How to use the curio.meta.finalize function in curio

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few curio examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github guyskk / curequests / tests / View on Github external
async def test_decode_unicode(httpbin):
    r = await get(httpbin + f'/encoding/utf8', stream=True)
    body = []
    async with finalize(r.iter_content(decode_unicode=True)) as gen:
        async for chunk in gen:
        assert r.connection.closed
    body = ''.join(body).encode('utf-8')
    assert len(body) == int(r.headers['content-length'])
github guyskk / curequests / tests / View on Github external
async def test_response_iter_lines(httpbin):
    r = await get(httpbin + f'/get', stream=True)
    body = []
    async with finalize(r.iter_lines()) as gen:
        async for chunk in gen:
        assert r.connection.closed
github theelous3 / multio / multio / View on Github external
def _curio_init(lib: _AsyncLib):
    import curio
    from ._event_loop_wrappers import (curio_sendall,
    lib.aopen = curio.aopen
    lib.open_connection = curio.open_connection
    lib.sleep = curio.sleep
    lib.task_manager = curio.TaskGroup
    lib.timeout_after = curio.timeout_after
    lib.sendall = curio_sendall
    lib.recv = curio_recv
    lib.sock_close = curio_close
    lib.spawn = curio_spawn
    lib.finalize_agen = curio.meta.finalize
    lib.cancel_task_group = _event_loop_wrappers.curio_cancel
    lib.unwrap_taskgrouperror = lambda error: [task.next_exc for task in error.failed]
    lib.unwrap_result = lambda task: task.result

    lib.Lock = curio.Lock
    lib.Semaphore = curio.BoundedSemaphore
    lib.Queue = curio.Queue
    lib.Event = curio.Event
    lib.Cancelled = curio.CancelledError
    lib.TaskTimeout = curio.TaskTimeout
    lib.TaskGroupError = curio.TaskGroupError

    lib.wait_read = _low_level.wait_read_curio
    lib.wait_write = _low_level.wait_write_curio
github nokia / moler / examples / layer_1 / curio / View on Github external
async def ping_observing_task(address):
    logger = logging.getLogger('')

    # Lowest layer of Moler's usage (you manually glue all elements):
    # 1. create observer
    net_down_detector = NetworkDownDetector('')
    # 2. ThreadedMolerConnection is a proxy-glue between observer (speaks str)
    #                                   and curio-connection (speaks bytes)
    moler_conn = ThreadedMolerConnection(decoder=lambda data: data.decode("utf-8"))
    # 3a. glue from proxy to observer

    logger.debug('waiting for data to observe')
    async with curio.meta.finalize(tcp_connection(address)) as tcp_conn:
        async for connection_data in tcp_conn:
            # 3b. glue to proxy from external-IO (curio tcp client connection)
            #    (client has to pass it's received data into Moler's connection)
            # 4. Moler's client code must manually check status of observer ...
            if net_down_detector.done():
                # 5. ... to know when it can ask for result
                net_down_time = net_down_detector.result()
                timestamp = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",
                logger.debug('Network is down from {}'.format(timestamp))
github Fuyukai / curious / curious / View on Github external
def finalise(cbl):
        from curio.meta import finalize

        return finalize(cbl)
    except ImportError:
        return _Finalize(cbl)
github guyskk / curequests / curequests / View on Github external
async def generate():
            async with self:
                async with finalize( as gen:
                    logger.debug(f'Iterate response body stream: {self}')
                        async for trunk in gen:
                            yield trunk
                    except ProtocolError as e:
                        raise ChunkedEncodingError(e)
                    except DecodeError as e:
                        raise ContentDecodingError(e)
                    except ReadTimeoutError as e:
                        raise ConnectionError(e)
                    self._content_consumed = True
github trollfot / trinket / src / trinket / View on Github external
async def response_handler(client, response):
    """The bytes representation of the response
    contains a body only if there's no streaming
    In a case of a stream, it only contains headers.
    await client.sendall(bytes(response))

    if is not None:
        if isinstance(, AsyncGenerator):
            async with curio.meta.finalize(
                async for data in
                    await client.sendall(
                        b"%x\r\n%b\r\n" % (len(data), data))
            for data in
                await client.sendall(
                    b"%x\r\n%b\r\n" % (len(data), data))

        await client.sendall(b'0\r\n\r\n')