How to use the dgl.backend function in dgl

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few dgl examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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@unittest.skipIf(dgl.backend.backend_name == "tensorflow", reason="Error occured when multiprocessing")
def test_nonuniform_neighbor_sampler():
    # Construct a graph with
    # (1) A path (0, 1, ..., 99) with weight 1
    # (2) A bunch of random edges with weight 0.
    edges = []
    for i in range(99):
        edges.append((i, i + 1))
    for i in range(1000):
        edge = (np.random.randint(100), np.random.randint(100))
        if edge not in edges:
    src, dst = zip(*edges)
    g = dgl.DGLGraph()
    g.add_edges(src, dst)
github dmlc / dgl / tests / compute / View on Github external
@unittest.skipIf(dgl.backend.backend_name == "tensorflow", reason="TF doesn't support inplace update")
def test_dlpack():
    # test dlpack conversion.
    def nd2th():
        ans = np.array([[1., 1., 1., 1.],
                        [0., 0., 0., 0.],
                        [0., 0., 0., 0.]])
        x = nd.array(np.zeros((3, 4), dtype=np.float32))
        dl = x.to_dlpack()
        y = F.zerocopy_from_dlpack(dl)
        y[0] = 1
        assert np.allclose(x.asnumpy(), ans)

    def th2nd():
        ans = np.array([[1., 1., 1., 1.],
github dmlc / dgl / tests / compute / View on Github external
@unittest.skipIf(dgl.backend.backend_name == "tensorflow", reason="TF doesn't support inplace update")
def test_sharing():
    data = Frame(create_test_data())
    f1 = FrameRef(data, index=toindex([0, 1, 2, 3]))
    f2 = FrameRef(data, index=toindex([2, 3, 4, 5, 6]))
    # test read
    for k, v in f1.items():
        assert F.allclose(F.narrow_row(data[k].data, 0, 4), v)
    for k, v in f2.items():
        assert F.allclose(F.narrow_row(data[k].data, 2, 7), v)
    f2_a1 = f2['a1']
    # test write
    # update own ref should not been seen by the other.
    f1[Index(F.tensor([0, 1]))] = {
            'a1' : F.zeros([2, D]),
            'a2' : F.zeros([2, D]),
            'a3' : F.zeros([2, D]),
github dmlc / dgl / python / dgl / View on Github external
def reduce_sum(node, msgs):
    if isinstance(msgs, list):
        if isinstance(msgs[0], dict):
            return {k : sum(m[k] for m in msgs) for k in msgs[0].keys()}
            return sum(msgs)
        return F.sum(msgs, 1)
github dmlc / dgl / apps / kg / dataloader / View on Github external
def __init__(self, dataset, args):
        triples = dataset.train + dataset.valid + dataset.test
        pickle_name = 'graph_all.pickle'
        if args.pickle_graph and os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.data_path, args.dataset, pickle_name)):
            with open(os.path.join(args.data_path, args.dataset, pickle_name), 'rb') as graph_file:
                g = pickle.load(graph_file)
                print('Load pickled graph.')
            src = [t[0] for t in triples]
            etype_id = [t[1] for t in triples]
            dst = [t[2] for t in triples]
            coo = sp.sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones(len(src)), (src, dst)), shape=[dataset.n_entities, dataset.n_entities])
            g = dgl.DGLGraph(coo, readonly=True, sort_csr=True)
            g.ndata['id'] = F.arange(0, g.number_of_nodes())
            g.edata['id'] = F.tensor(etype_id, F.int64)
            if args.pickle_graph:
                with open(os.path.join(args.data_path, args.dataset, pickle_name), 'wb') as graph_file:
                    pickle.dump(g, graph_file)
        self.g = g

        self.num_train = len(dataset.train)
        self.num_valid = len(dataset.valid)
        self.num_test = len(dataset.test)

        if args.eval_percent < 1:
            self.valid = np.random.randint(0, self.num_valid,
                    size=(int(self.num_valid * args.eval_percent),)) + self.num_train
            self.valid = np.arange(self.num_train, self.num_train + self.num_valid)
        print('|valid|:', len(self.valid))
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pos_score = self.predict_score(pos_g)
        pos_score = logsigmoid(pos_score)
        if gpu_id >= 0:
            neg_score = self.predict_neg_score(pos_g, neg_g, to_device=cuda,
                                               gpu_id=gpu_id, trace=True)
            neg_score = self.predict_neg_score(pos_g, neg_g, trace=True)

        neg_score = reshape(neg_score, -1, neg_g.neg_sample_size)
        # Adversarial sampling
        if self.args.neg_adversarial_sampling:
            neg_score = F.sum(F.softmax(neg_score * self.args.adversarial_temperature, dim=1).detach()
                         * logsigmoid(-neg_score), dim=1)
            neg_score = F.mean(logsigmoid(-neg_score), dim=1)

        # subsampling weight
        # TODO: add subsampling to new sampler
        if self.args.non_uni_weight:
            subsampling_weight = pos_g.edata['weight']
            pos_score = (pos_score * subsampling_weight).sum() / subsampling_weight.sum()
            neg_score = (neg_score * subsampling_weight).sum() / subsampling_weight.sum()
            pos_score = pos_score.mean()
            neg_score = neg_score.mean()

        # compute loss
        loss = -(pos_score + neg_score) / 2

        log = {'pos_loss': - get_scalar(pos_score),
               'neg_loss': - get_scalar(neg_score),
github dmlc / dgl / apps / kg / models / View on Github external
def __init__(self, args, model_name, n_entities, n_relations, hidden_dim, gamma,
                 double_entity_emb=False, double_relation_emb=False):
        super(KEModel, self).__init__()
        self.args = args
        self.n_entities = n_entities
        self.model_name = model_name
        self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
        self.eps = 2.0
        self.emb_init = (gamma + self.eps) / hidden_dim

        entity_dim = 2 * hidden_dim if double_entity_emb else hidden_dim
        relation_dim = 2 * hidden_dim if double_relation_emb else hidden_dim

        device = get_device(args)
        self.entity_emb = ExternalEmbedding(args, n_entities, entity_dim,
                                            F.cpu() if args.mix_cpu_gpu else device)
        # For RESCAL, relation_emb = relation_dim * entity_dim
        if model_name == 'RESCAL':
            rel_dim = relation_dim * entity_dim
            rel_dim = relation_dim
        self.relation_emb = ExternalEmbedding(args, n_relations, rel_dim, device)

        if model_name == 'TransE' or model_name == 'TransE_l2':
            self.score_func = TransEScore(gamma, 'l2')
        elif model_name == 'TransE_l1':
            self.score_func = TransEScore(gamma, 'l1')
        elif model_name == 'TransR':
            projection_emb = ExternalEmbedding(args, n_relations, entity_dim * relation_dim,
                                               F.cpu() if args.mix_cpu_gpu else device)
            self.score_func = TransRScore(gamma, projection_emb, relation_dim, entity_dim)
        elif model_name == 'DistMult':
github dmlc / dgl / apps / kg / dataloader / View on Github external
def ConstructGraph(edges, n_entities, i, args):
    pickle_name = 'graph_train_{}.pickle'.format(i)
    if args.pickle_graph and os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.data_path, args.dataset, pickle_name)):
        with open(os.path.join(args.data_path, args.dataset, pickle_name), 'rb') as graph_file:
            g = pickle.load(graph_file)
            print('Load pickled graph.')
        src = [t[0] for t in edges]
        etype_id = [t[1] for t in edges]
        dst = [t[2] for t in edges]
        coo = sp.sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones(len(src)), (src, dst)), shape=[n_entities, n_entities])
        g = dgl.DGLGraph(coo, readonly=True, sort_csr=True)
        g.ndata['id'] = F.arange(0, g.number_of_nodes())
        g.edata['id'] = F.tensor(etype_id, F.int64)
        if args.pickle_graph:
            with open(os.path.join(args.data_path, args.dataset, pickle_name), 'wb') as graph_file:
                pickle.dump(g, graph_file)
    return g
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def __next__(self):
        while True:
            pos_g, neg_g = next(self.sampler_iter)
            neg_positive = neg_g.edata['false_neg']
            neg_g = create_neg_subgraph(pos_g, neg_g, 'PBG' in self.mode,
                                        self.neg_head, self.g.number_of_nodes())
            if neg_g is not None:

        neg_g.edata['bias'] = F.astype(-neg_positive, F.float32)
        return pos_g, neg_g
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def ConstructGraph(edges, n_entities, i, args):
    pickle_name = 'graph_train_{}.pickle'.format(i)
    if args.pickle_graph and os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.data_path, args.dataset, pickle_name)):
        with open(os.path.join(args.data_path, args.dataset, pickle_name), 'rb') as graph_file:
            g = pickle.load(graph_file)
            print('Load pickled graph.')
        src = [t[0] for t in edges]
        etype_id = [t[1] for t in edges]
        dst = [t[2] for t in edges]
        coo = sp.sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones(len(src)), (src, dst)), shape=[n_entities, n_entities])
        g = dgl.DGLGraph(coo, readonly=True, sort_csr=True)
        g.ndata['id'] = F.arange(0, g.number_of_nodes())
        g.edata['id'] = F.tensor(etype_id, F.int64)
        if args.pickle_graph:
            with open(os.path.join(args.data_path, args.dataset, pickle_name), 'wb') as graph_file:
                pickle.dump(g, graph_file)
    return g