How to use the cvxpy.interface function in cvxpy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cvxpy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github cvxgrp / cvxpy / cvxpy / expressions / constants / View on Github external
def _compute_symm_attr(self):
        """Determine whether the constant is symmetric/Hermitian.
        # Set DCP attributes.
        is_symm, is_herm = intf.is_hermitian(self.value)
        self._symm = is_symm
        self._herm = is_herm
github cvxgrp / cvxpy / cvxpy / problems / View on Github external
The variables or constraints where the values will be stored.
        offset_map : dict
            A map of object id to offset in the results vector.
        if len(result_vec) > 0:
            # Cast to desired matrix type.
            result_vec = intf.DEFAULT_INTF.const_to_matrix(result_vec)
        for obj in objects:
            rows, cols = obj.size
            if in offset_map:
                offset = offset_map[]
                # Handle scalars
                if (rows, cols) == (1, 1):
                    value = intf.index(result_vec, (offset, 0))
                    value = intf.DEFAULT_INTF.zeros(rows, cols)
                        value, result_vec[offset:offset + rows * cols], 0, 0,
                        rows, cols)
                offset += rows * cols
            else:  # The variable was multiplied by zero.
                value = intf.DEFAULT_INTF.zeros(rows, cols)
github cvxgrp / cvxpy / cvxpy / reductions / solvers / conic_solvers / View on Github external
def apply(self, problem):
        """Returns a new problem and data for inverting the new solution.

            (dict of arguments needed for the solver, inverse data)
        data, inv_data = super(CVXOPT, self).apply(problem)
        # Convert A, b, G, h, c to CVXOPT matrices.
        if data[s.A] is not None:
            data[s.A] = intf.sparse2cvxopt(data[s.A])
        if data[s.G] is not None:
            data[s.G] = intf.sparse2cvxopt(data[s.G])
        if data[s.B] is not None:
            data[s.B] = intf.dense2cvxopt(data[s.B])
        if data[s.H] is not None:
            data[s.H] = intf.dense2cvxopt(data[s.H])
        if data[s.C] is not None:
            data[s.C] = intf.dense2cvxopt(data[s.C])
        return data, inv_data
github cvxgrp / cvxpy / cvxpy / problems / solvers / View on Github external
def vec_intf(self):
        """The interface for vectors passed to the solver.
        return intf.DEFAULT_INTF
github cvxgrp / cvxpy / cvxpy / atoms / affine / View on Github external
def numeric(self, values):
        """Sums the entries of value.
        if intf.is_sparse(values[0]):
            result = np.sum(values[0], axis=self.axis)
            if not self.keepdims and self.axis is not None:
                result = result.A.flatten()
            result = np.sum(values[0], axis=self.axis, keepdims=self.keepdims)
        return result
github cvxgrp / cvxpy / cvxpy / lin_ops / View on Github external
The root linear operator.
    rh_val : NDArray
        The vector being convolved.
    transpose : bool
        Is the transpose of convolution being applied?
    is_abs : bool
        Is the absolute value of convolution being applied?

    NumPy NDArray
        The convolution.
    constant = mul(, {}, is_abs)
    # Convert to 2D
    constant, rh_val = map(intf.from_1D_to_2D, [constant, rh_val])
    if transpose:
        constant = np.flipud(constant)
        # rh_val always larger than constant.
        return fftconvolve(rh_val, constant, mode='valid')
        # First argument must be larger.
        if constant.size >= rh_val.size:
            return fftconvolve(constant, rh_val, mode='full')
            return fftconvolve(rh_val, constant, mode='full')
github cvxgrp / cvxpy / cvxpy / reductions / solvers / conic_solvers / View on Github external
Q = Q[:, rows_to_keep]
            # Invert P from col -> var to var -> col.
            Pinv = np.zeros(P.size, dtype='int')
            for i in range(P.size):
                Pinv[P[i]] = i
            # Rearrage R.
            R = R[:, Pinv]
            A = R
            b_old = b
            b =
            # If b is not in the range of Q,
            # the problem is infeasible.
            if not np.allclose(b_old,
                return s.INFEASIBLE
            dims[s.EQ_DIM] = int(b.shape[0])
            data["Q"] = intf.dense2cvxopt(Q)
        # Remove obviously redundant rows in G's <= constraints.
        if G is not None:
            G = G.tocsr()
            G_leq = G[:dims[s.LEQ_DIM], :]
            h_leq = h[:dims[s.LEQ_DIM]].ravel()
            G_other = G[dims[s.LEQ_DIM]:, :]
            h_other = h[dims[s.LEQ_DIM]:].ravel()
            G_leq, h_leq, P_leq = compress_matrix(G_leq, h_leq)
            dims[s.LEQ_DIM] = int(h_leq.shape[0])
            data["P_leq"] = intf.sparse2cvxopt(P_leq)
            G = sp.vstack([G_leq, G_other])
            h = np.hstack([h_leq, h_other])
        # Convert A, b, G, h to CVXOPT matrices.
        data[s.A] = A
        data[s.G] = G
        data[s.B] = b
github cvxgrp / cvxpy / cvxpy / problems / problem_data / View on Github external
# If there are no constraints, the problem is unbounded
        # if any of the coefficients are non-zero.
        # If all the coefficients are zero then return the constant term
        # and set all variables to 0.
        if not any(constr_map.values()):
            str(objective)  # TODO

        # Remove constraints with no variables or parameters.
        for key in [s.EQ, s.LEQ]:
            new_constraints = []
            for constr in constr_map[key]:
                vars_ = lu.get_expr_vars(constr.expr)
                if len(vars_) == 0 and not lu.get_expr_params(constr.expr):
                    V, I, J, coeff = canonInterface.get_problem_matrix([constr])
                    is_pos, is_neg = intf.sign(coeff)
                    # For equality constraint, coeff must be zero.
                    # For inequality (i.e. <= 0) constraint,
                    # coeff must be negative.
                    if key == s.EQ and not (is_pos and is_neg) or \
                            key == s.LEQ and not is_neg:
                        return s.INFEASIBLE
            constr_map[key] = new_constraints

        return None
github cvxgrp / cvxpy / cvxpy / problems / problem_data / View on Github external
block = self.vec_intf.reshape(
                    (block_size[0]*block_size[1], 1)
                mat_cache.const_vec[vert_start:vert_end, :] += block
                horiz_offset = self.sym_data.var_offsets[id_]
                if intf.is_scalar(block):
                    block = intf.scalar_value(block)
                    # Block is a numpy matrix or
                    # scipy CSC sparse matrix.
                    if not intf.is_sparse(block):
                        block = intf.DEFAULT_SPARSE_INTF.const_to_matrix(
                    block = block.tocoo()
                    I.extend(block.row + vert_start)
                    J.extend(block.col + horiz_offset)