How to use the deal.linter._extractors.common.infer function in deal

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def _exceptions_from_func(expr) -> Iterator[Token]:
    for value in infer(expr.func):
        if type(value) is not astroid.FunctionDef:

        # recursively infer exceptions from the function body
        for error in get_exceptions(body=value.body, dive=False):
            yield Token(value=error.value, line=expr.lineno, col=expr.col_offset)

        # get explicitly specified exceptions from `@deal.raises`
        if not value.decorators:
        for category, args in get_contracts(value.decorators.nodes):
            if category != 'raises':
            for arg in args:
                name = get_name(arg)
                if name is None:
github life4 / deal / deal / linter / _extractors / View on Github external
if isinstance(expr, astroid.node_classes.NodeNG):
        # AttributeError: 'AsStringVisitor3' object has no attribute 'visit_unknown'
        with suppress(AttributeError):  # pragma: no cover
            renderred = expr.as_string()
            with suppress(ValueError, SyntaxError):
                return ast.literal_eval(renderred)

    handler = inner_extractor.handlers.get(type(expr))
    if handler:
        value = handler(expr=expr)
        if value is not UNKNOWN:
            return value

    # astroid inference
    if hasattr(expr, 'infer'):
        for parent_expr in infer(expr=expr):
            if parent_expr == expr:  # avoid recursion
            value = get_value(expr=parent_expr)
            if value is not UNKNOWN:
                return value
    return UNKNOWN
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def handle_assert(expr) -> Optional[Token]:
    # inner_extractor
    for token in inner_extractor.handle(expr=expr.test):
        return token

    # astroid inference
    if hasattr(expr.test, 'infer'):
        for value in infer(expr.test):
            if not isinstance(value, astroid.Const):
            if value.value:
            return Token(value=value.value, line=expr.lineno, col=expr.col_offset)
    return None
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def _is_pathlib_write(expr) -> bool:
    if not isinstance(expr, astroid.Call):
        return False
    if not isinstance(expr.func, astroid.Attribute):
        return False
    if expr.func.attrname not in ('write_text', 'write_bytes', 'open'):
        return False

    # if it's open, check that mode is "w"
    if expr.func.attrname == 'open':
        if not _is_open_to_write(expr):
            return False

    for value in infer(expr.func.expr):
        if isinstance(value, astroid.Instance):
            if value.pytype().startswith('pathlib.'):
                return True
    return False
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def handle_bin_op(expr, **kwargs) -> Optional[Token]:
    token_info = dict(line=expr.lineno, col=expr.col_offset)
    if isinstance(expr.op, ast.Div) or expr.op == '/':
        if isinstance(expr.right, astroid.node_classes.NodeNG):
            guesses = infer(expr=expr.right)
            token_info['col'] = expr.right.col_offset
            for guess in guesses:
                if type(guess) is not astroid.Const:
                return Token(value=ZeroDivisionError, **token_info)
        if isinstance(expr.right, ast.Num) and expr.right.n == 0:
            token_info['col'] = expr.right.col_offset
            return Token(value=ZeroDivisionError, **token_info)
    return None
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def handle_returns(expr) -> Optional[Token]:
    # inner_extractor
    for token in inner_extractor.handle(expr=expr.value):
        return token

    # astroid inference
    if hasattr(expr.value, 'infer'):
        for value in infer(expr.value):
            if isinstance(value, astroid.Const):
                token_info = dict(line=expr.lineno, col=expr.value.col_offset)
                return Token(value=value.value, **token_info)
    return None
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def handle_astroid_call(expr: astroid.Call, *, dive: bool = True, stubs: StubsManager) -> Iterator[Token]:
    extra = dict(
    for value in infer(expr=expr.func):
        if type(value) is not astroid.FunctionDef:
        module_name, func_name = _get_full_name(expr=value)
        stub = _get_stub(module_name=module_name, expr=value, stubs=stubs)
        if stub is None:
        names = stub.get(func=func_name, contract=Category.RAISES)
        for name in names:
            name = getattr(builtins, name, name)
            yield Token(value=name, **extra)