How to use the deepdiff.helper.get_id function in deepdiff

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few deepdiff examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github seperman / deepdiff / tests / View on Github external
def test_same_sets_same_hash(self):
        t1 = {1, 3, 2}
        t2 = {2, 3, 1}
        t1_hash = DeepHashPrep(t1)
        t2_hash = DeepHashPrep(t2)

        assert t1_hash[get_id(t1)] == t2_hash[get_id(t2)]
github seperman / deepdiff / tests / View on Github external
def test_repetition_by_default_does_not_effect(self):
        list1 = [3, 4]
        list1_id = get_id(list1)
        a = [1, 2, list1]
        a_id = get_id(a)

        list2 = [4, 3, 3]
        list2_id = get_id(list2)
        b = [list2, 2, 1]
        b_id = get_id(b)

        hash_a = DeepHashPrep(a)
        hash_b = DeepHashPrep(b)

        assert hash_a[list1_id] == hash_b[list2_id]
        assert hash_a[a_id] == hash_b[b_id]
github seperman / deepdiff / tests / View on Github external
def test_nested_lists_same_hash2(self):
        t1 = [1, 2, [3, [4, 5]]]
        t2 = [[[5, 4], 3], 2, 1]
        t1_hash = DeepHashPrep(t1)
        t2_hash = DeepHashPrep(t2)

        assert t1_hash[get_id(t1)] == t2_hash[get_id(t2)]
github seperman / deepdiff / tests / View on Github external
def test_setting_repetition_off_unequal_hash(self):
        list1 = [3, 4]
        list1_id = get_id(list1)
        a = [1, 2, list1]
        a_id = get_id(a)

        list2 = [4, 3, 3]
        list2_id = get_id(list2)
        b = [list2, 2, 1]
        b_id = get_id(b)

        hash_a = DeepHashPrep(a, ignore_repetition=False)
        hash_b = DeepHashPrep(b, ignore_repetition=False)

        assert not hash_a[list1_id] == hash_b[list2_id]
        assert not hash_a[a_id] == hash_b[b_id]

        assert hash_a[list1_id].replace('3|1', '3|2') == hash_b[list2_id]
github seperman / deepdiff / tests / View on Github external
def test_same_sets_in_lists_same_hash(self):
        t1 = ["a", {1, 3, 2}]
        t2 = [{2, 3, 1}, "a"]
        t1_hash = DeepHashPrep(t1)
        t2_hash = DeepHashPrep(t2)

        assert t1_hash[get_id(t1)] == t2_hash[get_id(t2)]
github seperman / deepdiff / tests / View on Github external
def test_list_of_sets(self):
        a = {1}
        b = {2}
        obj = [a, b]
        result = DeepHash(obj)
        expected_result = {1, 2, get_id(a), get_id(b), get_id(obj)}
        assert set(result.keys()) == expected_result
github seperman / deepdiff / tests / View on Github external
def test_setting_repetition_off_unequal_hash(self):
        list1 = [3, 4]
        list1_id = get_id(list1)
        a = [1, 2, list1]
        a_id = get_id(a)

        list2 = [4, 3, 3]
        list2_id = get_id(list2)
        b = [list2, 2, 1]
        b_id = get_id(b)

        hash_a = DeepHashPrep(a, ignore_repetition=False)
        hash_b = DeepHashPrep(b, ignore_repetition=False)

        assert not hash_a[list1_id] == hash_b[list2_id]
        assert not hash_a[a_id] == hash_b[b_id]

        assert hash_a[list1_id].replace('3|1', '3|2') == hash_b[list2_id]
github seperman / deepdiff / tests / View on Github external
def test_nested_lists_same_hash3(self):
        t1 = [{1: [2, 3], 4: [5, [6, 7]]}]
        t2 = [{4: [[7, 6], 5], 1: [3, 2]}]
        t1_hash = DeepHashPrep(t1)
        t2_hash = DeepHashPrep(t2)

        assert t1_hash[get_id(t1)] == t2_hash[get_id(t2)]
github seperman / deepdiff / deepdiff / View on Github external
def _prep_dict(self, obj, parent, parents_ids=EMPTY_FROZENSET, print_as_attribute=False, original_type=None):

        result = []

        key_text = "%s{}".format(INDEX_VS_ATTRIBUTE[print_as_attribute])
        for key, item in obj.items():
            key_formatted = "'%s'" % key if not print_as_attribute and isinstance(key, strings) else key
            key_in_report = key_text % (parent, key_formatted)

            key_hash = self._hash(key, parent=key_in_report, parents_ids=parents_ids)
            item_id = get_id(item)
            if (parents_ids and item_id in parents_ids) or self._skip_this(item, parent=key_in_report):
            parents_ids_added = add_to_frozen_set(parents_ids, item_id)
            hashed = self._hash(item, parent=key_in_report, parents_ids=parents_ids_added)
            hashed = KEY_TO_VAL_STR.format(key_hash, hashed)

        result = ';'.join(result)
        if print_as_attribute:
            type_ = original_type or type(obj)
            type_str = type_.__name__
            for type_group in self.ignore_type_in_groups:
                if self.type_check_func(type_, type_group):
                    type_str = ','.join(map(lambda x: x.__name__, type_group))
github seperman / deepdiff / deepdiff / View on Github external
elif self.apply_hash:
            if isinstance(obj, strings):
                result_cleaned = result
                result_cleaned = prepare_string_for_hashing(
                    result, ignore_string_type_changes=self.ignore_string_type_changes,
            result = self.hasher(result_cleaned)

        # It is important to keep the hash of all objects.
        # The hashes will be later used for comparing the objects.
            self[obj] = result
        except TypeError:
            obj_id = get_id(obj)
            self[obj_id] = result

        return result