How to use the dill.source function in dill

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few dill examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github uqfoundation / pathos / tests / View on Github external
def run_source(obj):
    _obj = source._wrap(obj)
    assert _obj(1.57) == obj(1.57)
    src = source.getimportable(obj, alias='_f')
    exec(src, globals())
    assert _f(1.57) == obj(1.57)
    name = source.getname(obj)
    assert name == obj.__name__ or src.split("=",1)[0].strip()
github uqfoundation / dill / tests / View on Github external
  assert double_add(1,2,3) == -2*fx

  _d = dill.copy(double_add)
  assert _d(1,2,3) == -2*fx
 #_d.invert() #FIXME: fails seemingly randomly
 #assert _d(1,2,3) == 2*fx

  assert _d.__wrapped__(1,2,3) == fx

  # XXX: issue or feature? in python3.4, inverted is linked through copy
  if not double_add.inverted[0]:

  # test some stuff from source and pointers
  ds = dill.source
  dd = dill.detect
  assert ds.getsource(dd.freevars(quadish)['f']) == '@quad_factory(a=0,b=4,c=0)\ndef quadish(x):\n  return x+1\n'
  assert ds.getsource(dd.freevars(quadruple)['f']) == '@doubler\ndef quadruple(x):\n  return 2*x\n'
  assert ds.importable(quadish, source=False) == 'from %s import quadish\n' % __name__
  assert ds.importable(quadruple, source=False) == 'from %s import quadruple\n' % __name__
  assert ds.importable(quadratic, source=False) == 'from %s import quadratic\n' % __name__
  assert ds.importable(double_add, source=False) == 'from %s import double_add\n' % __name__
  assert ds.importable(quadruple, source=True) == 'def doubler(f):\n  def inner(*args, **kwds):\n    fx = f(*args, **kwds)\n    return 2*fx\n  return inner\n\n@doubler\ndef quadruple(x):\n  return 2*x\n'
  #***** #FIXME: this needs work
  result = ds.importable(quadish, source=True)
  a,b,c,_,result = result.split('\n',4)
  assert result == 'def quad_factory(a=1,b=1,c=0):\n  def dec(f):\n    def func(*args,**kwds):\n      fx = f(*args,**kwds)\n      return a*fx**2 + b*fx + c\n    return func\n  return dec\n\n@quad_factory(a=0,b=4,c=0)\ndef quadish(x):\n  return x+1\n'
  assert set([a,b,c]) == set(['a = 0', 'c = 0', 'b = 4'])
  result = ds.importable(quadratic, source=True)
  a,b,c,result = result.split('\n',3)
  assert result == '\ndef dec(f):\n  def func(*args,**kwds):\n    fx = f(*args,**kwds)\n    return a*fx**2 + b*fx + c\n  return func\n'
github uqfoundation / pyina / tests / View on Github external
def run_source(obj):
    _obj = source._wrap(obj)
    assert _obj(1.57) == obj(1.57)
    src = source.importable(obj, alias='_f')
    # LEEK: for 3.x, locals may not be modified
    # (see
    my_locals = locals()
    exec(src, globals(), my_locals)
    assert my_locals["_f"](1.57) == obj(1.57)
    name = source.getname(obj)
    assert name == obj.__name__ or src.split("=",1)[0].strip()
github hammerlab / cohorts / cohorts / View on Github external
def _hash_filter_fn(self, filter_fn, **kwargs):
        """ Construct string representing state of filter_fn
            Used to cache filtered variants or effects uniquely depending on filter fn values
        filter_fn_name = self._get_function_name(filter_fn, default="filter-none")
        logger.debug("Computing hash for filter_fn: {} with kwargs {}".format(filter_fn_name, str(dict(**kwargs))))
        # hash function source code
        fn_source = str(dill.source.getsource(filter_fn))
        pickled_fn_source = pickle.dumps(fn_source) ## encode as byte string
        hashed_fn_source = int(hashlib.sha1(pickled_fn_source).hexdigest(), 16) % (10 ** 11)
        # hash kwarg values
        kw_dict = dict(**kwargs)
        kw_hash = list()
        if not kw_dict:
            kw_hash = ["default"]
            [kw_hash.append("{}-{}".format(key, h)) for (key, h) in sorted(kw_dict.items())]
        # hash closure vars - for case where filter_fn is defined within closure of filter_fn
        closure = []
        nonlocals = inspect.getclosurevars(filter_fn).nonlocals
        for (key, val) in nonlocals.items():
            ## capture hash for any function within closure
            if inspect.isfunction(val):
github uqfoundation / mystic / mystic / View on Github external
import dill
    if missing is None: _mask = {}
    elif isinstance(missing, str): _mask = eval('{%s}' % missing)
    else: _mask = missing
    # raise KeyError if key out of bounds #XXX: also has *any* non-int object
    first = min([0]+list(_mask.keys()))
    if first < 0:
        raise KeyError('invalid argument index: %s' % first)
    last = max([-1]+list(_mask.keys()))
    if last > len(x)+len(_mask)-1:
        raise KeyError('invalid argument index: %s' % last)

    # preserve type(x)
    _locals = {}
    _locals['xtype'] = type(x)
    code = "%s" % dill.source.getimport(x, alias='xtype')
    if "import" in code:
        code = compile(code, '', 'exec')
        exec(code, _locals)
    xtype = _locals['xtype']

    # find the new indices due to the mask
    _x = list(x)
    for (k,v) in sorted(_mask.items()):
    # get the new sequence
    return xtype(_x)
github tonybaloney / instaviz / instaviz / View on Github external
    Render code object
    cobj = obj.__code__
    global data
    data["co"] = {
        attr: getattr(cobj, attr)
        for attr in dir(cobj)
        if attr.startswith("co_")
    data["co"]["co_code"] = data["co"]["co_code"].hex()

    data["tpl_t"] = "CO"
    data["ins"] = list(instructions)

    (lines, start_line) = source.getsourcelines(obj)
    src = "".join(lines)
    tree = ast.parse(src, cobj.co_filename)
    nodes = node_to_dict(tree, None)
    data["nodes"] = dedupe_nodes(nodes)
    data["src"] = src
    data["last_line"] = start_line + len(lines)

github bharadwaj-raju / cligenerator / cligenerator / View on Github external
code += '\n\t'.join(function_code)

                        code += '\n\n'


            call_obj ='-', '_').replace('.', '_') + 'CLI'

            if hasattr(sys, 'ps1'):
                # Running interactively
                    # dill works in interactive mode, inspect.getsource()
                    # doesn't
                    import dill
                    func_code = dill.source.getsource(self.module_or_function)

                except ImportError:
                        func_code = inspect.getsource(self.module_or_function)

                    except OSError:
                        func_code = ''

                func_code = inspect.getsource(self.module_or_function)

            code = code.replace(
                '\n' +
                    self.additional_imports) +
github uqfoundation / mystic / mystic / View on Github external
Adds a forward model factory to the cost factory.

    model   -- a callable function factory object
    inputs  -- number of input arguments to model
    name    -- a string representing the model name

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> C = CostFactory()
    >>> C.addModel(np.poly, inputs=3)
        if name is None:
            import dill
            name = dill.source.getname(model)
        if name is None:
            for i in range(len(self._names)+1):
                name = 'model'+str(i)
                if name not in self._names: break
        elif name in self._names:
            print("Model [%s] already in database." % name)
            raise AssertionError
github asappresearch / flambe / flambe / compile / View on Github external
        warn_use_state = False
        if FLAMBE_DIRECTORIES_KEY not in state_dict._metadata:
            state_dict._metadata[FLAMBE_DIRECTORIES_KEY] = set()
            warn_use_state = True
        if KEEP_VARS_KEY not in state_dict._metadata:
            state_dict._metadata[KEEP_VARS_KEY] = False
            warn_use_state = True
        if warn_use_state:
            warn("Use '.get_state()' on flambe objects, not state_dict "
                 f"(from {type(self).__name__})")
        # 1 need to add in any extras like config
        local_metadata[VERSION_KEY] = self._flambe_version
        local_metadata[FLAMBE_CLASS_KEY] = type(self).__name__
        local_metadata[FLAMBE_SOURCE_KEY] = dill.source.getsource(type(self))
        # All links should be relative to the current object `self`
        with contextualized_linking(root_obj=self, prefix=prefix[:-1]):
                local_metadata[FLAMBE_CONFIG_KEY] = self._config_str
                global _link_obj_stash
                if len(_link_obj_stash) > 0:
                    local_metadata[FLAMBE_STASH_KEY] = copy.deepcopy(_link_obj_stash)
            except AttributeError:
        # 2 need to recurse on Components
        # Iterating over __dict__ does NOT include pytorch children
        # modules, parameters or buffers
        # torch.optim.Optimizer does exist so ignore mypy
        for name, attr in self.__dict__.items():
            if isinstance(attr, Component) and not isinstance(attr, (
                    torch.optim.Optimizer, torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler)):  # type: ignore