How to use the datacube.api.query.Query function in datacube

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github opendatacube / datacube-core / tests / api / View on Github external
def test_query_kwargs():
    from mock import MagicMock

    mock_index = MagicMock()
    mock_index.datasets.get_field_names = lambda: {u'product', u'lat', u'sat_path', 'type_id', u'time', u'lon',
                                                   u'orbit', u'instrument', u'sat_row', u'platform', 'metadata_type',
                                                   u'gsi', 'type', 'id'}

    query = Query(index=mock_index, product='ls5_nbar_albers')
    assert str(query)
    assert query.product == 'ls5_nbar_albers'
    assert query.search_terms['product'] == 'ls5_nbar_albers'

    query = Query(index=mock_index, latitude=(-35, -36), longitude=(148, 149))
    assert query.geopolygon
    assert 'lat' in query.search_terms
    assert 'lon' in query.search_terms

    query = Query(index=mock_index, latitude=-35, longitude=148)
    assert query.geopolygon
    assert 'lat' in query.search_terms
    assert 'lon' in query.search_terms

    query = Query(index=mock_index, y=(-4174726, -4180011), x=(1515184, 1523263), crs='EPSG:3577')
    assert query.geopolygon
github opendatacube / datacube-core / tests / api / View on Github external
assert 'lat' in query.search_terms
    assert 'lon' in query.search_terms

    query = Query(index=mock_index, y=-4174726, x=1515184, crs=CRS('EPSG:3577'))
    assert query.geopolygon
    assert 'lat' in query.search_terms
    assert 'lon' in query.search_terms

    query = Query(index=mock_index, time='2001')
    assert 'time' in

    query = Query(index=mock_index, time=('2001', '2002'))
    assert 'time' in

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
              y=-4174726, coordinate_reference_system='WGS84',
              x=1515184, crs='EPSG:3577')

    with pytest.raises(LookupError):
        Query(index=mock_index, y=-4174726, x=1515184, crs='EPSG:3577', made_up_key='NotReal')

    with pytest.raises(LookupError):

    gb = query_group_by('time')
    assert isinstance(gb, GroupBy)
    assert query_group_by(group_by=gb) is gb
github opendatacube / datacube-core / tests / api / View on Github external
assert 'lat' in query.search_terms
    assert 'lon' in query.search_terms

    query = Query(index=mock_index, time='2001')
    assert 'time' in

    query = Query(index=mock_index, time=('2001', '2002'))
    assert 'time' in

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
              y=-4174726, coordinate_reference_system='WGS84',
              x=1515184, crs='EPSG:3577')

    with pytest.raises(LookupError):
        Query(index=mock_index, y=-4174726, x=1515184, crs='EPSG:3577', made_up_key='NotReal')

    with pytest.raises(LookupError):

    gb = query_group_by('time')
    assert isinstance(gb, GroupBy)
    assert query_group_by(group_by=gb) is gb
github opendatacube / datacube-core / datacube_apps / View on Github external
def _get_datasets(index, geobox, product, time_):
    query = datacube.api.query.Query(product=product, geopolygon=geobox.extent, time=time_)
    datasets = index.datasets.search_eager(**query.search_terms)
    datasets.sort(key=lambda d: d.center_time)
    dataset_iter = iter(datasets)
    to_load = []
    for dataset in dataset_iter:
        if dataset.extent.to_crs(
        return None

    geom = to_load[0].extent.to_crs(
    for dataset in dataset_iter:
        if geom.contains(geobox.extent):
        ds_extent = dataset.extent.to_crs(
github opendatacube / datacube-core / datacube_apps / stats / View on Github external
def find_periods_with_data(index, product_names, period_duration='1 day',
                           start_date='1985-01-01', end_date='2000-01-01'):
    query = dict(y=(-3760000, -3820000), x=(1375400.0, 1480600.0), crs='EPSG:3577', time=(start_date, end_date))

    valid_dates = set()
    for product in product_names:
        counts = index.datasets.count_product_through_time(period_duration, product=product,
        valid_dates.update(time_range for time_range, count in counts if count > 0)

    for time_range in sorted(valid_dates):
        yield time_range.begin, time_range.end
github opendatacube / datacube-core / datacube / api / View on Github external
:param datacube.index.Index index: An optional `index` object, if checking of field names is desired.
        :param str product: name of product
        :param geopolygon: spatial bounds of the search
        :type geopolygon: geometry.Geometry or None
        :param xarray.Dataset like: spatio-temporal bounds of `like` are used for the search
        :param search_terms:
         * `measurements` - list of measurements to retrieve
         * `latitude`, `lat`, `y`, `longitude`, `lon`, `long`, `x` - tuples (min, max) bounding spatial dimensions
         * `crs` - spatial coordinate reference system to interpret the spatial bounds
         * `group_by` - observation grouping method. One of `time`, `solar_day`. Default is `time`
        self.product = product
        self.geopolygon = query_geopolygon(geopolygon=geopolygon, **search_terms)
        if 'source_filter' in search_terms and search_terms['source_filter'] is not None:
            self.source_filter = Query(**search_terms['source_filter'])
            self.source_filter = None

        remaining_keys = set(search_terms.keys()) - set(SPATIAL_KEYS + CRS_KEYS + OTHER_KEYS)
        if index:
            unknown_keys = remaining_keys - set(index.datasets.get_field_names())
            # TODO: What about keys source filters, and what if the keys don't match up with this product...
            if unknown_keys:
                raise LookupError('Unknown arguments: ', unknown_keys) = {}
        for key in remaining_keys:
  **{key: search_terms[key]}))

        if like:
            assert self.geopolygon is None, "'like' with other spatial bounding parameters is not supported"
github opendatacube / odc-tools / libs / index / odc / index / View on Github external
def dataset_count(index, **query):
    return index.datasets.count(**Query(**query).search_terms)
github opendatacube / datacube-stats / datacube_stats / View on Github external
def list_gqa_filtered_cells(index, gw, pix_th=1, cell_index=None, **indexers):
    geobox = gw.grid_spec.tile_geobox(cell_index)
    query = Query(index=index, **indexers)
    observations = index.datasets.search_eager(**query.search_terms)
    # filter now with pixel threshold value
    datasets = {}
    for dataset in observations:
        if intersects(geobox.extent, dataset.extent.to_crs(
            if get_gqa(index, < pix_th:
                datasets.setdefault(cell_index, {'datasets': [],
                                                 '_geobox': geobox})['datasets'].append(dataset)
    return gw.group_into_cells(datasets, query_group_by(**indexers))
github opendatacube / odc-tools / libs / ui / odc / ui / View on Github external
def query_polygon(**kw):
    return Query(**kw).geopolygon