How to use the datalad.distribution.dataset.Dataset function in datalad

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def _get_remote_info(ds_path, ds_remote_info, to, missing):
    """Returns None if desired info was obtained, or a tuple (status, message)
    if not"""
    ds = Dataset(ds_path)
    if ds.repo is None:
        # There is no repository, nothing could be done
        return ('impossible',
                'No repository found for %s' % ds)
    if to is None:
        # we need an upstream remote, if there's none given. We could
        # wait for git push to complain, but we need to explicitly
        # figure it out for pushing annex branch anyway and we might as
        # well fail right here.
        track_remote, track_refspec = ds.repo.get_tracking_branch()
        if not track_remote:
            # no tracking remote configured, but let try one more
            # if we only have one remote, and it has a push target
            # configured that is "good enough" for us
            cand_remotes = [r for r in ds.repo.get_remotes()
                            if 'remote.{}.push'.format(r) in ds.config]
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                if any(p in subds_status for p in check_paths):
                    conflict = [p for p in check_paths if p in subds_status]
                        'status': 'error',
                        'message': (
                            'collision with %s (dataset) in dataset %s',
                    yield res

        # important to use the given Dataset object to avoid spurious ID
        # changes with not-yet-materialized Datasets
        tbds = ds if isinstance(ds, Dataset) and \
            ds.path == path else Dataset(str(path))

        # don't create in non-empty directory without `force`:
        if op.isdir(tbds.path) and listdir(tbds.path) != [] and not force:
                'status': 'error',
                    'will not create a dataset in a non-empty directory, use '
                    '`force` option to ignore'})
            yield res

        # stuff that we create and want to have tracked with git (not annex)
        add_to_git = {}

        if initopts is not None and isinstance(initopts, list):
            initopts = {'_from_cmdline_': initopts}
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Some value identifying a dataset or `None`. In the latter case
      a dataset will be searched based on the process working directory.
    check_installed : bool, optional
      If True, an optional check whether the resolved dataset is
      properly installed will be performed.
    purpose : str, optional
      This string will be inserted in error messages to make them more
      informative. The pattern is "... dataset for ".

      Or raises an exception (InsufficientArgumentsError).
    if dataset is not None and not isinstance(dataset, Dataset):
        dataset = Dataset(dataset)

    if dataset is None:  # possible scenario of cmdline calls
        dspath = get_dataset_root(getpwd())
        if not dspath:
            raise NoDatasetArgumentFound("No dataset found")
        dataset = Dataset(dspath)

    assert(dataset is not None)
    lgr.debug("Resolved dataset{0}: {1}".format(
        ' for {}'.format(purpose) if purpose else '',

    if check_installed and not dataset.is_installed():
        raise ValueError("No installed dataset found at "
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# report the dataset path rather than the repo path to avoid
            # realpath/symlink issues
        # if a dataset, and given in rsync-style 'ds/' or with sufficient
        # recursion level left -> dive in
        if props.get('type', None) == 'dataset' and (
                (paths and paths.get(path, False)) or recursion_level != 0):
            subds_state = props.get('state', None)
            if subds_state in ('clean', 'deleted'):
                # no need to look into the subdataset
            elif subds_state in ('added', 'modified'):
                # dive
                subds = Dataset(pathinds)
                for r in _diff_ds(
                        # from before time or from the reported state
                        fr if constant_refs
                        else PRE_INIT_COMMIT_SHA
                        if subds_state == 'added'
                        else props['prev_gitshasum'],
                        # to the last recorded state, or the worktree
                        None if to is None
                        else to if constant_refs
                        else props['gitshasum'],
                        # subtract on level on the way down, unless the path
                        # args instructed to go inside this subdataset
                        if paths and paths.get(path, False) else recursion_level - 1,
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                # both next should not happen anyways
            if ap.get('status', None):
                # this is done
                yield ap
            if ap.get('type', None) != 'dataset' or ap.get('state', None) == 'absent':
                # this can happen when there is `since`, but we have no
                # use for anything but datasets here
            checkds_remotes = Dataset(ap['path']).repo.get_remotes() \
                if ap.get('state', None) != 'absent' \
                else []
            if publish_depends:
                # make sure dependencies are valid
                # TODO: inherit -- we might want to automagically create
                # those dependents as well???
                unknown_deps = set(assure_list(publish_depends)).difference(checkds_remotes)
                if unknown_deps:
                    ap['status'] = 'error'
                    ap['message'] = (
                        'unknown sibling(s) specified as publication dependency: %s',
                    yield ap
            if name in checkds_remotes and existing in ('error', 'skip'):
                ap['status'] = 'error' if existing == 'error' else 'notneeded'
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content_by_ds, ds_props, completed, nondataset_paths = \
        assert(not completed)

        if not content_by_ds:
            # we should have complained about any inappropriate path argument
            # above, so if nothing is left, we can simply exit

        # simple loop over datasets -- save happens later
        # start deep down
        to_save = []
        for ds_path in sorted(content_by_ds, reverse=True):
            ds = Dataset(ds_path)
            torepoadd = {}
            respath_by_status = {}
            for ap in content_by_ds[ds_path]:
                # we have a new story
                ap.pop('status', None)
                torepoadd[ap['path']] = ap

                # skip anything that doesn't look like a wannabe subdataset
                if not ap.get('type', None) == 'dataset' or \
                        ap['path'] == ds_path:

                if ap.get('registered_subds', False):
                    # subdataset that might be in this list because of the
                    # need to save all the way up to a super dataset
                    respath_by_status['success'] = \
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subds_paths : list(str)
      Sequence of absolute paths of subdatasets of the to-be-updated dataset,
      whose agginfo shall be updated within the to-be-updated dataset.
      Any subdataset that is not listed here is assumed to be gone (i.e. no longer
      a subdataset at all, not just not locally installed)
    incremental : bool
      If set, the update will not remove any information on datasets not listed in
    agginfo_db : dict
      Dictionary with all information on aggregate metadata on all datasets.
      Keys are absolute paths of datasets.
    to_save : list
      List of paths to save eventually. This function will add new paths as
    ds = Dataset(ds_path)
    # load existing aggregate info dict
    # makes sure all file/dataset paths become absolute
    # TODO take from cache, once used in _get_dsinfo_from_aggmetadata()
    agginfo_fpath, agg_base_path = get_ds_aggregate_db_locations(ds)
    ds_agginfos = load_ds_aggregate_db(ds, abspath=True)
    # object locations referenced initially
    objlocs_was = set(ai[k]
                      for ai in ds_agginfos.values()
                      for k in location_keys
                      if k in ai)
    # track which objects need to be copied (each item is a from/to tuple
    objs2copy = []
    # for each subdataset (any depth level)
    procds_paths = [ds.path] + subds_paths
    for dpath in procds_paths:
        ds_dbinfo = agginfo_db.get(dpath, {}).copy()
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for spath in subpaths:
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(ds.path, spath)):
                    "Not creating subdataset at existing path: %s",
                for r in ds.create(spath, result_xfm=None,
                                   return_type='generator', save=save):
                    yield r

        for row in rows:
            # Add additional information that we'll need for various
            # operations.
            filename_abs = os.path.join(ds.path, row["filename"])
            if row["subpath"]:
                ds_current = Dataset(os.path.join(ds.path,
                ds_filename = os.path.relpath(filename_abs, ds_current.path)
                ds_current = ds
                ds_filename = row["filename"]
            row.update({"filename_abs": filename_abs,
                        "ds": ds_current,
                        "ds_filename": ds_filename})

        if version_urls:
            num_urls = len(rows)
            log_progress(, "addurls_versionurls",
                         "Versioning %d URLs", num_urls,
                         label="Versioning URLs",
                         total=num_urls, unit=" URLs")
            for row in rows:
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one to be returned. Therefore local definitions/configurations take
    precedence over ones, that come from outside (via a datalad-extension or a
    dataset with its .datalad/config). If a dataset had precedence (as it was
    before), the addition (or just an update) of a (sub-)dataset would otherwise
    surprisingly cause you do execute code different from what you defined
    within ~/.gitconfig or your local repository's .git/config.
    So, local definitions take precedence over remote ones and more specific
    ones over more general ones.

      path, name, format string, help message

    ds = ds if isinstance(ds, Dataset) else Dataset(ds) if ds else None

    # 1. check system and user account for procedure
    for loc in (cfg.obtain('datalad.locations.user-procedures'),
        for dir in assure_list(loc):
            for m, n in _get_file_match(dir, name):
                yield (m, n,) + _get_proc_config(n)
    # 2. check dataset for procedure
    if ds is not None and ds.is_installed():
        # could be more than one
        dirs = assure_list(
        for dir in dirs:
            # TODO `get` dirs if necessary
            for m, n in _get_file_match(op.join(ds.path, dir), name):
                yield (m, n,) + _get_proc_config(n, ds=ds)
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def is_result_matching_pathsource_argument(res, **kwargs):
    # we either have any non-zero number of "paths" (that could be anything), or
    # we have one path and one source
    # we don't do any error checking here, done by the command itself
    source = kwargs.get('source', None)
    if source is not None:
        # we want to be able to deal with Dataset instances given as 'source':
        if isinstance(source, Dataset):
            source = source.path
        # if there was a source, it needs to be recorded in the result
        # otherwise this is not what we are looking for
        return source == res.get('source_url', None)
    # the only thing left is a potentially heterogeneous list of paths/URLs
    paths = assure_list(kwargs.get('path', []))
    # three cases left:
    # 1. input arg was an absolute path -> must match 'path' property
    # 2. input arg was relative to a dataset -> must match refds/relpath
    # 3. something nifti with a relative input path that uses PWD as the
    #    reference
    respath = res.get('path', None)
    if respath in paths:
        # absolute match, pretty sure we want this
        return True
    elif kwargs.get('dataset', None) and YieldRelativePaths()(res) in paths: