How to use the datafiles.converters.List.subclass function in datafiles

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converter = Object.subclass(cls, converters)
        log.debug(f'Mapped {cls!r} to new converter: {converter}')
        return converter

    if hasattr(cls, '__origin__'):
        converter = None

        if cls.__origin__ == list:
                converter = map_type(cls.__args__[0])
            except TypeError as e:
                if '~T' in str(e):
                    e = TypeError(f"Type is required with 'List' annotation")
                raise e from None
                converter = List.subclass(converter)

        if cls.__origin__ == dict:
            log.warn("Schema enforcement not possible with 'Dict' annotation")
            key = map_type(cls.__args__[0])
            value = map_type(cls.__args__[1])

            converter = Dictionary.subclass(key, value)

        elif cls.__origin__ == Union:
            converter = map_type(cls.__args__[0])
            assert len(cls.__args__) == 2
            assert cls.__args__[1] == type(None)
            converter = converter.as_optional()

        if converter:
            log.debug(f'Mapped {cls!r} to new converter: {converter}')