How to use the function in deid

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few deid examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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do_put = False
    ids = None
    if args.action == "all":"GET and PUT identifiers from %s" %(basename))
        do_get = True
        do_put = True

    elif args.action == "get":
        do_get = True"GET and PUT identifiers from %s" %(basename))
    elif args.action == "put":"PUT identifiers from %s" %(basename))
        do_put = True
        if args.ids is None:
            bot.error("To PUT without GET you must provide a json file with ids.")
        ids = args.ids

    # GET identifiers
    if do_get is True:
        from deid.dicom import get_identifiers
        ids = get_identifiers(dicom_files)
        if args.do_print is True:
            from deid.identifiers import save_identifiers

    if do_put is True:           
       from deid.dicom import replace_identifiers
       cleaned_files = replace_identifiers(dicom_files=dicom_files,
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# Initialize the message bot, with level above
    from deid.logger import bot
    from deid.dicom import get_files
    from import get_dataset  

    output_folder = args.outfolder
    if output_folder is None:
        if args.do_print is False:
            output_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # If a deid is given, check against format
    if args.deid is not None:
        from deid.config import load_deid
        params = load_deid(args.deid)
        if params['format'] != args.format:
            bot.error("Format in deid (%s) doesn't match choice here (%s) exiting." %(params['format'],

    # Get list of dicom files
    base = args.folder
    if base is None:"No input folder specified, will use demo dicom-cookies.")
        base = get_dataset('dicom-cookies')
    basename = os.path.basename(base)
    dicom_files = get_files(base)

    # Does the user want to inspect files?
    if args.action == "inspect":
        from deid.dicom import has_burned_pixels
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tag = "dicom"

    # If it's already loaded
    if isinstance(tag, dict):
        bot.debug("deid is already loaded.")
        return tag

    # If it's a path, get full path
    if os.path.exists(tag):
        deid = os.path.abspath(tag)
        deid = "%s/deid.%s" % (data_base, tag)

    if not os.path.exists(deid):
        if quiet is False:
            bot.error("Cannot find %s" % (deid))
        if exit_on_fail is True:
            return None

    if load is True:
        return load_deid(deid)

    return deid
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overwrite: overwrite any existing file? (default is False)


    if output_folder is None:
        if overwrite is False:
            output_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            output_folder = os.path.dirname(dicom_file)

    dicom_name = os.path.basename(dicom_file)
    output_dicom = os.path.join(output_folder, dicom_name)
    dowrite = True
    if overwrite is False:
        if os.path.exists(output_dicom):
                "%s already exists, overwrite set to False. Not writing." % dicom_name
            dowrite = False

    if dowrite:
    return output_dicom
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def main(args, parser):
    """inspect currently serves to inspect the header fields of a set
       of dicom files against a standard, and flag images that don't
       pass the different levels of criteria

    # If a deid is given, check against format
    deid = args.deid
    if deid is not None:
        params = load_deid(deid)
        if params["format"] != args.format:
                "Format in deid (%s) doesn't match choice here (%s) exiting."
                % (params["format"], args.format)
    # Get list of dicom files
    base = args.folder
    if base is None:"No input folder specified, will use demo dicom-cookies.")
        base = get_dataset("dicom-cookies")

    dicom_files = list(
        get_files(base, pattern=args.pattern)
    )  # todo : consider using generator functionality
    result = has_burned_pixels(dicom_files, deid=deid)

    print("\nSUMMARY ================================\n")
    if result["clean"]:
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       dicom: the pydicom.dataset Dataset (pydicom.read_file)
       field: the name of the field to update
       value: the value to set, if name is a valid tag

    if field not in dicom:
        return dicom

    # Case 1: Dealing with a string tag (field name)
    if isinstance(field, str):
        tag = get_tag(field)
        if tag:
            dicom.add_new(tag["tag"], tag["VR"], value)
            bot.error("%s is not a valid field to add. Skipping." % (field))

    # Case 2: we already have a tag for the field name (type BaseTag)
        tag = dicom.get(field)
        dicom.add_new(field, tag.VR, value)

    return dicom
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def __init__(self, dicom_file, recipe=None, config=None, force=True):

        # Lookup for the dicom
        self.lookup = {}

        # Will be a list of DicomField
        self.fields = {}

        # Load default configuration, or a custom one
        config = config or os.path.join(here, "config.json")
        if not os.path.exists(config):
            bot.error("Cannot find config %s, exiting" % (config))
        self.config = read_json(config, ordered_dict=True)

        # Deid can be a recipe or filename
        if not isinstance(recipe, DeidRecipe):
            recipe = DeidRecipe(recipe)
        self.load(dicom_file, force=force)
        self.recipe = recipe
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# [0018,1012].equals("") *          DateofSecondaryCapture flat not present AND
    # ![0008,103e].contains("SAVE") *   SeriesDescription does not contain save AND
    # [0018,1016].equals("") *          SecondaryDeviceCaptureManufacturer flag not present AND
    # [0018,1018].equals("") *          SecondaryDeviceCaptureManufacturerModelName flag not present AND
    # [0018,1019].equals("") *          SecondaryDeviceCaptureDeviceSoftwareVersion flag not present AND
    # ![0028,0301].contains("YES")      BurnedInAnnotation is not YES

    # We continue processing given that:
    # Image was not saved with some secondary software or device
    # Image is not flagged to have burned pixels

    if config is None:
        config = "%s/pixels.json" %(here)

    if not os.path.exists(config):
        bot.error("Cannot find config %s, exiting" %(config))

    config = read_json(config)

    # Load criteria (actions) for flagging
    for criteria in config:

        flagged = False
        filters = criteria["filters"]
        label = [x for x in [criteria['modality'],
                 if x is not None]

        for func,actions in filters.items():
            for action in actions:
                flagged = apply_filter(dicom=dicom,
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def remove_private(self):
        """Remove private tags from the loaded dicom
                """Private tags for %s could not be completely removed, usually
                         this is due to invalid data type. Removing others."""
                % self.dicom_name
            for ptag in get_private(self.dicom):
                del self.dicom[ptag.tag]