How to use the cwltest.utils.REQUIRED function in cwltest

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github common-workflow-language / cwltest / cwltest / View on Github external
category = test_case.category
                if return_code == 0:
                    passed += 1
                    for t in tags:
                        npassed[t] += 1
                elif return_code != 0 and return_code != UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE:
                    failures += 1
                    for t in tags:
                        nfailures[t] += 1
                elif return_code == UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE and category == REQUIRED:
                    failures += 1
                    for t in tags:
                        nfailures[t] += 1
                elif category != REQUIRED and return_code == UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE:
                    unsupported += 1
                    for t in tags:
                        nunsupported[t] += 1
                    raise Exception(
                        "This is impossible, return_code: {}, category: "
                        "{}".format(return_code, category)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            for job in jobs:
            _logger.error("Tests interrupted")

    if args.junit_xml: