplier_matrix

        self.fitter = QpFitter(X, reg)
        self.sh_order = sh_order
        self._X = X
        self.sphere = reg_sphere
        self.response = response
        self.B_dwi = B
        self.m = m
        self.n = n
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    radial_order : unsigned int,
        an even integer that represent the order of the basis
    zeta : unsigned int,
        scale factor
    sphere_vertices : array, shape (N,3)
        vertices of the odf sphere

    .. [1] Merlet S. et al., "Continuous diffusion signal, EAP and
    ODF estimation via Compressive Sensing in diffusion MRI", Medical
    Image Analysis, 2013.

    r, theta, phi = cart2sphere(sphere_vertices[:, 0], sphere_vertices[:, 1],
                                sphere_vertices[:, 2])
    theta[np.isnan(theta)] = 0
    F = radial_order / 2
    n_c = int(np.round(1 / 6.0 * (F + 1) * (F + 2) * (4 * F + 3)))
    upsilon = np.zeros((len(sphere_vertices), n_c))
    counter = 0
    for l in range(0, radial_order + 1, 2):
        for n in range(l, int((radial_order + l) / 2) + 1):
            for m in range(-l, l + 1):
                upsilon[:, counter] = (-1) ** (n - l / 2.0) * \
                    _kappa_odf(zeta, n, l) * \
                    hyp2f1(l - n, l / 2.0 + 1.5, l + 1.5, 2.0) * \
                    real_sph_harm(m, l, theta, phi)
                counter += 1

    return upsilon
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    radial_order : unsigned int,
        an even integer that represent the order of the basis
    zeta : unsigned int,
        scale factor
    rtab : array, shape (N,3)
        real space points in which calculates the pdf

    .. [1] Merlet S. et al., "Continuous diffusion signal, EAP and
    ODF estimation via Compressive Sensing in diffusion MRI", Medical
    Image Analysis, 2013.

    r, theta, phi = cart2sphere(rtab[:, 0], rtab[:, 1], rtab[:, 2])
    theta[np.isnan(theta)] = 0
    F = radial_order / 2
    n_c = int(np.round(1 / 6.0 * (F + 1) * (F + 2) * (4 * F + 3)))
    psi = np.zeros((r.shape[0], n_c))
    counter = 0
    for l in range(0, radial_order + 1, 2):
        for n in range(l, int((radial_order + l) / 2) + 1):
            for m in range(-l, l + 1):
                psi[:, counter] = real_sph_harm(m, l, theta, phi) * \
                    genlaguerre(n - l, l + 0.5)(4 * np.pi ** 2 *
                                                zeta * r ** 2) *\
                    np.exp(-2 * np.pi ** 2 * zeta * r ** 2) *\
                    _kappa_pdf(zeta, n, l) *\
                    (4 * np.pi ** 2 * zeta * r ** 2) ** (l / 2) * \
                    (-1) ** (n - l / 2)
                counter += 1
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Radial Order
    zeta : unsigned int,
        scale factor
    gtab : GradientTable,
        Gradient directions and bvalues container class
    tau : float,
        diffusion time. By default the value that makes q=sqrt(b).


    qvals = np.sqrt(gtab.bvals / (4 * np.pi ** 2 * tau))
    bvecs = gtab.bvecs

    qgradients = qvals[:, None] * bvecs

    r, theta, phi = cart2sphere(
        qgradients[:, 0], qgradients[:, 1], qgradients[:, 2])
    theta[np.isnan(theta)] = 0

    M = np.zeros(
        (r.shape[0], (radialOrder + 1) * ((radialOrder + 1) / 2) * (2 * radialOrder + 1)))

    counter = 0
    for n in range(radialOrder + 1):
        for l in range(0, n + 1, 2):
            for m in range(-l, l + 1):
                M[:, counter] = real_sph_harm(m, l, theta, phi) * \
                    genlaguerre(n - l, l + 0.5)(r ** 2 / float(zeta)) * \
                    np.exp(- r ** 2 / (2.0 * zeta)) * \
                    __kappa(zeta, n, l) * \
                    (r ** 2 / float(zeta)) ** (l / 2)
                counter += 1