How to use the debtcollector.removals.removed_kwarg function in debtcollector

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few debtcollector examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github openstack / osprofiler / osprofiler / drivers / View on Github external
    @removals.removed_kwarg("db", message="'db' parameter is deprecated "
                                          "and will be removed in future. "
                                          "Please specify 'db' in "
                                          "'connection_string' instead.")
    def __init__(self, connection_str, db=0, project=None,
                 service=None, host=None, conf=cfg.CONF, **kwargs):
        """Redis driver for OSProfiler."""

        super(Redis, self).__init__(connection_str, project=project,
                                    service=service, host=host,
                                    conf=conf, **kwargs)
            from redis import StrictRedis
        except ImportError:
            raise exc.CommandError(
                "To use OSProfiler with Redis driver, "
                "please install `redis` library. "
github openstack / python-keystoneclient / keystoneclient / v3 / View on Github external
        message='The enabled parameter is deprecated.',
    def update(self, region, description=None, enabled=None,
               parent_region=None, **kwargs):
        """Update a region.

        :param region: the region to be updated on the server.
        :type region: str or :class:`keystoneclient.v3.regions.Region`
        :param str description: the new description of the region.
        :param bool enabled: determining if the region appears in the catalog
                             by enabling or disabling it.
        :param parent_region: the new parent of the region in the hierarchy.
        :type parent_region: str or :class:`keystoneclient.v3.regions.Region`
        :param kwargs: any other attribute provided will be passed to server.
github openstack / tempest / tempest / lib / services / View on Github external
    def __init__(self, credentials, identity_uri, region=None, scope='project',
                 disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True, ca_certs=None,
                 trace_requests='', client_parameters=None, proxy_url=None):
        """Service Clients provider

        Instantiate a `ServiceClients` object, from a set of credentials and an
        identity URI. The identity version is inferred from the credentials
        object. Optionally auth scope can be provided.

        A few parameters can be given a value which is applied as default
        for all service clients: region, dscv, ca_certs, trace_requests.

        Parameters dscv, ca_certs and trace_requests all apply to the auth
        provider as well as any service clients provided by this manager.

        Any other client parameter should be set via ClientsRegistry.
github openstack / python-keystoneclient / keystoneclient / v3 / View on Github external
        message='The enabled parameter is deprecated.',
    def create(self, id=None, description=None, enabled=True,
               parent_region=None, **kwargs):
        """Create a region.

        :param str id: the unique identifier of the region. If not specified an
                       ID will be created by the server.
        :param str description: the description of the region.
        :param bool enabled: whether the region is enabled or not, determining
                             if it appears in the catalog.
        :param parent_region: the parent of the region in the hierarchy.
        :type parent_region: str or :class:`keystoneclient.v3.regions.Region`
        :param kwargs: any other attribute provided will be passed to the
github openstack / osprofiler / osprofiler / drivers / View on Github external
    @removals.removed_kwarg("db", message="'db' parameter is deprecated "
                                          "and will be removed in future. "
                                          "Please specify 'db' in "
                                          "'connection_string' instead.")
    def __init__(self, connection_str, db=0, project=None,
                 service=None, host=None, conf=cfg.CONF, **kwargs):
        """Redis driver for OSProfiler."""

        super(RedisSentinel, self).__init__(connection_str, project=project,
                                            service=service, host=host,
                                            conf=conf, **kwargs)
            from redis.sentinel import Sentinel
        except ImportError:
            raise exc.CommandError(
                "To use this command, you should install "
                "'redis' manually. Use command:\n "
github openstack / taskflow / taskflow / conductors / backends / View on Github external
    @removals.removed_kwarg('timeout', version="0.8", removal_version="2.0")
    def stop(self, timeout=None):
        """Requests the conductor to stop dispatching.

        This method can be used to request that a conductor stop its
        consumption & dispatching loop.

        The method returns immediately regardless of whether the conductor has
        been stopped.

        .. deprecated:: 0.8

            The ``timeout`` parameter is **deprecated** and is present for
            backward compatibility **only**. In order to wait for the
            conductor to gracefully shut down, :py:meth:`wait` should be used
github openstack / taskflow / taskflow / types / View on Github external
    @removals.removed_kwarg('tombstone', version="0.8", removal_version="?")
    def __init__(self, callables, tombstone=None):
        if tombstone is None:
            self._tombstone = tu.Event()
            self._tombstone = tombstone
        self._callables = []
        for i, cb in enumerate(callables, 1):
            if not six.callable(cb):
                raise ValueError("Periodic callback %s must be callable" % i)
            missing_attrs = _check_attrs(cb)
            if missing_attrs:
                raise ValueError("Periodic callback %s missing required"
                                 " attributes %s" % (i, missing_attrs))
            if cb._periodic:
        self._immediates, self._schedule = _build(self._callables)
github openstack / taskflow / taskflow / persistence / backends / View on Github external
    @removals.removed_kwarg('recursive', version="0.11", removal_version="2.0")
    def ls(self, path, recursive=False):
        """Return list of all children of the given path.

        NOTE(harlowja): if ``recursive`` is passed in as truthy then the
        absolute path is **always** returned (not the relative path). If
        ``recursive`` is left as the default or falsey then the
        relative path is **always** returned.

        This is documented in bug `1458114`_ and the existing behavior is
        being maintained, to get a recursive version that is absolute (or is
        not absolute) it is recommended to use the :py:meth:`.ls_r` method

        .. deprecated:: 0.11

          In a future release the ``recursive`` keyword argument will