How to use the deform.widget.Widget function in deform

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few deform examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Kotti / Kotti / kotti / views / View on Github external
return name

    def first_heading(self):
        context_title = getattr(self.request.context, "title", None)
        type_title = self.item_type or self.add.type_info.title
        if context_title:
            return _(
                "Add ${type} to ${title}.",
                mapping=dict(type=translate(type_title), title=context_title),
            return _("Add ${type}.", mapping=dict(type=translate(type_title)))

class CommaSeparatedListWidget(deform.widget.Widget):
    def __init__(self, template=None, **kw):
        super(CommaSeparatedListWidget, self).__init__(**kw)
        self.template = template

    def serialize(self, field, cstruct, readonly=False):
        if cstruct in (colander.null, None):
            cstruct = []
        return field.renderer(self.template, field=field, cstruct=cstruct)

    # noinspection PyMethodOverriding
    def deserialize(field, pstruct):
        if pstruct is colander.null:
            return colander.null
        return [item.strip() for item in pstruct.split(",") if item]
github Pylons / deform / deform / View on Github external
# control value.  I'm no genius, but IMO that's not very smart.  But
        # then again you also don't inject the thousands separator into the
        # value attached to the control when editing an existing value.
        # Because it's obvious we should have *both* the server and the
        # client doing this bullshit on both serialization and
        # deserialization.  I understand completely, you're just a client
        # library, IT'S NO PROBLEM.  LET ME HELP YOU.
        if self.options:
            thousands = dict(self.options).get("thousands", ",")
        pstruct = pstruct.replace(thousands, "")
        if not pstruct:
            return null
        return pstruct

class AutocompleteInputWidget(Widget):
    Renders an ``<input type="text">`` widget which provides
    autocompletion via a list of values using bootstrap's typeahead plugin


        The template name used to render the widget.  Default:

        The template name used to render the widget in read-only mode.
        Default: ``readonly/typeahead_textinput``.

github Pylons / deform / deform / View on Github external
        The value used to replace the ``colander.null`` value when it
        is passed to the ``serialize`` or ``deserialize`` method.
        Default: the empty string.

        If true, choices will be rendered on a single line.
        Otherwise choices will be rendered one per line.
        Default: false.

    template = "radio_choice"
    readonly_template = "readonly/radio_choice"

class CheckboxChoiceWidget(Widget):
    Renders a sequence of ``<input type="check">`` buttons based on a
    predefined set of values.


        A sequence of two-tuples (the first value must be of type
        string, unicode or integer, the second value must be string or
        unicode) indicating allowable, displayed values, e.g. ``(
        ('true', 'True'), ('false', 'False') )``.  The first element
        in the tuple is the value that should be returned when the
        form is posted.  The second is the display value.

        The template name used to render the widget.  Default:
github ezeep / pyipptool / pyipptool / View on Github external
import colander
from deform.widget import MappingWidget, SequenceWidget, Widget
from future.builtins import bytes, str

class IPPDisplayWidget(Widget):
    def serialize(self, field, cstruct=None, readonly=False):
        return 'DISPLAY {}'.format('_', '-'))

class IPPNameWidget(Widget):
    def serialize(self, field, cstruct=None, readonly=False):
        name =
        while field.parent is not None:
            field = field.parent
        value = getattr(field.schema, name)
        return '{} "{}"'.format(name.upper(), value)

class IPPFileWidget(Widget):
    def serialize(self, field, cstruct=None, readonly=False):
        if cstruct is colander.null:
            return ''
        if not isinstance(cstruct, (str, bytes)):
            raise ValueError('Wrong value provided for field {!r}'.format(
        return 'FILE {}'.format(cstruct)
github Pylons / deform / deform / View on Github external
except Exception as e:
            field.unparseable = pstruct
            raise Invalid(field.schema, str(e))
        return rows

    def handle_error(self, field, error):
        msgs = []
        if error.msg:
            field.error = error
            for e in error.children:
                msgs.append("line %s: %s" % (e.pos + 1, e))
            field.error = Invalid(field.schema, "\n".join(msgs))

class TextInputCSVWidget(Widget):
    Widget used for a tuple of scalars; allows for editing a single
    CSV line within a text input.  Used with a schema node which is a
    tuple composed entirely of scalar values (integers, strings, etc).


        The template name used to render the widget.  Default:

        The template name used to render the widget in read-only mode.
        Default: ``readonly/textinput``.

github Pylons / deform / deform / View on Github external
values = self.get_template_values(field, cstruct, kw)
        return field.renderer(template, **values)

    def deserialize(self, field, pstruct):
        if pstruct is null:
            return null
        elif not isinstance(pstruct, string_types):
            raise Invalid(field.schema, "Pstruct is not a string")
        if self.strip:
            pstruct = pstruct.strip()
        if not pstruct:
            return null
        return pstruct

class MoneyInputWidget(Widget):
    Renders an ``<input type="text">`` widget with Javascript which enforces
    a valid currency input.  It should be used along with the
    ``colander.Decimal`` schema type (at least if you care about your money).
    This widget depends on the ``jquery-maskMoney`` JQuery plugin.


       The template name used to render the widget.  Default:

        The template name used to render the widget in read-only mode.
        Default: ``readonly/textinput``.
github Pylons / deform / deform / View on Github external
        The template name used to render each item in the form.
        Default: ``mapping_item``.

        The template name used to render each item in the form.
        Default: ``readonly/mapping_item``.


    template = "form"
    readonly_template = "readonly/form"

class SequenceWidget(Widget):
    """Renders a sequence (0 .. N widgets, each the same as the other)
    into a set of fields.


        The template name used to render the widget.  Default:

        The template name used to render the widget in read-only mode.
        Default: ``readonly/sequence``.

        The template name used to render each value in the sequence.
        Default: ``sequence_item``.
github Pylons / deform / deform / View on Github external
options["formatSubmit"] = "yyyy-mm-dd"
        kw.setdefault("options_json", json.dumps(options))
        values = self.get_template_values(field, cstruct, kw)
        return field.renderer(template, **values)

    def deserialize(self, field, pstruct):
        if pstruct in ("", null):
            return null
            validated = self._pstruct_schema.deserialize(pstruct)
        except Invalid as exc:
            raise Invalid(field.schema, "Invalid pstruct: %s" % exc)
        return validated["date_submit"] or validated["date"]

class DateTimeInputWidget(Widget):
    Renders a datetime picker widget.

    The default rendering is as a pair of inputs (a date and a time) using
    pickadate.js (

    Used for ``colander.DateTime`` schema nodes.


        A dictionary of date options passed to pickadate.

        A dictionary of time options passed to pickadate.
github Pylons / deform / deform / View on Github external
field value.  Default: ``Password did not match confirm``.

        If true, on validation failure involving a field with this widget,
        retain and redisplay the provided values in the password inputs.  If
        false, on validation failure, the fields will be rendered empty.
        Default:: ``False``.

    template = "checked_password"
    readonly_template = "readonly/checked_password"
    mismatch_message = _("Password did not match confirm")
    redisplay = False

class MappingWidget(Widget):
    Renders a mapping into a set of fields.


        The template name used to render the widget.  Default:
        ``mapping``. See also ``mapping_accordion`` template for hideable
        user experience.

        The template name used to render the widget in read-only mode.
        Default: ``readonly/mapping``.

        The template name used to render each item in the mapping.
github Pylons / deform / deform / View on Github external
options["formatSubmit"] = "HH:i"
        kw.setdefault("options_json", json.dumps(options))
        values = self.get_template_values(field, cstruct, kw)
        return field.renderer(template, **values)

    def deserialize(self, field, pstruct):
        if pstruct in ("", null):
            return null
            validated = self._pstruct_schema.deserialize(pstruct)
        except Invalid as exc:
            raise Invalid(field.schema, text_("Invalid pstruct: %s" % exc))
        return validated["time_submit"] or validated["time"]

class DateInputWidget(Widget):
    Renders a date picker widget.

    The default rendering is as a native HTML5 date input widget,
    falling back to pickadate (

    Most useful when the schema node is a ``colander.Date`` object.


        Dictionary of options for configuring the widget (eg: date format)

        The template name used to render the widget.  Default: